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User manual Roland, model JV-30

Manafacture: Roland
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manual abstract

Checking the message. Device A sends a DTI message back to Device B. Device (A) Device (S) [Data set t] «I ■ ■ — [Data set 1] —........................ * More than 20m sac time internal. [Data set S] -■■■........ [Dats set 0 —..........;-► -[Request cfata] The MIDI standards inhibit non-real time messages from interrupting an exclusive one. This fact is inconvenient for the devices that support a “soft-through* mechanism. To maintain compatibility with such devices, Roland has limited the DT! to 256 bytes so that an excessively long message is sent out in separate segments. Byte sum F7H Description FOH Exciusive 41H Manufacturer ID (Roland) DEV Device ID MDL Model ID 12H Command ID aaH Address MSB LSB Data Check sum End of exclusive * A DT! message is capable of providing only the valid data among those specified by an RQ! message. * Some models are subject to limitations in data formal used for a single transaction. Requested data, for example, may have a limit in length or must be divided into predetermined address fields before it is exchanged across the interface. * The number of bytes comprising address data varies from one Model ID to another. * The error checking process uses a checksum that provides a bii pattern where the leasi significant 7 bits are zero when values for an address, size, and that checksum are summed. Example of Message Transactions * Device A sending daia to Device B Transfer of a DTI message is all that takes place. Device (A) Device (B) [Data set I] » * More than 20m sec time internal. [Data set 1] —............. —........ [Data set 16 PART MULT! TIMBRAL SYNTHESIZER jv- 30 MID! IMPLEMENTATION Date : Jan. 6 1992 * Version : 1.01 D I Receive Data Channel Voice Message • Note off Status BnH 9nH Second Third kkH wH kkH ООН :0H-FH (ch.l - ch.16) ; ООН - 7FH CO - 1 27) : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) n «* MIDI channel number kk - Note number w » Vetocity ♦ Ignored when ‘Rx.Note message ** OFF*. ♦ In the drum part, recognized when "Rx.Note off ♦ Vetocity is ignored. ON" at each instrument. • Note on Status 9nH kkH MIDt channel number » Note number “ Vetocity Third wH ; OH - FH (ch.l - ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0-127) : 01H - 7FH (1 - 127) ♦ Ignored when "Rx.Note message « OFF". ♦ In the drum part, ignored when ’Rx.Note on • Polyphonic key pressure OFF” at each tone. AnH Second kkH MIDI channel number • Note number « Value Third wH : OH - FH (ch.l - ch. 16) : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) : ООН - 7FH (0-127) ♦ Ignored when "Ftx.Polyphonic key pressure * OFF". ♦ Effect to the parameter set on 'PAf controller function". No initial setting available. ♦ Control change ♦ Ignore all control change messages except channel mode messages when "Rx.Control change * OFF". O Bank select Second Status BnH BnH OOH 20H n - MIDI channel number mm, II - Bank number Third mmH I1H : OH - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) ; ООН, ООН - 7FH. 7FH (bank.! - bank.163B4) ♦ The LSB 7 - bit is ignored (value = 00). ♦ 'Bank select’ is suspended until receiving ’Program change". To select a timbre of another bank, you have to send Bank select (mm, II) before sending the Program change. ♦ The ’Variation number’ of the JV-30 is defined as the decimal number of the value of MSB (Control change number OOH) of the Bank select. O Modulation Status Second BnH 01H MIDI channel number = Modulation depth Third vvH : OH - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) ♦ Ignored when ’Rx.Modulation «OFF*. ♦ Effect to the parameter set on "MOD controller function’ The default setting is pitch modulation. O Portamento time Status 5econd BnH 05H n « MIDI channel number w • Portamento time ♦ The Portamento time value changes the rate of pitch change at portamento on. Third wH : OH - FH (ch.I - ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) O Data entry Second 06H 26H Third mmH IIH n « MIDI channel number : OH - FH (ch.1 — ch.16) mm. II » Value of the parameter specified with RPN and/or NRPN O Volume Status BnH Second 07 H MIDI channel number = Volume Third wH : OH - FH (ch.t - ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0-127) ♦ Ignored when ’Rx.Volume « OFF’. О Panpot Status Second Third BnH 0AH wH n m MIDI channel number : OH - FH (ch.) - ch. 16) w - Parrpot : OOH — 40H - 7FH (Left - Center - Right) ♦ Resolution of panpot is approx. 7 - btt (127sieos), ♦ Ignored when "Rx.Panpot « OFF". O Expression Status BnH Second 0ВН MIDI channel number » Expression Third wH : OH - FH (ch.! - ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) ♦ Ignored when "Rx.Expresston О Holdl OFF" Status 8nH Second 40H MIDI channel number « Control Value Third wH : OH ~ FH (ch.1 -ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0-127) 0 - 63 - OFF. 64 - 127 - ON ♦ ignored when “Rx.Holdî - OFF". O Portamento Status BnH Second 41H MIDI channel number » Control Value Third wH : OH - FH (ch.! - ch.16) : ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) 0 - 63 - OFF, 64 - ! 27 - ON ♦ Ignored when 'Flx.Portamento O Sostenuto ■ OFF' Status BnH Second 42H ...


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