Manafacture: Peavey
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manual abstract
BEFORE USING THIS APPLIANCE, READ BACK COVER FOR FURTHER WARNINGS. 40 OPGRhTING GUIDG The Basic™ 40 is a single unit, single channel amplifier which is the smallest of the range in our line of bass amplification. The Basic 40 produces well over 40 watts RMS into an 8 ohm load and is equipped with a very heavy-duty 12" speaker. The chassis and speaker are mounted in a ruggedly-constructed enclosure made of %" materials and covered with 34 oz. fabric reinforced vinyl. The system is very portable and will perform nicely for studio applications where levels are not as loud as large concert situations and the beginner bass player will certainly enjoy using this amplifier to its fullest extent for practice or even playing small concerts. While the Basic 40 is our smallest and lowest priced bass amp, it is still a professional system in quality and performance. Our DDT™ compression circuit (U.S. Pat. #4,318,053) maximizes this amp's performance so that the Basic 40 does not run out of power (headroom) as easily as competing bass systems. The DDT compression eliminates most amplifier clipping and, therefore, keeps the output signal much cleaner than amplifiers without this patented system. We have also included four bands of EQ, a preamp output/power amp input loop, pre and post gain controls, and our very effective "Pull Bright” control. All of the features listed above plus a new enclosure design add up to an unbeatable bass system within this size and power range. A comparison of features, quality and performance will illustrate the superiority of the Basic 40 over anything in its price/power category. 2 0 ( I- V < N _J < □ to. 0 “J LU o (vJLoi o N JL 01 o o n -g- m o n J°- ai o POWER ON/OFF SWITCH The front panel of the Basic'“ 40 includes the on/off power switch and this device is a conventional two position, rocker-type with the on indication at the top and the off indication at the bottom. ■POWER LED The LED on the front panel which is labeled Power (PWR.) notifies the operator that the unit is receiving power from the AC mains and it is ready for operation. ■DDT COMPRESSION Your Basic’“ is equipped with our patented DDT compression circuit which senses the onset of clipping in the power amplifier and allows the system to remain clean. This feature drastically reduces distortion which is normally heard when the speaker receives a clipped (distorted) signal from the power amplifier section. Speakers last much longer and the program material remains much cleaner with the DDT (Distortion Detection Technique) system. There is an LED indicator on the front panel of the amplifier which indicates when the system has gone into compression. There is no need to panic when this light begins to flash as it is merely stating that the system has reached its full power and no more output will be obtained in excess of the power limitations. In a system without DDT the amplifier will continue to try to produce more power than its rated output and this will be noticed in the form of distortion. EQUALIZATION •PRESENCE EQ CONTROL The Presence control boosts the high frequency response. This control may be utilized to obtain that extreme high frequency boost tha; is necessary for playing thumb-slap bass or for any reason where the extreme highs need to be emphasized. Pick noise and fingernail noise may be greatly increased by rotation of the presence control clockwise. By the same token, a player who desires to have none of the pick noise or finger noise reproduced may eliminate a great degree of extreme highs by operating the Presence control near its counterclockwise position. The operation of this control is conventional and you will note that it affects high frequencies above the frequency band of the high control. ■HIGH EQ CONTROL The High EQ control determines the overall balance of high frequencies in the response of the Basic'“. The action of this control is similar to that of the low frequency and the mid controls except for its high frequency effect. More high frequency content is obtained with clockwise positions while less emphasis is placed on the highs with counterclockwise operation. -MID EQ CONTROL The Mid Equalizer controls the all important mid-band which greatly affects the timbre and the overall tonal coloration of most any string instrument. The Basic™ may be equalized for the desired amount of mid-range "punch" that is necessary to create those tones that are popular in the studio and during concert situations with this control. This control operates on a 0 to 10 number scale and clockwise rotation indicates more emphasis for the mids while counterclockwise operation indicates less mids and a much ‘‘drier’’ overall tonality. Proper adjustment of the mid-range EQ is vital to the overall sound of many instruments and you should experiment with this control using your particular bass guitar and be familiar with the different tonalities that can be achieved by rotating ...