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User manual Gigabyte, model GA-8I865GVM-775

Manafacture: Gigabyte
File size: 4.33 mb
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Language of manual:en

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manual abstract

1001 12ME-I865GVMT-1001 Sep. 21, 2004 Motherboard GA-8I865GVM-775/GA-8I865GVMF-775 Motherboard GA-8I865GVM-775/ GA-8I865GVMF-775 Sep. 21, 2004 Copyright © 2 004 G IGA-BYTE TECHN OLOGY CO. , LTD . All righ ts r eserved. The tr ademarks m entioned in the manu al are leg ally regis tered to their respe ctive comp anies. Notice The written co ntent provided w ith this p roduc t is the pr operty of G igabyte. No part of this m anual may be reproduced, copied, translated, or transmitted in a ny form or by any me ans witho ut Gigab yte 's prior written per mis sio n. Spe cific ations an d feature s a re su bje ct to chang e without prior no tice. Product Manual Classification In o rder to assist in the use of this pr oduct, Gigabyte has c ategorized the user ma nual in the following: • For d etailed product information and sp ecifications, ple ase carefully rea d the "Prod uct User Ma nual". • For d etailed information relate d to Giga byte's u nique fea tures, please go to "Techn ology Guide" section o n Gigabyte 's website to read o r download the infor mation you need. Fore more p roduct details , pleas e click onto Gigabyte's website at w ww.giga byte.co m.tw Table of Contents GA-8I865GVM-775/GA-8I865GVMF-775 Motherboard Layout ................................... 6 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1 Hardware Installation ................................................................................ 9 1-1 Con sidera tions Prior to Ins tallation ..................................................................... 9 1-2 Feature Summary ............................................................................................... 10 1-3 Ins talla tion of th e CPU and Heats ink ................................................................. 11 1-3-1 Ins tallation o f the CPU ..................................................................................... 11 1-3-2 Ins tallation o f the Heats ink ............................................................................... 12 1-4 Ins tallatio n of Mem ory ........................................................................................ 13 1-5 Installation of Expans ion Ca rds ......................................................................... 15 1-6 I/O Back Panel Intr oduction ............................................................................... 16 1-7 Conn ectors Introduc tion ..................................................................................... 17 Chapter 2 BIOS Setup ........................................................................................... 27 The Main M enu (Fo r exam ple: BIOS Ver. : E2) .......................................................... 28 2-1 Standa rd CMOS Fe atures .................................................................................. 30 2-2 Advanc ed BIOS Fe atures .................................................................................. 32 2-3 Inte grated Periphe rals ........................................................................................ 34 2-4 Power Manag ement Setup ................................................................................. 37 2-5 PnP/PCI Config urations ..................................................................................... 38 2-6 PC Hea lth Status ................................................................................................. 39 2-7 Frequency/Voltage Control ................................................................................ 40 2-8 Load Fail-Sa fe Defa ults ...................................................................................... 41 2-9 Load Optimiz ed Defa ults .................................................................................... 41 2-10 Set Supervisor /User Pas sword ......................................................................... 42 2-11 Save & Exit Setup ............................................................................................... 43 2-12 Ex it W itho ut Saving ............................................................................................. 43 -4 Chapter 3 Drivers Installation .................................................................................. 45 3-1 In stall Ch ips et D rive rs ........................................................................................ 45 3-2 Software App lication ........................................................................................... 46 3-3 So ftwa re Infor mation ........................................................................................... 46 3-4 Hard ware Informa tion ......................................................................................... 47 3-5 Con tact Us ........................................................................................................... 47 Chapter 4 Appendix ......................


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