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User manual Gigabyte, model GA-8SDX

Manafacture: Gigabyte
File size: 2.41 mb
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Language of manual:en
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manual abstract

• Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. • Please do not remove any labels on motherboard, this may void the warranty of this motherboard. • Due to rapid change in technology, some of the specifications might be out of date before publication of this booklet. Before you instal l PCI cards, please remove the Dual BI OS l abel from PCI sl ots i f there i s one. DE CL ARATI ON OF C ONF OR M I TY Pe r FC C P art 2 S ect ion 2.1 077( a) Re spon sibl e P arty Nam e: G. B. T. IN C. (U .S .A .) Address: 17358 Railroad S treet Cit y of Ind ustr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/F ax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 hereby declares that the product Pr od uct N am e: M ot h er b o ar d Mo de l Nu mb er : GA -8 SD X Conforms to the follo wing specifications: FCC Par t 15, Sub part B, S ectio n 15 .107( a) a nd Se ctio n 15. 109( a), Clas s B Dig ital De vice Su pp lem en tar y Inf or mat io n: This device co mplies wi th part 1 5 of the FCC Rules . Operati on is subj ect to t he follo wing two conditi ons: (1) This de vice may not cause harmful and (2) this device must accept any inference received, including that may cause undesired operation. Representative Person’s Name: ERIC LU Signature: Eric Lu Dat e: December 31,2001 Declaration of Conform ity We, Manufa ctu rer/Imp o rte r (fu ll a d d ress) G.B.T. Technology Tr a ding GMbH Ausschlager Weg 41,1F, 20537 Hamburg, Germany declare that th e product ( descrip tion of th e appara tus, system, in stalla tion to which it re fers) Mother Board GA-8 SD X is in confo rmity with (refe rence to th e sp e cification under wh ich co n formity is declare d ) in acco rdance with 8 9 /336 EEC-EMC Directive • EN 55011 Limit s and m et hods of measurem ent • EN 61000-3-2* Dist urbances in supply system s cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of ?EN 60555-2 by household appliances and similar indust rial, scient ific and m edical (I SM elect rical equipment “ Harmonics” high f requency equipment • EN 55013 Limit s and m et hods of measurem ent ?EN 61000-3-3* Dist urbances in supply system s cause of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of ?EN 60555-3 by household appliances and similar broadcast receivers and associat ed elect rical equipment “ Volt age f luctuat ions” equipm ent • EN 55014 Limit s and m et hods of measurem ent ?EN 50081-1 Generic emission st andard Part 1: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of Residual com m ercialand light indust ry household elect rical appliances, port able t ools and similar elect rical ?EN 50082-1 Genericim m unit y st andard Part 1: apparat us Residual com mercialand light indust ry • EN 55015 Limit s and m et hods of measurem ent ?EN 55081-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of I ndust rialenvironm ent fluorescent lam ps and luminaries • EN 55020 I m munit y f rom radio int erf erence of ?EN 55082-2 Generic emission st andard Part 2: broadcast receivers and associat ed I ndust rialenvironm ent equipm ent ?EN 55022 Limit s and m et hods of measurement ?ENV 55104 lm m unit y requirement s f or household of radio dist urbance charact erist ics of appliances t ools and similar apparat us inf orm at ion t echnology equipm ent • DI N VDE 0855 Cabled dist ribut ion syst ems; Equipment ?EN50091-2 EMC requirement s for unint errupt ible • p art 10 f or receiving and/ or d i stri b u tio n f rom powersyst em s(UPS) • p art 12 sound and t elevision signals (EC conf ormit y marking) ?CEmarki n g T h eman u factu rer al so d ecl aresth e co n fo rmi ty of ab ove menti o n ed p ro du ct wi th th e actu al req u i red safety stan dard s i n acco rd an ce wi th L VD 73/ 23EEC • EN 60065 Saf et yrequirem ent s f or mains operat ed ?EN 60950 elil ect ronc and reat ed apparat us f or household and similar general use • EN 60335 Saf et y of household and similar ?EN 50091-1 elect rical appliances Manufacturer/Importer Signat ure: Ti mmy H uang (S ta mp ) Dat e : December 31, 2001 Name: Tim m y H uang GA-8SDX P4 Titan Motherboard USER’S MANUAL Pentium® 4 Processor M otherboard Rev . 1.0 Third Edition 12M E-8SDX-1003 GA-8SDX M otherboard Table of Content Re visio n Histo ry .............................................................................. 4 Ite m Che cklist .................................................................................. 4 WARNING! ....................................................................................... 5 Chap te r 1 Intro d uctio n ....................................................................... 6 Features Sum m ary ................................................................................................ 6 GA-8SDX M otherboard Layout ........................................................................... 8 Chap te r 2 Hard ware Installatio n Pro ce ss ............................................ 9 Step 1: Install the Central Proc essing Unit (CPU) ......................................... 10 Step 1-1: CPU Ins tallation ...


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