User manual Carrier, model 50MQ
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manual abstract
They are air-to-air heat pumps designed for outdoor installation. They may be connected into existing duct systems which are properly sized and designed to handle an air quantity of 400 to 500 cfm per ton of cooling. Required connections include air ducts, condensate drain, line and control power wiring. Field-supplied filter must be installed in return air duct. (See Table 1 for filter size.) INSTALLER'S PRELIMINARY SURVEY Step 1 — Inspect Equipment — File claim with shipping company if shipment is damaged or incomplete. Step 2 — Complete or Consider the Following before installing the 50MQ unit: a. Consult local building codes for special installation requirements. b. Provide sufficient space for coil air flow clearance, wiring, and servicing unit. (See Fig. 1.) c. Locate unit where supply and return air ducts can be conveniently brought out to unit duct connections. d. Unit may be placed with duct side as close to building as condensate drain, top removal, duct connections and power connections will permit Position unit so water or ice from roof will not drop directly on top of unit or in front of coil e. Make provisions for condensate drainage and defrost water disposal. See Mounting Pad and Cooling Cycle Condensate Disposal. f. Roof installation method for 50MQ will depend on building construction and special requirements of local building codes. Ensure roof will support unit weight. See Mounting Pad for details. Table 1 — Installation Data (See Fig. 1.) UNIT 50MQ022 50MQ027 50MQ032 50MQ037 OPER WT (lb) 315 ~~330 340 353 DIMENSIONS (ft-in.) A 3- 6% В 3- 2 С* 2- 3s/8 2- 3s/8 2- 35/8 2- 1% D l-103/4 l-103/4 1-10% l~103/4 E 0- 63/16 0- 03^6 0- 63/16 0- 63/16 F 0-1013/16 0-10I3/I6 0-10I3/ï6 O-IO13^ G 1— 134б 1 — 1 % 6 1 — 1 3/] 6 1- 1346 "ÏÏÜCT CÔNN. Side-by-Side Rectangu ar (ft-in.) c , H 1- 9% Supply j 0- 103/8 К 1 - 95/8 Return ц 1- J%_ ’fÏLTÉR SIZÉt (in.j Disposable 20 X 25 20 X 25 15 X 20(2) 1 5 X 20 20 X 20 Permanent 15 X 20 20 X 20 20 X 20 20 X 25 ‘Dimension "C" ■(•Recommended includes 1 1/4-in built-in base support channels (2) field-supplied filters are 1-in. thick , ,,T 4-0 OVERHEAD AIR SPACE REQUIRED (DIM С r INCLUDES Iz-^ BASE CHANNELS-2) FRONT VIEW 11 KO-ELECT. HEATER HIGH VOLTAGE CONN. SPACE REQUIRED FOR SERVICE ON FRONT AND SIDES IS 3'-0" 2" KO FOR OUTDOOR THERMOSTAT CAPILLARY \ I 0IAM HOLE- \ CONTROL fy\ \ WIRING CONN &;\ \ x\ V II DIAM HOLE-UNIT V ' LINE WIRING CONN ^ ^ REAR VIEW §• ID SIDE CONDENSATE DRAIN FITTING SPACE REQUIRED FOR SERVICE ON REAR OF UNIT IS l'-0" © Carrier Corporation 1974 O SUPPLY AIR RETURN AIR Certified dimension drawings available on request Fig. 1 — Dimensions and Connections Form No 50MQ-1SI MOUNTING PAD Step 3 — On the Ground: Mount Unit on a Solid, Level Concrete Pad. See Fig. 2 for pad dimensions. Ensure pad does not obstruct coil slots in unit base pan. (Slots drain water during heating cycle). Construct pad a minimum of 6 in. thick to provide clearance under base pan coil slots for drainage and ice buildup. In areas where prolonged subfreezing temperatures, drifting or heavy snows occur, increase clearance to 12 to 18 inches. If climatic conditions dictate, construct an angle iron frame to support unit 12 to 18 in. off concrete base. Cross angle of frame must not obstruct base pan coil slots. Extend a 24-in. gravel apron around pad for condensate and defrost water drainage field. Step 4 — On the Roof: Mount Unit on a Level Platform or Frame. Unit must be elevated for proper clearance as described under ground installation above. Roof design and water drainage must be planned to prevent unit and its duct flashing from sitting in water. Fig. 2 — Concrete Pad Dimensions for system air duct design. When designing and installing ductwork, consider the following. a. When connecting ductwork to unit, do not drill holes in area shown below. Coil may be damaged. b. All units should have field-supplied filters installed in return air ductwork. Recommended sizes for filters are shown in Table 1. c Avoid abrupt duct size increases and reductions. d. Use flexible connectors between ductwork and unit to prevent transmission of vibration. When electric heater is installed, use fireproof asbes- • tos (or similar heat resistant material) connector between ductwork and unit discharge connection. Heat resistant duct connector must extend 24 in. from electric heater element. e. Size ductwork for cooling air quantity (cfm). The minimum air quantity for safe electric heater operation is: INDOOR ELECTRIC HEATER KW UNIT FAN 5.0 7.5 10.0 j 15.0 20.0 SPEED Cfm 50MQ022 Med-Lo 733 733 733 j - _ 50MQ027 Med-H i 900 900 900 - 50MQ032 Med-Lo ] 068 1068 1068 ; 1068 - 50MQ037 Med-Lo 1230 1230 1230 j 1230 1230 DUCTWORK Step 5 — Connect Supply and Return Air Ductwork to unit supply and return air duct connections. Refer to Fig. 1 and Table 1 for unit supply and return air connection sizes ...