User manual Craftsman, model 580.751781
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manual abstract
-Frl. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m . Operation HOURS: 1 (CST) ° Customer Responsibilities CAUTION: Read and Follow o Service and Adjustment all Safety Rules and Instructions ° Repair Parts Before Operating This Equipment SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. Part No, 97019 Revision 1 (8/16195) SAFETY RULES IT CANNOT CON-.._ TACT SPARK PLUG, TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL STARTING WHEN SETTING UP, TRANSPORTING, ,_ CAUTION: ALWAYS DISCONNECT SPARK PLUG WIRE AND PLACE WIRE WHERE ,_ ADJUSTING OR MAKING REPAIRS TO YOUR HIGH PRESSURE WASHER. TRAINING: • Engine exhaust gases corrtainDEADLY carbon monoxido gas_ This dangerousgas, if breathed in sufficient concentraflons,can cause unconsciousnessor even death_Operatethisequipmentonlyintheopenairwhere adequate ventilationis available. ® WARNING: Engineexhaustfrom this productcontains chemicals,known,tncertainquantities, to causecancer, birth defects,or otherreproductiveharm. e Gasolineis highlyFLAMMABLEand its vaporsare EXPLOSIVE. Do not permitsmoking,openflames,sparks or heat in the vicinitywhile handlinggasoline. Avoid spillinggasoline ona hotengine.Allowunittocool for 2 mlnutasbefore refueling_Complywithall lawsregulaflng storageand handlingof gasoline • Locatethispressurewasherinareasawayfrom combustible materials,combustiblefumes or dust_ e The highpressureequipmentisdesignedtobe usedwith Sears authorized partsonly. If you use thisequipment withpertsthat donotcomplywithminimum specifications, the userassumesall risksandliabilities, • Some chemicalsor detergentsmay be harmfulif inhaled oringested,causingseverenausea,faintingorpoisoning The harmfulelements may cause propertydamage or severe injury. e DonotallowCHILDRENtooperatethePresaumWasher at anytime. PREPARATION: e Operate englne only at governedspeed Runningthe engine at excessive speeds increasesthe hazard of personal injury. Do not tamperwith partswhich may increaseor decreasethe governedspeed. o Do not wear looseclothing,jewelryor anythingthat may be caught inthestarteror otherrotatingparts e Before startingthe PressureWasher in cold weather, checkall partsof the equipment and be sureice has not formed there e Units with broken or missing parts, or without protective housingor coversshouldNEVER be operated_ • The mufflerandaircleanermustbe installedand ingood conditionbeforeoperatingthe PressureWasher. These componentsactassparkarrestors ifthe enginebackfires. • Checkthe fuel systemfor leaksor signsofdeterioration suchas chafedor spongyhose, looseormissing clamps ordamagedtankorcap. Correctall defects before operatingthe PressureWasher OPERATION: • Do notsprayflammableHquids. ,= Never aimthe gun at people, animals or plants. o Never allow any part of the body to come incontact with the fluid stream. DO NOT come in contact with a fluid stream created by a leak in the high pressurebese o High pressure stream of fluid that this equipment can produce can piemeskin and its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and possible amputation = High pressure spray can cause paintchipsor otherparticlesto becomeairborneand flyat highspeads, o Always wear eye protectionwhenyouusethisequipment orwhenyouare inthe vicinity wherethe equipment is in use. e Operate the pressure at no more than the PSI fluid pressureratedfor yourpressurewasher: e Nevermovethemachineby pullingon the highpressure hose. UsethehandleprovidedonthetopoftheuniL e Alwaysbe certainthespraygun,nozzlas andaccessories are correctlyattachad. • Neveruseaspraygunwhichdoesnothaveatriggerlock ortriggerguardinplacearrdinworkingorder. • Usearespiratorormaskwheneverthereisachansethat vaporsmay be inhaled Read all instructionswith the masksoyouare certainthe maskwill providethe necessery protectionagainstinhalingharmfulvapors e Highpressurespraymaydamagefragile itemsincluding glass_ Do not pointspraygun at glasswhen in the jet spray mode. e Keep the hose connectedto machineor the spray gun whilethe systemis pressurized.Disconnectingthe hose whilethe unit is pressurizedis dangerous. e Holdthe spraygun firmly in your hand before you start the unit. Failureto doso could resultinan injury from a whippingspray gurr_Do not leave the spraygun unattendedwhilethe machineis running_ • The cleaning area should have adequate slopes and drainageto reducethe possibilityof a fall due toslippery surfaces. e Keepwater spray awayfrom electricwiringor fatalelectric shock may result. o Do not adjust unloader valve to a pressure in excess of machine rating • Do not secure triggergun in thepull-back(open) position. e Do notby-passany safetydevice onthis machine. e Do notleavetriggerclosedfor more than5 minuteswith enginerunning Thiscoulddamagethe pump e The mufflerand engine heat up duringoperationand remain hot immediatelyafter shutting it down. Avoid contact with a hot muffler or engine or you could be severely burned, MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE: • Operate and storethisuniton a stablesurface. • Highpressurehosecandevelopleaksfromwear,kinking, abuse, etc. Water sprayingfrom a leak is ...