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Setting this to “public” allows other users to download your file, while “private” allows you to prevent your file from being downloaded by other users. The setting “public” or “private” can be updated after uploading. You should log in to TENORI-ON Server before updating. Tapping [Upload] without logging in the server calls up the log-in window. For details about logging in to TENORI-ON SERVER, refer to “TENORI-ON Server Account” of System Menu in this manual. • This menu is unavailable when an Audio file or All Settings file is selected. Copy You can copy the data of the Audio file to the clipboard, from which the copied data can be obtained by another iPad/iPhone application. To use the Copy function, select “Audio” in the File Menu and tap [>] at the right of the file name to call up a new menu, in which [Copy] is shown. Tap [Copy] to call up the Clipboard window and tap [Copy Audio] in the window to copy the data of the selected Audio file to the Clipboard. • This menu is available only when “Audio” is selected. Update Allows you to edit the title and comments of your file on the server. 1. Select a file type from Song, All Blocks, Current Block, or Current Layer to call up the file list window. 2. Tap [Server] beneath the file list window to call up the window of your files on the server. 3. Tap [>] at the right of the file name to call up a new window. 4. Edit the comments and title in the window, then tap [Update]. • This menu is unavailable when an Audio file or All Settings file is selected. TNR-i Quick Guide Menu List Menu List Reverb and chorus effect settings. Reverb Type* Sets the reverb effect type. Reverb Param* Sets the reverb effect depth. Chorus Type* Sets the chorus effect type. Chorus Param* Sets the chorus effect depth. Interior Menu Settings not related to performance (clock, song playback). Interior Start Begins operation of the specified Interior mode. Tap [Start] in the Menu to immediately begin the operation specified at the “Interior Type” described below. • The Menu is not available in the Interior mode. Interior Type Selects the type of Interior mode operation. Range • Song(DEMO) .................. Plays the pre-programmed TNR-i Demo Song. • Song(USER).................... Randomly plays Song files from iPhone/iPad. • Clock............................... Displays the time on the TNR-i matrix. • Clock+Song(DEMO) ....... Displays the time on the TNR-i matrix while playing the pre-programmed TNR-i Demo Song. • Clock+Song(USER) ........ Displays the time on the TNR-i matrix while randomly playing Song files from iPhone/ iPad. Interior Time Sets the amount of time that must elapse before Interior mode begins. If the time specified here elapses without any operation executed, the TNR-i will change to the Interior mode specified at “Interior Type.” If the TNR-i often changes to the Interior Mode inadvertently, you may want to set Interior Time to a longer value. • Regarding actual operations, the TNR-i cannot recognize operations which do not affect the TNR-i sound output, such as simply changing the menu or editing but not finalizing the parameter value. This means that all your edits, performances or operations will be canceled if the TNR-i changes to the Interior mode. To prevent this from happening, you may want to set Interior Time to a longer value. Time Signal ON/OFF* Determines whether the time signal will be played or not. SaveAs Time Signal Saves the data in the current block for use as the time signal. System Menu Includes Initialize and various other system-related operations. Owner Name* Entering the name of the TNR-i owner Tapping the owner name will call up the on-screen keyboard. SaveAs Default* Saving the current settings as start-up defaults Tap [Save] in the menu to save the current settings. Initialize TNR-i system reset Tapping [Set] in the Menu will initialize the TNR-i. Manual Calling up the TNR-i Quick Guide TENORI-ON Website TENORI-ON Web appears in the Menu. • You will need to connect your iPhone/iPad to the Internet. TNR-i Quick Guide Menu List Menu List Calling up the SoundCloud Audio Library window. 1 2 3 4 5 6 % 1 Shows the list of recorded sound data in your iPhone/iPad. 2 Shows the list of sound data files which have been downloaded from SoundCloud. 3 Shows the list of recorded sound data files which have been uploaded to SoundCloud. 4 Shows the list of your favorite sound data files. 5 Shows all the uploaded sound data files for which Sharing has been set to “public.” 6 Sound data list displaying available data files for selection. 7 For connecting to SoundCloud. 8 Shows the available recording capacity. 9 Calls up the waveform of the currently selected sound data. ) Plays back the sound data files selected in the list. When playing back sound data directly from SoundCloud, the playback sound is output only from the iPhone/iPad. ! When the Library window is displaying the data files of Local: Opens the SoundCloud Upload window. When the Library window i...