User manual Roland, model MT-32
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purauani to Sutopin J, oi Ptm 16. of FCC rvi**. Operation with non<«*rtJfied or non-verified eouip-m*m f* iifcety to mull in kntarf ««nee la tmöka and TV r*ceoUcrv * Th» equipment йтгспйтй ln thia manual qiwmii and иаеа radia^frequancy enprjrr- W n u nci inaieüed еле u«4(t properly. fha» t*. *n *trto MtetMnu with out instruction*. И «i*y ««им miarttr-ana with tedio and television reception. Thit equipment hau tmm teeted ЯП4 fowftC to eompty *»«*h th* tonn* ior » Ci*«* 6 computing tí***c* tr accordance with Um apeoficatrpna m Subpafl J, of Pert 1fi, of FCC £ule*. Theae rul«» a*« eesroned te pfovtfl* г*моп*Ы» ß^mtcsicm ердок* «weh e ítit»rt»/*n«« *n * mUMntui mstetieiien. Hourmi, ther» l« no ouarantea that ihe interference will not occur in s particular installation. tf thr» equipment во«« eeuaeto r*ancee /»dio^faieviamn technician lor additional auoge^ions, You mey find httptul the fouowmß booklat fuaoered ey the Federal Com-munrcation« (Tommiviw “How to identily end Aaaotva Pedio-TV Inlerierenee P»ebJim»‘ 7hi* booalat r* eveKable from me U.S. Oe*#mm*nr Criming Offr««, Wethington. DC.. 204D2. Stack Mo. DM-000-0034^4. Please read the separate volume "MIDI’', before reading this owner's manual Copyright © 1987 by ROLAND CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. ----—^ Bescheinigung des Herstellers /Importoun Hiermit wird bncheimgt, d#Q der/dic/d» ROLAND MULT} -TIMBRE SOUND MODULE MT-32 (Catai, Typ BeietcAftuttfl in Übereiniiimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Amtsbl. Vfg 1046 / 1984 tAfnuWaitvetfu|un() funk-entstört in. Der Deutschen Bundetenn wurde da* Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes engezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie aut Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka / Japan tum* om HtJtMtai/lmpertaun V___ Thank you for purchasing the Roland MT-32 Multi-Timbre Sound Module. The MT-32 fully conforms to Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) standards, which define data exchange between electronic musical instruments and devices. The MT-32 operates in conjunction with the Roland Piano, piano recorder, digital sequencer, and other MIDI-compatible sound sources. Study this Owner's Manual and keep it handy so that the MT-32 can provide you with many years of musical enjoyment. CONTENTS PANEL DESCRIPTION........................... 2 CARE AND MAINTENANCE....................... 4 Power Supply ................................. 4 Connection................................ . . . 4 Power-on Procedure ............................. 4 Installation................................... 5 Cleaning..................................... 5 Cautions...................................... 5 1. FEATURES AND USE......................... 6 2. USING THE MT-32 WITH ROLAND SOFTWARE.......8 3. USING THE MT-32 WITH ORIGINAL DATA..........10 ROM PLAY...................................27 MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS........................28 1 2 MIDI THRU connector MIDI OUT connector MIDI IN connector -HEADPHONE jack •Owv«» DC#T0v •QN/д») fl."0 AC adapter jack OUTPUT jacks -POWER ON/OFF button CARE AND MAINTENANCE POWER SUPPLY O Be sure to use the AC adapter that comes with the MT-32. Use of a non-standard adapter could lead to errors and breakdowns. O For use in a region where voltage requirements are different, consult with your nearest Roland sales representative about the ACB-100, ACB-120, ACB-220, or ACB-240 AC adapter. o Do not use the MT-32 on the same power outlet as a motor, dimmer, or any other equipment that generates noise or consumes a large amount of power. O Connect the AC adapter to the MT-32's DC ...