Other manuals for this model:
manual abstract
Medical conditions If you have a medical condition that
If you open your Mac Pro or install items other than memory
you believe could be affected by using Mac Pro (for example,
and SSDs, you risk damaging your equipment. Such damage
seizures, blackouts, eyestrain, or headaches), consult with
isn’t covered by the limited warranty on your Mac Pro. You
your physician prior to using Mac Pro.
can find more information about getting service at
High-consequence activities This Mac Pro is not intended
for use where the failure of the computer could lead to
death, personal injury, or severe environmental damage.
WARNING: Never push objects of any kind into this
product through the ventilation openings in the housing.
Operating environment Operating your Mac Pro outside
Doing so may be dangerous and damage your computer.
these ranges may affect performance:
Operating temperature: 50° to 95° F (10° to 35° C)
Cleaning your Mac Pro
Storage temperature: -4° to 113° F (-20° to 45° C)
Follow these guidelines when cleaning the outside of your
Relative humidity: 5% to 95% (noncondensing)
Mac Pro and its components:
Operating altitude: 0 to 16,400 feet (0 to 5000 meters)
 Shut down your Mac Pro and disconnect all cables.
Do not operate your Mac Pro in areas with significant
 Use a damp, soft, lint-free cloth to clean the exterior
amounts of debris, dust, or ash from cigarettes, cigars,
of your Mac Pro. Avoid getting moisture in any openings.
ashtrays, stoves, or fireplaces.
Do not spray liquid directly on your Mac Pro.
Turning on your Mac Pro Never plug in your Mac Pro unless
 Don’t use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives.
all of its internal and external parts are in place. Operating
your Mac Pro when parts are missing may be dangerous and
Understanding Ergonomics
may damage your Mac Pro.
Here are some tips for setting up a healthy work
Carrying your Mac Pro Before you lift or reposition your
Mac Pro, verify that the enclosure release switch located next
to the I/O panel is in the locked position. Shut down your
Mac Pro and disconnect all cables and cords connected to it
When you use the keyboard, your shoulders should be
before carrying it. To lift your Mac Pro, hold it with one hand
relaxed. Your upper arm and forearm should form an
on the bottom.
approximate right angle, with your wrist and hand in roughly
Using connectors and ports Never force a connector into
a straight line.
a port. When connecting a device, make sure the port is
Change hand positions often to avoid fatigue. Some
free of debris, that the connector matches the port, and
computer users might develop discomfort in their hands,
that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation
wrists, or arms after intensive work without breaks. If you
to the port.
begin to develop chronic pain or discomfort in your hands,
Storing your Mac Pro If you are going to store your Mac Pro
wrists, or arms, consult a qualified health specialist.
for an extended period of time, keep it in a cool location
(ideally, -4° to 113° F or -20° to 45° C).
Changing Memory and SSDs The enclosure release should
Position the mouse at the same height as the keyboard and
always be in the locked position except when removing
within a comfortable reach.
the housing. When the housing is replaced after changing
memory or the SSD, be sure to put the lock back in the
locked position. Failure to do so may result in physical
An adjustable chair that provides firm, comfortable support
damage to your Mac Pro from falling because the case lock
is best. Adjust the height of the chair so your thighs are
switch was not locked when Mac Pro was lifted using the
horizontal and your feet are flat on the floor. The back of the
top handle.
chair should support your lower back (lumbar region). Follow
the manufacturer’s instructions for adjusting the backrest to
Do Not Make Repairs Yourself
fit your body properly.
Don’t open your Mac Pro except to install memory and solid
You might have to raise your chair so that your forearms and
state drives (SSD), and don’t attempt to repair your Mac Pro
hands are at the proper angle to the keyboard. If this makes
by yourself. Your Mac Pro doesn’t have any user-serviceable
it impossible to rest your feet flat on the floor, you can use
parts, except for memory and SSDs. Please follow instructions
a footrest with adjustable height and tilt to make up for any
provided by Apple in memory and SSD kits. If your Mac Pro
gap between the floor and your feet. Or you can lower the
needs service, contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider
desktop to eliminate the need for a footrest. Another option
or Apple for service.
is to use a desk with a keyboard tray that’s lower than the
regular work surface.