User manual Gigabyte, model GA-8IE2004P
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Question 9: Why cannot I use the ID E 2? Answer: Please refer to the user manual an d check whethe r you have con nected any cab le that is n ot pro vided w ith th e mothe rbo ar d p ack ag e to the USB Ove r Cur ren t pin in the Fr ont U SB Panel. If the cable is yo ur own cable, please remove it from this pin and d o not connect any of your own cable s to it. Question 10: Sometime s I hear differe nt continuous be eps from compute r after system b oots up. What do these beeps usua lly stand for? Answer: The beep codes below may help you identify the possible computer problems. However, they are o nly fo r refer ence p urposes . The situations might differ fr om cas e to c ase. gAMI BIOS Beep Co des *Comp uter gives 1 shor t beep w hen system boots successfully. *Exce pt for be ep code 8 , these codes are always fatal. 1 be ep Refr esh failure 2 be eps Pa rity e rror 3 beep s Base 64K memory fa ilure 4 beeps Timer not oper ational 5 beeps Processor error 6 beep s 8042 -g ate A20 fa ilure 7 beeps Processor exce ption interrup t error 8 be eps Dis play m emory r ead/write failure 9 beeps ROM checksum error 10 bee ps CMOS shutdown registe r read/write error 11 beeps Cache memory bad GA-8IE2004P(-L) M otherboard -76 • AWARD BIOS Beep C odes 1 s hort: Syste m boots suc cessfu lly 2 sh ort: C MOS setting e rror 1 lo ng 1 s hort: D RAM or M/B e rror 1 lon g 2 short: Monitor or disp lay card error 1 long 3 short: Keyboa rd error 1 lo ng 9 sh ort: BIO S ROM e rror Continuou s long beeps: DR AM error Continuou s short beeps: Po wer error Question 11: Ho w to set in the BIO S in order to b ootup from SATA HDDs by eithe r RAID or ATA mode? Answer: Ple ase se t in the BIOS as follow: 1. Ad vanced BIOS fe atures --> SATA/RAID /SCSI b oot ord er: "SATA" 2. Advance d BIOS featu res--> Firs t boot devic e: "SC SI" 3. Integrated Peripher als--> Onbo ard H/W Ser ial ATA: "e nable" Th en it de pe nds on the SATA mod e tha t you ne ed to se t " RAID" to RAID mo de or "BASE" to normal ATA mode in the item named Serial ATA fu nction. Question 12:For the M /B which have RAID function, how to set in the BIOS in order to bootup from IDE3, 4 by either RAID or ATA m ode? Answer:Ple ase se t in the BIOS as follow: 1. Adva nced BIOS featu res-->(SATA)/R AID/SCSI b oot o rder : "SATA" 2. Advanc ed BIOS fe atures --> F irst boot device : "SC SI" 3. In tegrate d Perip herals--> Onboa rd H/W ATA/RAID: "ena ble" Then it depends on the RAID mode tha t you need to set "R AID" to RAID mode or "ATA" to normal ATA mode in the item named RAID contr oller function. Question 13:How to set in th e BIO S to bootup from the IDE/ SCSI/ RAID car d ? Answer:Ple ase se t in the BIOS as follow: 1. Adva nced BIOS featu res-->(SATA)/R AID/SCSI b oot o rder : "SC SI" 2. Advanc ed BIOS fe atures --> F irst boot device : "SC SI" The n it depen ds on the mode( RAID or ATA) th at yo u nee d to set in RAID/ SC SI BIOS. -77 -Appendix English EnglishEnglish Troubleshooting If you encounter any trouble during boot up, please follow the troubleshooting procedures . T urn off the power and unplug theAC power c able, then remove all of the add-on c ards and c ables from m otherboard. START Failure hasbeen exc luded. Yes Please m ake sure m otherboard & c hassis are not short ? No Please isolate the short pin. No Please m ake sure all jum per settings (such as CPU system bus speed, frequenc y ratio, voltage and etc .) are set properly. M ake sure the jum per setting arec orrec t. Yes Failure hasbeen exc luded. A Check if the CPU cooling fan attac hed to CPU properly. ls CPU c ooling fan power c onnec ted to CPU_FAN pr operly? Plu g the C PU co oling fa n p ow er in the C PU fan co nnec tor. P lug in the AC po w er c on ne ctor . Check if the m em ory installproperlyinto the DIM M slot. Yes In se rt an d pu sh th e m emo ry mod ule v ertically into the D IM M slot. Insert the VGAc ard. T hen plug in AT X power c able and turn on the system . No No Yes Failure hasbeen exc luded. Failure hasbeen exc luded. GA-8IE2004P(-L) M otherboard -78 Failure hasbeen exc luded. Yes No Is mem ory LED on and CPU fan running? Th e pr oblem c ou ld be cau sed by pow er sup ply , C PU , memory or C PU / mem ory sock et itself. Failure hasbeen exc luded. Yes No Is mem ory LED on and CPU fan running? Th e pr oblem c ou ld be cau sed by pow er sup ply , C PU , memory or C PU / mem ory sock et itself. A Yes No Failure hasbeen exc luded. Failure hasbeen exc luded. Yes Chec k if there is display. Perh aps y our VGA card / VG A slot or mo nito r is d efec tiv e. T urn off the system. Reboot after keyboard and mouse have been plugged in. Check if keyboard is working properly. It is poss ible th at y o ur k ey bo ard or ke y b oar d co nne ctor is defe ctiv e. Press to enter BIOS setup. Choose "Load Optimized Defaults" and save then exit setup. No No Yes T urn off the system and re-connec t the IDE c able. Chec k if the system c an reboot suc c essfully. Th e pr oblem w as pr obab ly cau sed by...