User manual Craftsman, model 580.75213
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manual abstract
-Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT) ®AssembJy ®Operation ADV =RT = CIA ,, Maintenance Beforeusingthisproduct,readthis Antesdeutiiizareiproducto,ieaeste manuatandfoiiow aliSafetyRuIes manuaiysigatodaslasRegIasde ®Parts and Operating instructions= Seguridade instrucciones de Uso= ,, Espa_oi, p. 34 Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, [L 68179 U.S.A. Visit our Craftsman website: Part No. 203771GS Draft -(04/18/2007) WARRANTY.......................................... SAFETYRULES...................................... FEATURES.............................. ANDCONTROLSASSEMBLY........................................ OPERATION ....................................... SPECIFICATIONS ..................................... MAINTENANCE .................................... 2 STORAGE........................................... 21 2-5 TROUBLESHOOTING.................................. 22 6 NOTES......................................... 23 & 31 7-10 REPLACEMENTPARTS.............................. 24-30 11-14 EMISSIONCONTROLWARRANTY..................... 32-33 15 ESPANOL......................................... 34-59 16-20 HOW TO ORDERPARTS ........................ BACKPAGE Ifthis pressurewasherfaiisduetoadefectin materiaiorworkmanshipwithin oneyearfromthedateofpurchase,returnitto anySearsstore, otherCraftsmanoutlet,orSearsParts&RepairCenterinthe UnitedStatesorCanadafor freerepair(or replacementif repair proves impossible). Aliwarrantycoverageappliesforonly90daysfrom dateofpurchaseifthis pressurewasheriseverusedforcommercial or rentai purposes. Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,andyou mayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstatetostate. Sears, Roebuck and Ce,, Heffman Estates, JL 68179 Sears Canada Jnc,, Terente, 8ntarie, Canada MSB 2B8 This is the safety alert symbol, tt is used to alert yea to potential persenaminjary hazards. Obey aH safety messages that fellow this symbemto avoid pessiNe injury or death. Hazard $ymhomsand Meanings _Read this manual carefully and become familiar with your pressurewasher. Knew its applications, ..... its limitations, and any hazardsinvolved. The safety alert symboi (,_) is used with a signal word (DAr/GER,CAUTION,WARNING),a pictorial and/or a safety Toxic Furnes Kickback ElectricalShock messageto alert you to hazards. BANGERindicates a hazard which, if not avoided, wi/'/resuIt in death or serious injury. WARNINGindicates a hazard which, if not avoided, cou/d result in death or serious injury. CAUTtONindicates a hazard SlipperySurface Fa_ FluidInjection which, if not avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury. NOTICEindicates a situation that could result in equipment damage. Foiiow safety messagesto avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death. Fire Explosion Operator's Manual Moving Parts FlyingObiects HotSurface © Sears Brands, LLC WARNING Theengine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. WARNING Running engine gives off carbon monoxide, an odoriess, coioriess, poison gas. Breathing carbon monoxide can cause headac!_e, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, confusion, seizures, nausea, fainting or death. Some chemicals or detergents may be harmful if inhaled or ingested, causing severe nausea, fainting, or poisoning. * Operatepressure washer ONLYoutdoors. , Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathrough windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings. o DO NOTstart or run engine indoors or in an enclosed area, even if windows and doors are open. o Use a respirator or rnaskwhenever there is a chance that vapors rnay be inhaled. , Readallinstructionswithmasksoyouarecertainthemaskwill provide the necessaryprotection against inhalingharmful vapors. WARNING Contact with power source can cause electric _iir Risk of electrocution. shock or burn. • NEVER spraynearpowersource. WARNING Fueland its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. death= Fireor explosion can cause severe burns or WidENA#UING8U URAiNIN6FUEL * TurnpressurewasherOFFandletitcoo[atleast2minutes beforeremovingfuelcap.Loosencapslowly'to relievepressure in tank. * Fillor drainfueltankoutdoors. o DONOToverfilltank.Allowspacefor fuel expansion. * Iffuelspi!ls,waituntilit evaporatesbeforestartingengine. o Keepfuelawayfromsparks,openflames,pilotlights,heat,and otherignitionsources. o DONOTlightacigaretteorsmoke. WidENSTARTINGEQUIPMENT o Ensuresparkplug,muffler,fuel cap,andair cleanerarein place. , DONOTcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved. WIDEN8PERATINGEQUIPMENT * DONOTtip engineor equiprnentat anglewhichcausesfuel to spill. o DONOTsprayflamrnabieliquids. WIDENTRANSPORTING 8U REPAIRINGEQUIPMENT , Transport/repairwithfue]tankEMPTYorwithfuelshutoffvalve OFF. , Disconnectsparkplugwire. WIDENSTOUINGFUEL8U EQUIP_dENTWiTidFUELIN TANE * Storeawayfromfurnaces stoveswaterheaters,clothes dryers,or otherappliancesthathavepilotlightor otherignition sourcebecausetheycanignitefuelvapors. WARNING Starter cord kickback (rapid retraction) c...