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User manual Roland, model PK-25A

Manafacture: Roland
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manual abstract

NSW 2099 Musique & Son TEL: (2) 666 10529 CH-4452 Itingen, Rawda, Abdul Qader Jazairi St. AUSTRALIA Bldg. No. 21, P.O.BOX 13520, Z.I.Les Mangle DENMARK SWITZERLAND Damascus, SYRIA Roland Scandinavia A/S TEL: (011) 223-5384 Roland Shanghai Electronics 97232 Le Lamantin TEL: (061) 927-8383 Co.,Ltd. For Australia Martinique F.W.I. Nordhavnsvej 7, Postbox 880, Tel: (02) 9982 8266 UKRAINE (GUANGZHOU OFFICE) TEL: 596 596 426860 TURKEY DK-2100 Copenhagen For New Zealand TIC-TAC 2/F., No.30 Si You Nan Er Jie DENMARK ZUHAL DIS TICARET A.S. Yi Xiang, Wu Yang Xin Cheng, Tel: (09) 3098 715 Mira Str. 19/108 Gigamusic SARL TEL: 3916 6200 Galip Dede Cad. No.37Guangzhou 510600, CHINA 10 Rte De La Folie P.O. Box 180 Beyoglu - Istanbul / TURKEY 295400 Munkachevo, TEL: (020) 8736-0428 CENTRAL/LATIN AMERICAMIDDLE EASTFINLAND 97200 Fort De France TEL: (0212) 249 85 10 UKRAINE Martinique F.W.I. Roland Scandinavia As, Filial HONG KONG TEL: (03131) 414-40 TEL: 596 596 715222 U.A.E. Finland Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. Zak Electronics & Musical Service Division MEXICO Elannontie 5 UNITED KINGDOM FIN-01510 Vantaa, FINLAND Instruments Co. L.L.C. Roland (U.K.) Ltd. 22-32 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen ARGENTINA Casa Veerkamp, s.a. de c.v. TEL: (0)9 68 24 020 Zabeel Road, Al Sherooq Bldg., Atlantic Close, Swansea Wan, New Territories, Av. Toluca No. 323, Col. Olivar Instrumentos Musicales S.A. No. 14, Grand Floor, Dubai, Enterprise Park, SWANSEA HONG KONG de los Padres 01780 Mexico GERMANY Av.Santa Fe 2055 U.A.E. SA7 9FJ, TEL: 2415 0911 D.F. MEXICO (1123) Buenos Aires Roland Elektronische TEL: (04) 3360715 UNITED KINGDOM TEL: (55) 5668-6699 ARGENTINA Musikinstrumente HmbH. TEL: (01792) 702701 Parsons Music Ltd. TEL: (011) 4508-2700 Oststrasse 96, 228448th Floor, Railway Plaza, 39 NICARAGUA Norderstedt, GERMANY Chatham Road South, T.S.T, BARBADOS Bansbach Instrumentos NORTH AMERICA TEL: (040) 52 60090Kowloon, HONG KONG A&B Music Supplies LTD Musicales Nicaragua TEL: 2333 1863 12 Webster Industrial Park Altamira D'Este Calle Principal GREECE CANADA Wildey, St.Michael, Barbados de la Farmacia 5ta.Avenida STOLLAS S.A. INDIA Roland Canada Music Ltd. TEL: (246)430-1100 1 Cuadra al Lago.#503 Music Sound Light BAHRAIN Rivera Digitec (India) Pvt. Ltd. Managua, Nicaragua Moon Stores (Head Office) 155, New National Road 409, Nirman Kendra BRAZIL TEL: (505)277-2557 No.16, Bab Al Bahrain Avenue, 5480 Parkwood Way Patras 26442, GREECE Mahalaxmi Flats Compound Roland Brasil Ltda. P.O.Box 247, Manama 304, Richmond B. C., V6V 2M4 TEL: 2610 435400 Off. Dr. Edwin Moses Road, Rua San Jose, 780 Sala B PANAMA State of BAHRAIN CANADA Mumbai-400011, INDIA Parque Industrial San Jose SUPRO MUNDIAL, S.A. HUNGARY TEL: 17 211 005 TEL: (604) 270 6626 TEL: (022) 2493 9051 Cotia - Sao Paulo - SP, BRAZIL Boulevard Andrews, Albrook, Roland East Europe Ltd. CYPRUS Roland Canada Music Ltd. TEL: (011) 4615 5666 Panama City, REP. DE Warehouse Area ‘DEPO’ Pf.83 INDONESIA PANAMA Radex Sound Equipment Ltd. (Toronto Office) H-2046 Torokbalint, PT Citra IntiRama CHILE TEL: 315-0101 17, Diagorou Street, Nicosia, 170 Admiral Boulevard HUNGARY J1. Cideng Timur No. 15J-150 Comercial Fancy II S.A. CYPRUS Mississauga On L5T 2N6 TEL: (23) 511011 Jakarta Pusat Rut.: 96.919.420-1 PARAGUAY TEL: (022) 66-9426 CANADA INDONESIA Nataniel Cox #739, 4th Floor Distribuidora De IRELAND TEL: (905) 362 9707 IRAN TEL: (021) 6324170 Santiago - Centro, CHILE Instrumentos Musicales Roland Ireland MOCO INC. U. S. A. J.E. Olear y ESQ. ManduviraKOREA Asuncion PARAGUAY No.41 Nike St., Dr.Shariyati Ave., Roland Corporation U.S. TEL: (02) 688-9540 G2 Calmount Park, Calmount Avenue, Dublin 12 Cosmos Corporation COLOMBIA TEL: (595) 21 492147 Roberoye Cerahe Mirdamad 5100 S. Eastern Avenue Republic of IRELAND 1461-9, Seocho-Dong, Centro Musical Ltda. Tehran, IRAN Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938, TEL: (01) 4294444 Seocho Ku, Seoul, KOREA Cra 43 B No 25 A 41 Bododega 9 PERU TEL: (021) 285-4169 U. S. A. TEL: (02) 3486-8855 Medellin, Colombia Audionet ITALY TEL: (323) 890 3700 TEL: (574)3812529 Distribuciones Musicales SAC ISRAEL Roland Italy S. p. A. MALAYSIA Juan Fanning 530 Halilit P. Greenspoon & Sons Viale delle Industrie 8, Roland Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. Miraflores Ltd. 20020 Arese, Milano, ITALY 45-1, Block C2, Jalan PJU 1/39, Lima - Peru 8 Retzif Ha'aliya Hashnya St. TEL: (02) 937-78300 Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Tel-Aviv-Yafo ISRAEL TEL: (511) 4461388 Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA TEL: (03) 6823666TEL: (03) 7805-3263 As of December 10, 2005 (ROLAND) For EU Countries For EU Countries For the USA FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accorda...


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