Essentially this causes the flanger to emphasize lower frequencies. Parameter Adjustments: PI Speed, P2 Depth. Slap Back A very quick, short REPETITION of the ORIGINAL NOTE that sounds like the note just “slaps back at ya.” Chicken pickin’ anyone? Parameter Adjustments: PI Time, P2 Mix. Env Filter Short for Envelope Filter this effect is similar to Auto-Wah. The main difference is in the parameter adjustment. With the Env Filter we allow you access to the “Q” (Width of the frequency band Altered) which allows you to stray far from the sound of an Auto-Wah. Parameter Adjustments: PI Sensitivity (Threshold), P2 Intensity (Q) Chorus SIMILAR to the ANALOG CHORUS on the Stompbox encoder but with a LONGER DELAYLINE. What does that mean? Well it means this effect will allow you to create a “Wetter” signal than you would normally find on a “Stompbox” chorus pedal. In fact at it’s most intense setting you can clearly hear a doubling effect on the signal. Parameter Adjustments: PI Speed, P2 Depth Tremolo This effect is achieved through “amplitude modulation.” Huh? The note gets slightly louder and softer in rapid succession. Note: this effect is different from Rotary. With Tremolo there is no pitch fluctuation. Parameter Adjustments: PI Speed, P2 Depth Looper I cannot tell you how fun the looper is, but try as we might we couldn’t figure out how to start and stop the looper properly WITHOUT a FOOTSWITCH. So this function will require a Sanerpa I or Sanpera II foot controller. Waste no time in making that purchase! The looper will allow you hours and hours of fun. Basically you can record any 30-plus seconds of anything, switch your tone (Preset) and play on top of that. NOTE: the LED that corresponds to the looper on the encoder will turn on when recording or playing back the loop. ngineer* s Notes Restore Factory Default Settings To restore your amplifier to factory default settings (THIS PROCESS WILL ERASE ANY PRESETS YOU MAY HAVE STORED) turn the amplifier off, press and hold preset buttons 1 and 2 simultaneously and turn the amp back on. After a moment the LEDs will return indicating the amplifier has been reset. STOMP PI P2 Notes XR Wild Level Drive Tone knob set to 12 o’clock, 12dB more gain than pedal X Boost Level Drive Fuzz Level Drive Russian model, tone at o’clock, lOdB more gain potential BC Chorus Speed Depth Filters set to 12 o’clock, flat Squeeze Level Sensitivity Ring Modulator Freq Mix Modulation frequency from 80 hz to 2Khz Auto Wah Speed Depth At tnin Depth, Paraml serves as fixed Analog Flange Speed Depth Depth combines Width and Regen of original pedal MOG Octave Up Octave Down Level controls Analog Phase Speed Depth Depth adds regeneration for more intensity TubeScrm Level Drive Tone knob at 12 o’clock, 12dB more gain than pedal at max EFFECT PI P2 Notes Octaver Mix Octave Phaser Speed Depth 8 stage phaser Rotary Spkr Speed Depth Reverse Time Mix Max Mix = 0/100 Dry/Wet, 250msOther models in this manual: Musical Instruments - VYPYR 15 (9.32 mb) Musical Instruments - VYPYR 75 (9.32 mb) Musical Instruments - VYPYR 60 TUBE (9.32 mb) Musical Instruments - VYPYR 30 (9.32 mb)