User manual Yamaha, model Cloud Audio Recorder
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manual abstract
• The software andthis owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights ofYamahaCorporation. • Copyingofthesoftwareorreproductionofthismanualinwholeorin partby any meansisexpressly forbidden withoutthe written consentofthe manufacturer. ©2012YamahaCorporation.Allrights reserved. • Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software. • The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat differentfromthe screens which appear onyourdevice. • Apple,iPodtouch/iPhone/iPadaretrademarksofAppleInc.,registeredintheU.S.andothercountries. • The company names andproduct namesin thisOwner’sManual are the trademarks or registered trademarks oftheir respective companies. What is Cloud Audio Recorder? Thisapplicationletsyourecordthe soundof musicalinstrumentstoyouriPodtouch/iPhone/iPad(hereafterreferredtoas “iPad”) viathebuilt-inmicrophone.Therecorded datacanbeplayedbackand alsobenormalized,trimmed and signalprocessed ontheiPad.Recordeddatacanbefreely uploadedtoordownloadedfromSoundCloud. SoundCloud NOTE TouseSoundCloud, accessthefollowingURL,thenregisteryourname. IMPORTANT Copyingofcommerciallyavailablemusicsequencedataand/or digital audiofilesisstrictlyprohibited exceptforyourpersonal use.Never upload suchdatatoSoundCloud.Yamaha makes norepresentationsor warrantieswith regard tothe use ofthe software anddocumentation and cannotbeheld responsibleforthe results ofthe use ofthis manual andthe software. Data upload Datadownload Cloud Audio Recorder iPad Music Instruments Download/Upload Record/Edit/Playback Record Cloud Audio Recorder Owner’s Manual 2 1 Shows the sound level of playback or recording. 2 Shows the playback or recording time. 3 Enters the Recording Standby mode, in which tapping [n] exits from this mode while tapping [u] starts actual recording. 4 Pauses playback at the current position. 5 Stops recording/playback, or exits from recording standby. Record/Playback display .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Opens or closes the Configuration window. Calls up the Owner’s Manual. Opens the SoundCloud Upload window. Opens the Library window, in which you can select the desired sound data saved on both the application and SoundCloud. Opens or closes the Sound Edit window. 6 Starts recording/playback. 7 Touching this button rewinds the playback position. 8 Touching this button forwards the playback position. 9 Shows the title of the current data. SoundCloud Upload window SoundCloud Upload window For enteringthe musicalgenreortypeofsounddata withthe on-screenkeyboard. Whenthisissetto“ON,”youcanplaybackthe sound datadirectlyfromSoundCloud. Settingthisto“public”allowsyoutosharethe sound data onSoundCloudwith other users.Settingthis to “private”allowsyoutokeepthe sounddataon SoundCloudfrombeingaccessedby other users. Sound Edit window Uploadsthecurrent sounddatatoSoundCloud. For enteringatitleornameforthe sounddatawith the on-screenkeyboard. For enteringidentifyingtagstothe sounddatawith the on-screenkeyboard. Whenthisissetto“ON,”youcandownload sound datafromSoundCloud. Touchand slideleftward orrightwardtoadjustthe Touchand slideleftward orrightwardtoadjustthe Trim area. Trim area. Playsbacktheaudioshowninthewindow. ExecutesUndoofthelastTrimorNormalize operation. ExecutesNormalize,whichoptimizesthe entirelevel oftheaudiodata. ExecutesTrim, whichremovesthe specified areas. Opens theEffect window. Copiesthe sounddatatotheclipboard, from whichthe copieddata canbe obtained byanother application. Cloud Audio Recorder Owner’s Manual Effect window Effect window Suppressesthenoiselevelofthe sounddata. Movingthe sliderto rightwill suppressthe noise level,but mayalsodegradethe soundquality. AdjuststheReverbdepth. Adjuststhe volume. Playsbackthe effect-processedaudio. DeterminestheEqualizertype. none: Produces no effect. flat: Sets allfrequenciesto equallevels. sepia: Simulatesthe soundof old recordings. vivid: Emphasizesbothhighandlowfrequencies. Cloud Audio Recorder Owner’s Manual Cloud Audio Recorder Owner’s Manual 5 Library window 1 Shows the list of recorded sound data in your iPad. 2 Shows the list of sound data files which have been downloaded from SoundCloud. 3 Shows the list of recorded sound data files which have been uploaded to SoundCloud. 4 Shows the list of your favorite sound data files. 5 Shows all the uploaded sound data files for which Sharing has been set to “public.” 6 Plays back the sound data files selected in the list. When playing back sound data directly from SoundCloud, the playback sound is output only from the iPad. 7 Opens the SoundCloud Upload window. 8 Registers the currently selected sound data to Your Favorites. 9 Deletes the selected sound data file. ) Updates the window. The sound data list on the SoundCloud is updated to the latest settings. ! Calls up the information related to the currently s...