Manafacture: Delta
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manual abstract
Tool, Inc, 714 W, Grant 602-624-5248 Tucson 05719 Western Tool Inc, 702 So Campbell 602-804-0504 ARKANSAS Ft Smilh 72901 Tool Service Co, 4420 Wheeler Avenue 501-648-3125 Little Rock 72202 Eleclric Tool Service 1419 Wesl 10th Slreet 501-374-8180 CALIFORNIA City ol Industry 91745 Porter-Cable Corporalion 1305 John Reed Court 818-333-3566 Concord 94520-5679 California Electric Service 1170-G Burnell Avenue 415-827-1011 Fax: 415-827-5409 Covina 91723-3536 California Eleclric Service 612 S, Shoppers Lane 818-915-4935 Fax: 810-339-6505 Dublin 94568-2611 California Eleclric Service 6759 Sierra Court, Suile B 415-551-3390 Fax: 415-551-3392 Eureka 95501 Electric Tool Co. 2810 Park St 707-442-4267 Fonlana 92335-6797 California Eleclric Service 9794 Sierra Avenue 714-355-2500 Fax: 714-357-8429 Fresno 93703 R & R Machinery & Eleclric Inc 1919 E, Home Avenue 209-233-1213 Fullerton 92631-5215 California Electric Service 1311 E, Orangelhorpe Avenue 714-870-0900 Fax: 714-870-0729 Huntington Beach 92649 Modern Tool Service 15561 Product Lane Unit D-6 714-898-3425 Los Alamilos 90720-3958 California Eleclric Service 11284 Los Alamitos Blvd. 213-430-2668 Fax: 213-598-8726 Los Angeles 90004-5905 California Electric Service 140 S Vermont Avenue 213-388-9651 Fax: 213-308-8577 Los Angeles 92203 Minil Tool Company 3026 E„ Olympic 213-264-7006 Mission Viejo 92691-3128 California Electric Service 23725 Via Fabricante, Unit B 714-506-9440 Fax: 714-506-9514 Modesto 95351 Stanislaus Eleclric Mtr Wrks, 504 River Road 209-523-8269 National City 92050 Nall Tool & Machy, Repair, Inc. 241 W. 35th SI- STE D 619-422-8665 North Hollywood 91605 Bucknall Power Tool Service 11910 Vose Slreet 818-765-0228 Oakland 94606-4309 California Electric Service 1139 E. 121h Streel 415-034-1050 Fax: 415-836-1125 Oceanside 92054 Power Source 1555 S. Hill Streel 619-433-6600 Pasadena 91107-3785 California Electric Service 2594 E. Colorado Blvd 818-792-3194 Fax: 818-792-0511 Redding 96002 Electric Tool and Motor 915 Wall Slreet #1 916-222-1131 Sacramento 95614-6784 California Eleclric Service 1821 “Q" Streel 916-443-5711 Fax: 916-443-4092 Sacramento 95814 Construction Industry Service Company 1211 C Street 916-444-2525 San Carlos 94070-4168 California Electric Service 990 Industrial Road, Suile 102 415-593-6696 Fax: 415-593-6698 San Diego 92104-1593 California Eleclric Service 3430 El Cajon Blvd 619-283-6408 Fax: 619-281-3479 San Francisco 94103-4488 California Eleclric Service 1090 Bryanl Streel 415-431-8494 Fax: 415-431-9207 San Jose 95126-3154 California Electric Service 783 The Alameda 408-295-1723 Fax: 408-295-8451 San Leandro 94577 Porter-Cable Corporalion 3039 Teagarden Street P.O. Box 1913 415-357-9762 San Marcos 92069 Pro-Tek Tool Repair 215 Pacific Street, #111 619-471-4800 San la Ana 92707-2850 California Electric Service 2025 S Main Streel 714-641-0529 Fax: 714-641-2947 Santa Rosa 95401 Acme Eleclric Tool Repair 742 Wilson Street 707-546-5862 Santa Rosa 95403 H & V Tool Repair 1808 Empire Industrial Court #D 707-528-1111 Simi Valley 93065 Simi Tool Repair 1236 Los Angeles Avenue, Unil D 805-584-8138 Temecula 92390-5623 California Eleclric Service 41715 Enlerprise Circle North Suite 101 714-695-5445 Fax: 714-695-5447 Torrence 90502 Universal Tool Service 21804 S Vermont Avenue 213-328-6472 Van Nuys 91411-1018 California Eleclric Service 14753 Oxnard Street 818-997-8855 Fax. 818-997-3047 Whillier 90602 Ballels Hdwe & Tool Co. 13238 E Whillier Blvd 213-698-3714 W Los Angeles 90064-2110 California Eleclric Service 2314 S Weslwood Blvd., 213-475-2532 Fax: 213-475-2844 COLORADO Avon 81620 Tool Clinic 41000 Highway 6 303-949-6282 Colorado Springs 80219 Schlosser Tool and Machinery 3960 Sinlon Road 719-636-1311 Denver 80204 Porter-Cable Corporalion 2561 West 8lh Ave. 303-892-6113 Denver 00219 'Schlosser Tool and Machinery 301 Bryant Streel 303-922-8244 Grand Junction 81501 Professional Tool Service, Inc, 124 22nd a 303-245-3158 CONNECTICUT Hartlord 06106 Utility Eleclric Service, Inc. 53 Main Slreet 203-246-7271 Oakville 06779 Watertown Tool Supply 28 Main Streel 203-596-1344 DELAWARE New Caslle 19804 Holloway Bros. 19 E Commons Blvd, 302-322-5441 'Wilmington 19804 Holloway Bros. P.O Box 3055 302-322-5441 FLORIDA Ft Lauderdale 33334 Master Repair Inc, 4107 N.E 6th Avenue 305-566-5833 FI, Myers 33905 Power Tool Repair ol Ft Myers 9950 Orange River Blvd 813-694-6058 Gainesville 32609 Florida Fastener and Tool Co., Inc. 2826 N. Waldo Road 904-377-4507 Hialeah 33014 Porter-Cable Corporalion 16373-75 NW 57lh Ave. 305-624-2523 Jacksonville 32205 North Florida Machinery & Tool Repair 230-B Edgewood Ave. South 904-307-4455 Orlando 32803 Finch's Machinery & Tool Service Inc 1807% Winter Park Road 407-644-8100 Pensacola 32505 L. C. Electric Molor Service 117 Industrial Blvd. 904-476-7655 Riviera Beach 33404 3706 E Industrial Way 407-840-4320 Tampa 33609...