User manual Roland, model LM-2B
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manual abstract
When playing using styies such as popping and slapping, the balance of the volume is improved since the peaks are suppressed. 9 Stnce the untt has been designed to provide the best possible effects when a bass guitar is used, there ss no loss in sound quality or reduction in clarity # Adoption of a high-performance VGA virtually eliminates deterioration in the sound quality. On top of this, the unit is designed with low-noise in mind. # Extremely natural limiting has been achieved thanks to a high-speed envelope detection circuit 0 Since the unit is equipped with an enhancer, the sound is defined more clearly, and becomes more alive. LÎTÏ-2B Bass Limiter i n m y LFVEl ENMANCfc ({ ^ )) THHESHCH.0 <- OUTPUT INPUT 4- Bass Limiter Lm-20 ! "C5" AC «1 BATTERV POWERED o- © O ° Î 0- EMHANCE (I ^ i) THHtSHOtP ^ OUI PUT INPUT 4- Bass Limiter — i_m~20 -O O O AC Adaptor Jack This jack accepts conneciion of the AC Adaptor (BOSS PSA-120.220 or 240; optional). * Use ol the AC adaptor allows you to play lor as Iona as von wish without hpimj concerned ¿ the battery wearing out * Make certain you use unty tlie specified AC adaptor IPSA Series) Use of any other AC adaptor can cause operational errors ot damage to the unit 0 Check Indicator Lights up when the effect is on. allowing you to confirm if the effect ts on or off * This indicator also serves as the Battery Check Indicator. When it becomes dim, or no longer lights, this means that the battery has been depleted and needs to be replaced with a new one. © Enhance Knob By adding upper range sound portions, the sound is defined more clearly, and becomes more alive. 1 ■ ; The enhancement effect becomes more pronounced [* ] : The enhancement etlect is reduced When the knol> ts moved fully counterclockwise, no enhancement effect at alt is applied O Level Knob Adjusts the level ol what is output when the effect is applied It should be adjusted so there is no d if lei en ce in volume between the time when Ihe effect is on and when it ts off [■ *] : The level ol the output is increased. [* ] : The level ol the output decreases. When the knob is moved fully counterclockwise, oo sound will be output when the effect is on. 0 Output Jack This jack is used for making connections with an amplifier or other effects devices 0 Pedal Switch Used to turn the effect on or off O Thumb Screw When this screw is loosened, the pedal opens, allowing for ihe battery to be changed For mloftnation on how to change the battery, refer to BATTERY REPLACEMENT ' * The screw should not be removed completely from the pedal. If it should come off, make sure you do not misplace it 0 Threshold Knob This knot) provides adjustment over the level at which the suppression of Ihe input signal will begin Whenever a signal which exceeds the level that has been set using this knob (the threshold level) is input, the output up to the threshold level is suppiussed Signals thai are below the threshold level are output as is C.1"*] ' The threshold level is raised, and su|>-pression of high powered input signals takes place [» ■] ! Ihe threshold level is lowered and the limiter etlect is strengthened. 0 Input Jack This jack accepts connection of a bass guitar or other electronic instruments and devices * The Input |ack is «guipped with a iiower switch When a plug is inserted into it, the power is turned on ; and when the plug is pulled out. the powei is turned otl When the unit is not being used, any cord connected to the Input jack should be disconnected. r ■CONNECTIONS f AC Adaptor Connect to the AC adaptor jack^kT ^*-*SS PSA Series -jm. ackkT ■OPERATION Once you have all cords connected. the knobs on the panel should lie set as shown in the illustration. * Always make sure you turn down the volume on your amplifier before connecting or disconnecting any cords © Depress the perlai switch thus turning the etlect on. (The Check Indicator wiil light up. I ® Using the Threshold knob ©, adjust Ihe level at which the limiter will begin to take effect. ■ BATTERY REPLACEMENT t loosen the thumb screw on the pedal to open il. (?>Take oui the battery from the battery housing and disconnect the battery snap. 'I?)Connect a new battery to the battery snap,then replace the battery in to the battery housing. * Make sure that the polarity of the battery is correct. i.i'lPush the coil spring into the spring base on the rear of the pedal.then close the pedal. * Make sure that the snap cord is not caught in the pedal or coil spring. v5)lnserl the thumb screw into the guide bush hole and firmly tighten the screw 3) Using the Level knob©, adjust the level ol the output. It should he adjusted so that there is no difference in volume when the effect is turned on or of1. © Use Hie Enhance knob © to ad|ust the amount ot upper-range sound that witl lie applied The further the knob is moved clockwise, th'e greater will be the amouni ol sound in the uppei-range lha...