User manual Yamaha, model YT-2200
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®й Ф 1C f -У ^ 'Г > V 'т-'Р-0©Щ m й'йй ^ 5ЙЙ> ä Т0Г-, ÍD^tólCífi LL'®fe (6F22:006P-9V) ¿Sfci ЬТ <Гс$ l'e gR®c:«fflic4ôüâô, йуйасу7^^^-AC-05S/с lîAC-320) 5 ЙТТЙ b ä То é@(Dci;5lZbr®;fe55tîSLâTo ^;Ë0Ætî (+. -) £ ОЛЕ я: 41'et е> IZ Ы < £ S Lv íí; ът&пя&зкяаст7???-)«t‘JiS1 ^(ЩЁ-?1/у7 Ь-ЙК HlZctS[ES3l5r2?l'ä1i/uo ä/cSK l3B^[lP9T:-íD*=gíyj) ¿iSLäTo 2. ШШВИФСО^-^Х яавагаФ1;:75-йШй{51£и/-;:111ё. Í5HL'±líElzra^Hé^T¿:, ЙЙ %mï if • -m&LxTo ¿irosj'ijTsii emB4S«âlC 1*9— < t§ät»Ä‘J äTo ä/c. ^HL'iltEctUâ^lCiHSën ôtsâli. ШЙ1С^Щ1'±1/ЙЙ€>1'13 SSOi’V/^agwî5S777^—9— k^Ä.‘S.lcriSSZ *ï~ t' Д € г tí"C L '/с tz ё * То -&roi3^c:^E3ro.«54¿: cr^L'ä ь/с е>. ^î3l'±ltg^€>tMÎSI2(7)1’ÿ'/\ mSâ«S7’75'—'»-КД»Й5*Т? Í5S t4a 1э1£ К> /с $ I 'о i?V/\ttÂ#Ÿ± LMgJgg? х430 й?Н®Щ^гПФ;КЗТЮ§1^ 053-460-2431 I Ÿ -7 ^ШЖ^^аТ7 У I . îï я§«й<£ и« Я3й?*2*нп : fcsa’/-cxtr>?- Т064 ПЛгтФ5?Ей+*5) TSI-50*vy\-tr>5'-« та (011)513-5036 ms*f-t:xtz>9- т933 iJJëffiB?IEEST5-71i!ëE»nBScatr>y-3f та (022) 236-0249 tsm-tzХт—>э> х950 ИЛЖТзге 1-4-6 >Л/«-3<-ЛКЛ2F та (025) 243-4321 ПСЗЕ^-ЬГДО?- т211 Л!«аФ.9£*й1184 та(044)434-3100 *&V-tZZT—>з>* =5=106 «ÇKtSÂia2-17-11 CíiíSa^eaHn TEL (03) 5483-6625 =Г4Й Sí2r5±g5T911 W/4n)SnX-^P9 TEL(053)465-67II SSSV-XT-üs?- =F454 aSB3;=?JIIEill®J2-1-2 VV/40)SS®*atî>i?-3F TEL(052)652-2230 т565 KS¡f¡«SPHT1-16 -^Т/Чй^ВЕЪ>9-П та (06) 877-5262 т760 *!2ШЯАП8-7 -p-7/ЧОЖЙЕЯ та (0678) 22-3045 =г731-01 ШЯг55е*ЕйЯ2-27-39 Та(0б2)874-3787 т812 «Siîi^ÿEî*ÿC«i2-11-4 TEL (092)472-2134 *í5v-e:*tr>?- сши^-ея-о?- шяу-ея0>5'- лж*/-егд-ь>у- 1^«1 пх9-7-ч-£х& т435 якт±Ё5Т9п -fT/ynisnxÆ« TEL(053)4fô-1158 I -\Ty/N&ÿ:#îiLMg'HgB 1 *9- K^AHXJf t430 10* 14 TEL(053)460-2431 *.Ç$8LWHXa Tiœ Я?.еЛЕЖК2-17-11 Та(03)5488-М71 'gmäBLMSXlt т108 *.?В«ЕЖ1й2-17-11 Та(03)5488-1688 X®5SLMgxa т542 ^Íg^^5?s*«^3-l2-9(v5>í75*fe;nse) та (06) 252-5231 SS'îæSâMSXJJ =г460 гайаФЗЯ 1-18-28 Ta(C62)201-5199 ÄWSSLMSXJ т812 agm-«EHJKrj2-11-4 та(092)472-2130 ^ь«а5Е®л?яхя =r064 ftere^sm+ssiTai-soíw/Nfe^?-) та (011)512-6113 tüässLwsxa тэео'Л0Ш«яЕлгт2-2-ю та(022)222-6147 EBSELuaxa т7зо EBi5№icSEn-i-i8(vv/'e;w та(оег)244-з749 •»ssiaysuâs^issïtcii-ô^âs'ÆiVîT. гсойЦЛ’-'/ч.+- hZ-v-j-Tn, '/n-'-f-v П hifÉé¿L-C*»í¿«fcTr^»í l/v -WiSUKNtt-cvaiIcliüô •JtSriiftjK'tÜWCt ÜÏÏ Ь1ГЯПй'<УК£ЮЖ'ийЮй<*# L/j«SÍMí. >ЛИГЙ,];«иП"[ t«f) : ^s±tto)Bfre>iír^ra ;rWffllá¡ü?rKAUTi;gü— +). * The PITCH indicator at the extreme left will light up unless the power switch is turned OFF. ♦ For maximum battery life, always be sure the tuner is turned OFF when not in use. ♦ To prevent possible damage due to leakage of battery fluid, remove the battery from the tuner if it is not to be used for an extended period of time. ♦ Do not subject the tuner to strong physical shock or vibration. Do not use excessive force on any of the parts. ♦ Never use solvents such as benzine or thinner to clean the tuner. Wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth. ■ COMPONENTS ■ TUNING PROCEDURES • Auto Tuning (AUTO) In AUTO mode, the tuner will automatically select the note closest to the tone input for tuning. This is convenient for tuning during musical performances. 1. For electric instruments, connect the cord from the instrument to the INPUT jack O- (At this time, the OUTPUT jack O can be connected to an amplifier system.) * // sound is input at the INPUT jack ©. the sound will he transmitted to the OUTPUT jack © whether or not the power switch O is turned OFF. To ensure only the desired sounds during a musical performance, keep the power switch O in the OFF position. For acoustic instruments, place the instruments near as possible to the built-in microphone 0 when tuning. * The built-in microphone ® cannot he used when there is a plug in the INPUT jack ©. 2. Turn the power switch O to the “AUTO” position. 3. If desired, press the pitch switch Q to select the standard A4 pitch. (Refer to the Pitch Selection section for details.) When a note is played, the note indicator © closest to the corresponding pitch ...