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(6 pin Female) PS/2 Keyboard Con nector (6 pin Female) • USB & LAN (*u) Connector • Befo re you connect your device( s) into USB connector(s), plea se make sure your device(s) such as USB keyboa rd,mouse, LAN (*u) scanner, zip, speaker. .etc. Have a s tandard USB interfa ce. Also make s ure you r OS USB 0 suppor ts USB controller. If your OS do es not USB 1 supp ort USB contr oller, please contac t OS vendor for possible patch o r driver up grade. For more information please contact your OS or device(s) ven dors. (*) For GA-8S650GXM only. (u) For GA-8S650GXM-P only. GA-8S650GXM Series M otherboard -16 • Parallel Port , Serial Port and VGA Port (LPT/COMA/VGA) Par allel Po rt (25 pin Female) COMA VGA Se rial Po rt VGA Port (9 pin Ma le) (15 pin Female) • Game /MIDI Ports Joystick/ MIDI (15 pin Fema le) • Audio Connectors M IC In (Center and Subwoofer) Line Out (Front Speaker) Line In(Rear Speaker) • This connector supports 1 standard COM port, 1 Pa rallel port and 1 VGA p ort. D evice like prin ter can be con nected to Par allel p ort; mouse and modem etc can be connected to Serial por ts. • This con nector supp orts joystick, M IDI keyboar d and other r elate audio d evices. • Afte r install on board audio driver , you may connect spea ker to Line Out jack, micro phone to MIC In jac k. Device like CD-ROM , walkma n etc ca n be conn ected to Lin e-In jack. Please note: You are able to use 2-/4-/6-channel audio feature by S/ W selection. If you want to enable 6-channel function, you have 2 choose for hardware connection. Method1: Connect "Front Speaker" to "Line Out" Connect "Rear Speaker" to "Line In" Connect "Center and Subwoofer" to "MIC Out". Method2: You can refer to page 25, and contact your nearestdealer for optional SUR_CEN cable. English If you want the detail information for 2-/4-/6-channel audio setup installation, please refer to page 63. -17 -Hardware Installation Process EnglishEnglish Step 4-2: Connectors & Jumper Setting Introduction 31 7 2 16 810 918 17 14 4 6 5 20 (*u) 19 13 11 21 12 15 1) ATX_12V 12) SUR_CEN 2) ATX 13) CD_IN 3) CPU_FAN 14) SPDIF 4) SYS_FAN 15) SPDIF_I 5) IDE1/IDE2 16) IR 6) FDD 17) F_USB1/F_USB2 7) DIMM_LED 18) COMB 8) PWR_LED 19) CI 9) F_PANEL 20) MODEM (*u) 10) BAT 21) CLR_PWD 11) F_AUDIO (*) For GA-8S650GXM only. (u) For GA-8S650GXM-P only. GA-8S650GXM Series M otherboard -18 1) ATX_12V ( +12V Power Connector) This connector (ATX _12V) suppliesthe CPU operation voltage (Vcore). If this " ATX_ 12V connector" is not connected, system cannot boot. 3 1 4 2 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 GND 3 +12V 4 +12V 2) ATX (ATX Power) AC power cord should only be connected to your power supply unit after ATX power cable and other related devices are firm ly connected to the m ainboard. 1 10 20 11 Pin No. Definition 1 3. 3V 2 3. 3V 3 GND 4 VCC 5 GND 6 VCC 7 GND 8 Power Good 9 5V SB( stan d b y +5 V) 10 +12V 11 3. 3V 12 -12V 13 GND 14 PS _O N ( softO n/ Off) 15 GND 16 GND 17 GND 18 -5 V 19 VCC 20 VCC English -19 -Hardware Installation Process EnglishEnglish 3) CPU_FAN (CPU FAN Connector) Please note, a proper installation of the CPU cooler is essential to prevent the CPU from running under abnorm al condition or dam aged by overheating.The CPU fan connector supports Max. current up to 600 m A. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 +12V 3 Sense 4) SYS_FAN (System FAN Connector) This connector allows you to link with the cooling fan on the system case to lower the system temperature. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 +12V 3 Sense GA-8S650GXM Series M otherboard -20 5) IDE1/ IDE2(IDE1/IDE2 Connector) Please connect first harddisk to IDE1 and connect CDROM to IDE2. The red stripe of the ribbon cable m ust be the sam e side with the Pin1. IDE1IDE2 1 39 2 40 6) FDD (Floppy Connector) Please connect the floppy drive ribbon cables to FDD. It supports 360K,720K,1.2M ,1.44M and 2.88Mbytes floppy disk types. The red stripe of the ribbon cable m ust be the sam e side with the Pin1. 1 34 2 33 English -21 -Hardware Installation Process EnglishEnglish 7) DIMM_LED Do not rem ove mem ory m odules while DIM M LED is on. It m ight cause short or other unexpected dam ages due to the 2.5V stand by voltage. Rem ove m em ory m odules only when AC Power cord is disconnected. + - 8) PWR_LED PWR_LED is connect with the system power indicator to indicate whether the system is on/off. It will blink when the system enters suspend mode. If you use dual color LED, power LED will turn to another color. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 M PD+ 2 M PD 3 M PD GA-8S650GXM Series M otherboard -22 9) F_PANEL (2x10 pins connector) Please connect the power LED, PC peaker, reset switch and power switch etc of your chassis front panel to the F_PANEL connector according to the pin assignm ent above. Sp ea ke r Co n ne cto r So f t Po we r Co n n e cto r Me s s a g e L E D / P o w e r / Sle e p L ED PW MPD MPD + S PK S PK + 20 1 19 2 11 PW + 1 HD + HD1 R SE + RS EN C 1 ID E H a rd Di sk Ac tiv e L ED Re s e t Swi tch HD (IDE Hard Disk Ac tive LED) Pin 1: LED ano...