User manual Roland, model KR-650
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manual abstract
manual hass ON.'Qf f iNUUIGENCE HOLD QN.orf r=n FH 1"°! r"~l -CHORD--Tone Ab3 -Manual Bass-Tone -Upper Tone Lower Tone When you play in the Upper section, both Upper and Lower Tones are layered and will sound together. What you play in the Lower section will be sounded using the Manual Bass Tone. 2. Selecting Tones ibnt' changcs can also be madu while a Style is playing, or while Manual Drums or Manual Sound El feels aie played vlL. The Tones for Upper / Lower / Manual Bass are selected using the buttons in the Tone Select Section. ©Changing Parts ©Changing Tone Groups A/B | ©Changing Tones -TONE SELECT- ut-^h K ’ I A rCZl'dJ I -"«3 CURSOR BASS |j I LOWER ' B M-PTre=n U £>» PIANO 1 PIANO L» HÜNKYIONK HARPS! E.PIANO 1 E PIANO 2 VIBRAPHONE MARIMBA ! I""1—1 "| t |.....PT|2 |1 lj |3 .3 fT^ | | a......| | i—i |, |......a1"1! ( 0 BRASS SYNTH BRASS TRUMPET MUTED TP SA>; OBOE CtARlNFJ FlUTE A STRINGS i STRINGS 2 VIOLIN CHOIR VOICE i ORGAN 1 F. ORGAN 2 PiPE ORGAN i L~J I I u |»orPl,iLLJ113i L-* I I |i:|l L-1 |if=P=*-|i. t>- A GUITAR b GUITAR I LGUHAR2 ACCORDION SAW WAVF i ANTASIA SWE.tr> PAD DRlGMTNFSS WOOD HASS FlNGLHtl) B PICKED B "RHIESS S3 SLAP B! SLAP BT SYNTHKl SVNTH (1? a. Upper Tone Any sound from among the 32 different sounds available for the Upper Tone (16 buttons x 2 groups) can be selected. Operation From the Master Screen : CD Press [ UPPER) and confinn that its indicator is lit. (2) Select the Tone Croup. With (A) pressed, and its indicator lit, you can select from the A Croup Tones; those printed above the Tone Select Buttons. With IJ0 pressed, and its indicator lit, you can select from the B Group Tones; those printed below» the Tone Select Buttons. i-C3 r=n r^r r=n n=~i r=r CE3 r^i CS3 "cs E3 CS3 CZ] ED E3 CDJE3' !}) Press the Tone Select Button corresponding to the Tone you wish to use. The indicator on the button you have pressed will light, and the name of the selected Tone will appear in the display. A The Tone Select Button that is fourth from the right on the upper row has been pressed, and E. Piano 1 has thus been selected for the Upper Tone. 16 1. Playing Ensembles b. Lower Tone Any sound from among the 32 different sounds available for the Lower Tone (16 buttons x 2 groups) can be selected. Operation From the Master Screen : Although the Tone Selcct Buttons con-: sist ot two rows, each having 8 button1:. only the buttons in the lower row an? available« lor making the selection of thf'; Manual Bass Tone. Tho names ot the Bass Tones (Bass : Croup) appoai ljelow the names for the B Group. When the jxjwer is turned on. tlx- following default sc-lations for Tones will I*1 ill effect : Upper--AOI Piano 1 Lower--A09 Stiinjis 1 Manual Bass---B09 Wood Bass !T) Press ( LOWER) and confirm that its indicator is lit. (2) Select the Tone Group. With ( A ) pressed, and its indicator lit, you can select from the A Croup Tones; those printed above the Tone Select Buttons. With ! B ) pressed, and its indicator lit, you can select from the B Croup Tones; those printed below the Tone Select Buttons. r-CED E3 I -ea- E3 r t ^ i r°1 CE3 r°r r^n - &* "" ‘ “_• ‘ _ L C23 CS3 CS3 E3 cn E3 cn ^T-nrr. -—r-ttr—»■ — ---------------«-<1-----«-»- ;j) Press the Tone Select Button corresponding to the Tone you wish to use. The indicator on the button you have pressed will light, and the name of the selected Tone will appear in the display. A The Tone Select Button that is third from the right on the lower row has been pressed, and F. Organ 1 has thus been selected for the Lower Tone. c. Manual Bass Tone Any sound from among the 8 different sounds available for the Manual Bass Tone can be selected. Operation From Ihe Master Screen : (j) Press i UPPER) and LOWER simultaneously, and confirm that their indicators are lit. (2) Press Ihe Tone Selecl Button corresponding to the Tone you wish to use. The indicator on the button you have pressed will light, and the name of the selected Tone will appear in the display. A The Tone Select Button that is fourth from the right on the lower row has been pressed, and Slap Bass 1 has thus been selected for the Manual Bass Tone. 17 Tone List ' :h< An an 11 CA 11 mmt* 01 whatever chord has been played in the Lower section will be shown in the display Chords tan thus be confirmed by both sight and sou...