User manual American Audio, model SDJ-2
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To use the PITCH SLIDER (25) slide the slider up and down. Down will increase the pitch and up will decrease the pitch. Figure 45 ©American Audio® - - SDJ2™ Instruction Manual Page 28 PITCH ADJUSTMENTS (Cont.) Using the Pitch Slider Percentage Selector (10): You may choose a pitch operating range at any time. To change the operating range be sure the pitch function is turned on, see figure 44. The pitch percentage can be changed between +/-4%, +/-8%, and +/-16%. 4% will allow the least amount of pitch manipulation and 16% will allow the most amount of pitch manipulation. To adjust the different values, press the Pitch percentage Button (10) until your desired percentage is reached. Figure 46 2. Pitch Bending: Unlike the PITCH SLIDER (25) adjustment this function will momentarily increase or decrease a tracks speed during playback. This is done using the JOG WHEEL (16). The maximum pitch bend percentage allowed by JOG WHEEL (16) is +/-100%.The pitch bend function will work in conjunction with the PITCH SLIDER (25) pitch setting. For example, if the PITCH SLIDER (25) is set to a 2% pitch gain the pitch bending process will begin at 2% and will continue to the maximum of +/-16%. NOTE: A -100% pitch manipulation will stop playback entirely. This can only be done with JOG WHEEL (16). 3. JOG WHEEL (16): The JOG WHEEL (16) will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in playback mode, and the SEARCH BUTTON (17) is not active. Rotating the wheel in a clockwise direction will increase your track pitch and rotating the wheel in a counter-clockwise direction will slow your track pitch. If the JOG WHEEL (16) is continuously turned in a counter-clockwise direction the playback speed will steadily decreases and will continue to decrease until playback reaches a maximum of -100%. When you stop turning the JOG WHEEL (16) the speed will automatically return to it’s previous set speed. Figure 47 ©American Audio® - - SDJ2™ Instruction Manual Page 29 ADDING MUSIC TO YOUR SD CARD AND USB DEVICE When adding music to your SD Card, the files must be in Mp3 format. Make a folder for each artist, this will make it easier for you to find your desired songs. The SDJ2 can read SDHC cards (High Capcity ) up to 16GB. The file format is Mp3 only. Loading music into your SD Card: 1. Insert your SD Card into your computer. If there is no SD Card slot available, use an SD Card reader and insert the reader into the USB connection on your computer. 2. The SD Card will appear as "Removable Drive" when you access "My Computer". 3. Go to Windows Explorer or a similar program and simply "drag and drop" your music onto the SD Card (Removable Drive). Music will be recorded onto your SD Card in the same quality originally recored onto your computer. Note: Remember it is better if you make a folder for each artist, and then drop that folder onto your SD Card. 4. Once you are finished loading music onto your SD Card, eject the SD Card, and load it into the SDJ2. Loading music into your USB device: 1. Connect your USB device to the USB connection on your computer. 2. The USB device will appear as "Removable Drive" when you access "My Computer". 3. Go to Windows Explorer or a similar program and simply "drag and drop" your music onto the USB device (Removable Drive). Music will be recorded onto your USB device in the same quality originally recored onto your computer. 4. Once you are finished loading music onto your USB device, eject the device, and connect it to the SDJ2. ©American Audio® - - SDJ2™ Instruction Manual Page 30 "FLIP-FLOP" SET UP INSTRUCTIONS "flip-flop" (relay) connected to a "q" start mixer SERIALNO: MODELNO:Q-2422POWERSOURCE: 115/230V~50/60Hz13WMKIIMADEINCHINAMINMAXTRIMOUTPUTABBOOTH AUX/IN ©American Audio® - - SDJ2™ Instruction Manual Page 31 Warranty WARRANTY INFORMATION: The SDJ2™ carries a ONE year (365 days) limited warranty. This warranty covers parts and labor. Please fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase and warranty. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide a copy of your proof of purchase invoice. Please contact American Audio® customer support at (800) 322- 6337 for a R.A. number. All package not displaying a R.A. number on the outside of the package will be returned to the shipper. 1-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY A. American Audio® hereby warrants, to the original purchaser, American Audio® products to be free of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 Year (365 days) from the date of purchase. This warranty shall be valid only if the product is purchased within the United States of America, including possessions and territories. It is the owner’s responsibility to establish the date and place of purchase by acceptable evidence, at the time service is sought. ...