User manual Roland, model FR-7
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Note: If the name already contains 8 characters (“Bandoneo”), the last character is erased (example: “Band one”). • To delete the character indicated by the cursor and move subsequent characters one position to the left, select it (example: “Celeste”) and press and hold [DOWN] (“Celete”). (3) Press the [MENU.WRITE] button to jump to the following page: (4) If necessary, select another Set and another register than the ones you are currently using. Press the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select “SET” or “REGISTER”, then turn it to select the number (1~40 for SET, 1~14 for REGISTER). r 40 2.1 Reed Type V-Accordion r 2.1 Reed Type V-Accordion r ) Press the [MENU.WRITE] button to save your changes. The display now briefly confirms that your settings have been stored: Note: Be aware that you can only edit one Treble register at a time. If you select another register before saving the changes for the previously selected register (by selecting “NO”), those changes are erased. Similarly, do not switch off the FR-7/FR-5 or select another Set before saving settings you want to keep: save them first. 2.1 Reed Type This parameter allows you to do two things that are impossible with an acoustic accordion: you can (a) transform the selected register into a different instrument and (b) assign different sounds to each footage the register plays. Note: You can only assign one TYPE to each footage (combina tions like “16= Bandoneon, 16= TexMex, 16= Organetto” are impossible). A register, as you may know, may contain several reeds tuned to different pitches (“feet”), so that you hear the 16’, 8’ and 4’ reeds when you select it, for example. The “Register” parameter below allows you to select the desired footage(s). Here, you specify how each reed (that can be assigned to a register) should sound. This allows for complex combinations like the following: <16> <8> <8–> <8+> <4> <5-1/3> <2-2/3> BandoneonClassicCajunF-FolkSteierischeTexMexTriktixa We’ll let you decide whether such a combination really makes sense, but it is possible… For each of the 14 Treble registers, that is. • If necessary, press the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the “FOOT” parameter, then rotate the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the reed you wish to assign another sound to. The options are: ALL, 16, 8, 8–, 8+, 4, 5-1/3, 2-2/3 • Press the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the “TYPE” parameter, then rotate the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select a type (“instrument”). The TYPE options are: Bandoneon, I-Folk, I-Folk2, Classic, Cajun, Jazz, F-Folk, D-Folk, Organetto, F-Folk2, Classic2, Studio, Tradition, Steierische, OldItaly, TexMex, Trikitixa. To save time while changing the TYPE for one or several reeds, you could proceed as follows: suppose all reeds are currently set to the “wrong” TYPE and you want to use 16’, 8’ and 4’ as “Bandoneon”. In that case, set FOOT to “ALL” and TYPE to “Bandoneon”. Next, use STATUS on the “2.2 Register” page to switch off the reeds you do not need. Note: Whenever you select “ALL” and set a different reed type, the “2.5 Valve Noise” setting is automatically adapted to the reed type you select here. You may have to change it afterwards if you wish to use a different noise type. 2.2 Register The parameters on this page are used in combination with the settings above. Here, you decide which feet should be audible and how they should be played. It is therefore on this page that you specify whether the sounds you selected above will indeed be used. Here comes another illustration: <16> <8> <8–> <8+> <4> <5-1/3> <2-2/3> BandoneonClassicCajunF-FolkSteierischeTexMexTriktixa On Off Off On- Cassotto Off On Off In our example, only 16’, 8’+ and 5-1/3’ are used. 8’+ is slightly softer than then other two reeds, because the Cassotto function is on. “Cassotto” is similar to the “Sordina” function discussed on page 21, but it only muffles the reed/footage in question (making the sound darker). The Sordina switch, on the other hand, applies to all accordion sounds of the Treble section. • If necessary, press the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the “FOOT” parameter, then rotate the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the reed you wish to assign another sound to. The options are: 16, 8, 8–, 8+, 4, 5-1/3, 2-2/3 • Press the [DATA.ENTER] knob to select the “STATUS” parameter, then rotate the [DATA.ENTER] knob to specify whether the selected reed should sound and whether it should be muffled. The STATUS options are: Off (no sound), On (sounds), On-Cassotto (muffled sound). 41 FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion FR-7/FR-5 V-Accordion r 2.3 Reed Volume (Off, –30~“Std”~30, Default setting: Std) Here comes the last parameter that can be set for each reed/footage individually. It allows you to create the desired “mix” (volume balance) for the active reeds (see the “2.2 Register” page). This is a relative parameter, which means that its value is added to or subtracted from the standard value (“Std”). As a rule, it would be wise to decide which reed is most important and set its Volume parameter to “Std”. Then r...