User manual Gigabyte, model GA-8S648
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(Default Value) 8Suspend The user press the pow er button once, then he can enter suspend mode. • S ys tem aft er AC Back 8LastState When AC-pow er back to the sy stem, the sy stem w ill return to the Last state before AC-pow er off. 8Off When AC-pow er back to the sy stem, the sy stem w ill be in "Off" state. (Default Value) 8On When AC-pow er back to the sy stem, the sy stem w ill be in "On" state. English -41 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish • IRQ [3-7, 9-15], NMI 8Disabled Disable this function. 8Enabled Enable this function. (Default v alue) • ModemRingOn 8Disabled Disable Modem Ring on function. 8Enabled Enable Modem Ring on function. (Default Value) • PME Event Wak e Up 8Disabled Disable this function. 8Enabled Enable PME Ev ent Wake up. (Default Value) • Power On by Keyboard 8Passw ord Input passw ord (from 1 to 8 characters) and press Enter to set the Key board Pow er On Passw ord. 8Any Key Set Key board pow er on by any key . 8Disabled Disable this function. (Default Value) CPower On by Mous e 8Enabled Enable Pow er On by Mouse function. 8Disabled Disable this function. (Default Value) • Res ume by Alarm You can set "Resume by Alarm" item to enabled and key in Data/time to pow er on sy stem. 8Disabled Disable this function. (Default Value) 8Enabled Enable alarm function to POWER ON sy stem. If RTC Alarm Lead To Pow er On is Enabled. Month Alarm : NA, 1~12 Day (of Month) : 1~31 Time ( hh: mm: ss) : (0~23) : (0~59) : (0~59) • Power LED i n S 1 s tate 8Blinking In standby mode(S1), pow er LED w ill blink. (Default Value) 8Dual/OFF In standby mode(S1): a. If use single color LED, pow er LED w ill turn off. b. If use dual color LED, pow er LED w ill turn to another color. GA-8648(-L) Motherboard -42 PnP/PCI Configurations CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are PnP/PCI Configurations PCI 4 IRQ Assignment PCI 1/5 IRQ Assignment PCI 2 IRQ Assignment PCI 3 IRQ Assignment [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] [Auto] Item Help Menu Lev el • higf: Mov e Enter:Select F5:Prev ious Values +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Sav e F6:Fail-Safe Defaults ESC:Ex it F1:General Help F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 6: PnP/PCI Configurations • PCI 4 IRQ As s ignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 4. (Default v alue) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 4. • PCI 1/5 IRQ As s ignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 1/5. (Default v alue) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 1/5. • PCI 2 IRQ As s ignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 2. (Default v alue) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 2. • PCI 3 IRQ As s ignment 8Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 3. (Default v alue) 83,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 3. English -43 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish PC Health Status CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are PC Health Status Reset Case Open Status Case Opened VCORE VCC18 +3.3V +5V +12V Current Sy stem Temperature Current CPU Temperature Current CPU FAN Speed Current SYSTEM FAN Speed CPU Warning Temperature CPU FAN Fail Warning SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning [Disabled] No 1.778V 1.856V 3.2V 4.945V 12.288V 33°C 45°C 5113 RPM 0 RPM [Disabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] Item Help Menu Lev el • [Disabled] Don’t reset case open status [Enabled] Clear case open status at nex t boot higf: Mov e Enter:Select F5:Prev ious Values +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Sav e ESC:Ex it F1:General Help F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 7: PC Health Status • Res et Cas e Open S tatus • Cas e O pened If th e case is closed, "Case O pened" w ill show "No". If th e case hav e been ope ned, "Case Opened" w ill show " Yes". If y o u w ant to reset "C ase Opene d" v alue, set "Res et Case O pen Statu s" to "Enab led" and sav e CMOS, y our co mputer w ill restart. • Current Voltage (V) VCORE / VCC18 / +3.3V / +5V / +12V 8Detec t sy stem' s v oltage status automatic ally . GA-8648(-L) Motherboard -44 • Current S ys tem / CPU Temperature 8Detec t Sy stem /CPU temp erature a utomatic ally . • Current CPU/S YS TEM FAN S peed (RPM) 8Detec t CPU/Sy stem Fan spe ed status automatic ally . • CPU Warning Temperature 8Disa bled Don't monitor CPU's temperatu re. (Default v a lue) 860°/1 40°F Alarm w hen CPU current temperatu re ov er than 60°/1 40°F. 870°/1 58°F Alarm w hen CPU current temperatu re ov er than 70°/1 58°F. 880°/1 76°F Alarm w hen CPU current temperatu re ov er than 80°/1 76°F. 890°/1 94°F Alarm w hen CPU current temperatu re ov er than 90°/1 94°F. • CPU FAN Fail Warning 8Disa bled Fan Warning fun ction disa ble. (Default v a lue) 8Enab led Enalb e FAN w arn ing alarm w hen FAN s tops. • S YS TEM FAN Fail Warning 8Disa bled Fan Warning fun ction disa ble. (Default v a lue) 8Enab led Enalb e FAN w arn ing alarm w hen FAN s tops. English -45 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish Frequency/Voltage Control CMOS Setup Utility -Copy right (C) 1984-2003 Aw ard Softw are Frequency /Voltage Control CPU Clock Ratio Linear Frequency Control x CPU Clock (MHz) x DRAM Clock (MHz)...