User manual Roland, model DR-550MKII
Rhythm DR-550MKII Bedienungsanleitung f — ““ ~-For West Germany-■>, Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß der/dte/das m Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Or. Rhythm DR-550mkII Amisbi. Vfg 1 046/1984 (Gerat Typ Beietchnung) (Amisttlatlverlugung) lunk-entstort ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen emgeraumt Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Hersiellers'lmporteurs For the USA' RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING — T his equipment ('as. been ventied So ccmpty wilh the limits (or a Class B computing device pursuant to SuCipart j ot Pan 1f> Ol FCC rules Operation With non.certified or non-verified equipment is i*eiy !o icsuit in interference to radio and TV reception The equipment described in ¡his manual generates and uses raefco lieguenty energy ti ¡I ¡5 not installed and used properly. that is m slrict accordance wilh our instructions it may cause interference wilh tadio and television reception This equipment has been tested and found to comply wilh trie limns lor a Class B computing device in accordance tvnn the specifications m Suboan J ol Part I & ol FCC Rules These rules are? designed to provide reasonable protection agatnsl such a interference in a rasidential installation However iheie is no guarantee that the interference will not oocui in a particular installation If this equipment ctoes cause interference to radio of television reception which ran be determined Qy turning tile equipment on ano off the usf?r is encouraged to try to correct the mterterence by ine loftowrng measuie • Disconnect other devices anti then input output cables om* as a hmt? it the interference slops