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User manual MSI, model Z77A-GD65 GAMING

Manafacture: MSI
File size: 8.76 mb
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Language of manual:en
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manual abstract

2-18 Install ng W nk ................................................................................................... 2-18 UTILITIES .......................................................................................................... 2-19 Updat ng the BIOS w th L ve Update.................................................................. 2-21 SECURITY ......................................................................................................... 2-22 Append x A Realtek Aud o.......................................................................... 1A- Install ng the Realtek HD Aud o Dr ver.................................................................A-2 Software Configurat on.........................................................................................A-3 Hardware Default Sett ng .....................................................................................A-5 Append x B Intel RAID................................................................................ B-1 Introduct on ..........................................................................................................B-2 Us ng Intel Rap d Storage Technology Opt on ROM............................................B-3 Install ng Dr ver ..................................................................................................B-10 Degraded RAID Array ........................................................................................B-12 System Accelerat on (opt onal) ..........................................................................B-14 RST Synchron zat on (opt onal) .........................................................................B-16 Append x C Install W ndows XP Notes....................................................... C-1 Install ng W ndows XP w th IDE Mode ................................................................ C-2 Install ng W ndows XP w th AHCI Mode.............................................................. C-3 x Chapter 1 Gett ng Started Thank you for choos ng the Z77A-GD65 GAMING Ser es (MS-7751 v5.X) ATX motherboard. The Ser es moth erboards are based on Intel® Z77 ch pset for opt mal system effic ency. Des gned to fit the advanced Intel® LGA1155 processor, the Z77A-GD65 GAMING Ser es motherboards del ver a h gh performance and profess onal desktop platform solut on. Gett ng Started Pack ng Contents Dr vers & Ut l t es D sc User Gu de BackplateMotherboard SATA Cable Opt onal Accessor es M-Connector USB3 to USB2 Connector SATA Power Cable USB 2.0 Bracket USB 3.0 Bracket SLI Cable eSATA Power Cable CrossF re Cable eSATA Bracket MSI Mult Connect Panel * These p ctures are for reference only and may vary w thout not ce. * The pack ng contents may vary accord ng to the model you purchased. * If you need to purchase the opt onal accessor es or request part numbers, please v s t the MSI webs te at .com/ ndex.php or consult the dealer. 1-2 Assembly Precaut ons MS-7751 ¦ The components ncluded n th s package are prone to damage from electrostat c d scharge (ESD). Please adhere to the follow ng nstruct ons to ensure successful computer assembly. ¦ Always turn off the power supply and unplug the power cord from the power outlet before nstall ng or remov ng any computer component. ¦ Ensure that all components are securely connected. Loose connect ons may cause the computer to not recogn ze a component or fa l to start. ¦ Hold the motherboard by the edges to avo d touch ng sens t ve components. ¦ It s recommended to wear an electrostat c d scharge (ESD) wr st strap when handl ng the motherboard to prevent electrostat c damage. If an ESD wr st strap s not ava lable, d scharge yourself of stat c electr c ty by touch ng another metal object before handl ng the motherboard. ¦ Store the motherboard n an electrostat c sh eld ng conta ner or on an ant stat c pad whenever the motherboard s not nstalled. ¦ Before turn ng on the computer, ensure that there are no loose screws or metal components on the motherboard or anywhere w th n the computer case. ¦ Do not use the computer n a h gh-temperature env ronment. ¦ Do not boot the computer before nstallat on s completed. Th s could cause permanent damage to the components as well as njury to the user. ¦ If you need help dur ng any nstallat on step, please consult a cert fied computer tech- n c an. Important A screwdr ver (not ncluded) may be requ red for computer assembly. Chapter 1-3 Gett ng Started Motherboard Spec ficat ons Processor Support ¦ 3rd Generat on Intel® Core™ 7 / Core™ 5 / Core™ 3 / Pent um® / Celeron® processors n an LGA 1155 socket Ch pset ¦ Intel® Z77 ch pset Memory Support ¦ 4x DDR3 DIMMs support for DDR3-1066/ 1333/ 1600/ 1866/ 2000/ 2133(OC)/ 2200/ 2400/ 2600/ 2667/ 2800 (OC, 22nm CPU requ red) MHz up to 32GB max ¦ Supports Dual-Channel mode LAN ¦ Supports LAN 10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet by K ller® E2205 G gab t* - *The K ller Network Manager s only ava lable for W ndows 7 and W ndows 8 currently. Th...


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