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User manual Yamaha, model QY300

Manafacture: Yamaha
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manual abstract

REC Activates the record-ready mode in the QY300 SONG and PHRASE modes. The red REC key indicator will light, then recording will begin as soon as the [PLAY] key is pressed. The [REC] key can be pressed again to cancel the record-ready mode before recording is actually started by pressing the [PLAY] key. PLAY Starts playback from the current point in the song or phrase if the record- ready mode is not active, or recording from the same point if the record- ready mode is active. STOP Stops playback or recording. TOP Instantly returns to the first beginning of the current song or phrase (i.e. the first beat of the first measure). 10 Micro Keyboard This tiny 2-octave keyboard makes it possible to program the QY300 without having to connect an external MIDI keyboard. It’s even polyphonic, so you can directly enter chords as well as single notes. The only thing it lacks is velocity sensitivity. The QY300 does, however, accept velocity information from an external MIDI keyboard. When programming an accompaniment the micro- keyboard is also used to specify the chord roots and types to be entered. 11 Octave Keys Since the 2-octave range of the micro-keyboard is not enough for serious music programming, the [OCT DOWN] and [OCT UP] keys allow the pitch of the keyboard to be shifted up or down in octave steps, over a range of 8 octaves. Each time the [OCT DOWN] key is pressed the pitch of the keyboard is shifted down by one octave, until the lower limit is reached. The [OCT UP] key shifts the pitch of the keyboard up in the same way. When recording the accompaniment chord tracks in the step mode the octave keys perform several secondary functions, such as specifying “on-bass” or syncopated chords. The keyboard octave is reset to the OnormalO range (E2 E F4) when the power is turned off. 12 VOLUME Control The VOLUME control adjusts the volume of the sound delivered via the OUTPUT and PHONES jacks. Rotate the control toward “MAX.” to increase the volume. Set the VOLUME control to its minimum setting when connecting the QY300 to a sound system for the first time, then gradually increase the volume level until the required listening level is reached. This simple precaution can prevent unexpectedly high volume levels from damaging your speaker system (and maybe even your ears!). Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control cally affect the final sound. Use the demo song provided on the QY300 data disk to try out the various features and functions described in this section. Before you begin, be sure to select the SONG mode by pressing the [SONG] mode button. Play the Demo Song If for some reason the demo song has been erased or overwritten, it can be re-loaded from the supplied QY300 data disk. Follow the instructions on page 56 of this manual to load the all-data type file “DEMO”. NOTE Actual file names on the data disk supplied with the QY300 may be different from those given in the manual. Note that the name of the selected song appears to the right of the song number, and tracks which contain data are indicated by solid blocks below the track numbers (these are actually mute buttons, described below). The QY300 is shipped with a demonstration song and the required data already loaded. Play the demonstration song (Song number 01) to hear an example of what the QY300 can do, and use the demonstration song data to try out the playback features and parameters described in this chapter. 1 Select Song Number 01 Move the cursor to the song number on the LCD and select song number 01 (use the data dial, the numeric keypad, or the [–1/NO] key to do this). Mode indicators: [v] = Record Ready [m] = Stop [©] = Play or Record Tempo & time signature Song number Song name Measure number Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control Press the [©] key to start playback. The demo will automatically stop when it finishes, or you can press the [m] key to stop playback at any time. Loop Playback For continuous “loop” playback — i.e. playback of the song will repeat until stopped by pressing the [m] key — hold the [SHIFT] key while pressing the [©] key. The loop playback symbol ( ) will appear to the right of the song name. Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control Song Mode — Part 1: Playback & Control n The QY300 lets you locate any measure within a song quickly and easily in three ways: The Measure/Beat Parameter Beat number Measure number The large number to the left of the colon in this parameter is the measure number and the small number to the right of the shows the number of the current quarter-note beat within the current measure during playback and recording. To go directly to any measure within a song, place the cursor at the measure number and use the [–1/NO] and [+1/YES] keys, the data dial, or the numeric keypad to enter the number of the measure you want to go to. Remember to press [ENTER] after entering a measure number via the numeric keypad. The beat number wil...


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