manual abstract
The audio mixer shall have a rack-mountable frame which accommodates 16 stereo input channels, 2 main output channels and 2 alternate output channels. Each input channel shall be capable of accepting either stereo or monaural signals, and shall be fitted with stereo level, equalization, balance, solo, muting and auxiliary send controls, level-indicating (-20) LEDs and overload (O/L) LEDs. Input channels 1 through 4 shall each be fitted with left and right insert jacks. The main output channels shall each have a level control, an electronic level meter and a bus insert jack. Additionally, the mixer shall include a solo function, a monitor switching and control function, 4 stereo effects return inputs with alternate routing switching, 2 stereo pairs effects send outputs, 2 monaural effects send outputs, 1 stereo pair control room output, 1 stereo headphone output, 1 set of stereo tape recorder RCA outputs, and 1 set of stereo tape monitor RCA inputs. The mixer shall also include 2 independent patchable microphone preamplifiers, each fitted with an electronically balanced XLR input switchable phantom microphone powering, a preamplifier gain control and a balanced line-level output. 2. POWER SUPPLY. All necessary operating voltages for the mixer shall be provided by an internal shielded power supply. 3. INPUT CHANNEL CONNECTIONS. Each mixer input channel shall have a left and a right electronically balanced line-level input, accommodating a nominal line level of between –10 dBV and +4 dBu, and appearing on the rear panel as 1.4" TRS phone jacks (tip hot, ring cold). The jacks shall be fitted with internal switches to accommodate monaural configuration. Additionally, input channels 1 through 4 shall offer left and right unbalanced insert connections, appearing on the rear panel as 1.4" TRS phone jacks (tip send, ring return). 4. INPUT CHANNEL LEVEL AND ASSIGNMENT CONTROLS AND INDICATORS. Each mixer input channel shall be equipped with a rotary dual gain control, a solo switch, a mute switch which also functions as an assignment switch to the alternate output channels, and a stereo balance control. 5. INPUT CHANNEL EQUALIZATION. Each mixer input channel shall be equipped with a stereo equalization function. The equalizer shall have three sections: a low-frequency shelving equalizer with the knee set at 80 Hz and a range of ±15 dB; a midfrequency peaking equalizer centered at 2.5 kHz featuring a bandwidth of 2 octaves and a range of ±12 dB; and a high-frequency shelving equalizer with the knee set at 12 kHz and a range of ±15 dB. 6. INPUT CHANNEL AUXILIARY SENDS. Each mixer input channel shall have 1 stereo auxiliary send control and 1 monaural auxiliary send control. The auxiliary send controls shall be switchable between 2 sets of auxiliary send buses, 32x2x2 STEREO LINE MIXER ® 2 accommodating a total of 2 stereo auxiliary send buses and 2 monaural auxiliary send buses. 7. MAIN OUTPUT CONNECTIONS. The mixer shall have electronically balanced, line- level left and right main outputs, appearing as 1.4" TRS jacks (tip hot, ring cold) on the rear panel. Additionally, the main buses shall offer left and right unbalanced insert connections, appearing on the rear panel as 1.4" phone TRS jacks. 8. OTHER OUTPUT AND MONITORING CONNECTIONS. The mixer shall have the following balanced line- level connections, appearing as 1.4" TRS jacks on the rear panel: left and right alternate (3–4) outputs, left and right control room outputs. For convenience, the left and right main outputs and the left and right tape monitor inputs shall also appear as RCA phono jacks on the rear panel. There shall also be a stereo headphone output on the front panel of the mixer, carrying the control room monitor signals at levels and impedances proper for headphones. The headphone output connection shall be a stereo 1.4" TRS jack (tip left, ring right). 9. OUTPUT AND MONITORING CONTROLS AND SWITCHES. The mixer shall include 2 linear fader controls for gain adjustment of the main L/R outputs, covering a range from infinite attenuation to +10 dB above unity gain. A tape monitor switch shall alternately select either the main L/R outputs or the signal at the tape inputs as the source for the control room and headphones monitoring circuits. There shall be a stereo linear fader control for level adjustment of the control room monitor output, and a stereo rotary control for level adjustment of the headphone monitor output. The mixer shall have a stereo control for adjustment of the monitoring level of the internal solo signals, and a blinking LED to indicate channel solo condition. Additionally, any soloed channel(s) shall have their -20 and O/L LEDs light steadily, to indicate a solo condition. 10. OUTPUT METERING. The mixer frame shall include 2 12-segment LED meters each displaying a signal range from –40 dBu to +10 dBu, each with an additional LED indicating mixer clipping level at +22 dBu. The meters shall monitor the main left and right output chan...
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