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HP sa3110.qxd 2/28/01 10:00 AM Page 3
Performing the Initial Hardware Setup
Connecting the Device to the Network
1 Connect the supplied DB-9 console cable to the console port of the VPN device
To connect the VPN device to the network:
and to the COM port on your PC. Make a note of the communication port number
1 Turn the device off before connecting network cables.
on your PC.
2 Connect the supplied Ethernet cables to the Ethernet interfaces.
2 Plug in the power cable appropriate for use in your country.
To COM Port
3 Connect your Ethernet LAN cables to the shielded cables.
3 Turn on the VPN device by setting the power switch to the 1(one) position.
4 Turn the device on.
4 Configure and run your terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal*),
to create an active console session, using the following settings:
• 9600 baud
• No parity
• No hardware flow control
• 8 bits
• 1 stop bit
5 In the console window, select Transfer, then Capture Text.
6 In the File menu, select Save.
7 In the Save in and File name fields, select the folder and file name
underwhich you want to store your session file.
8 Click Save.
Console Port
9 Press Enter three times. Licensing text appears with a prompt. Press the
space bar or press Enter to scroll through the license agreement.
AC Power Cord
To accept the license agreement terms, press Y.
A name-and-state prompt appears: hostname:SAFE>
Bridge Mode On (Y/N) [n]:
10 Wait 60 seconds as the device changes from safe mode to normal mode.
Enter int E0 IP Address []:
Enter int E0 IP Subnet Mask []:
11 At the name-and-state prompt, enter enable.
Enter int E1 IP Address []:
AC Power Cord
At the name-and-state prompt, enter admin.
Enter int E1 IP Subnet Mask []:
Enter Default Gateway [ | interface no]:
13 At the name-and-state prompt, enter setup.
Enter Manager Password [password]:
The system prompts you for the host name.
Enter time zone [GMT]:
Enter year [2000]:
Enter a name up to eight characters long. For example, vpn1.
Enter month [9]:
The system displays a series of prompts and, in square brackets,
Enter day [1]:
examples of responses.
Enter hour [16]:
Enter minute [28]:
Respond to the prompts (shown at right) by entering the appropriate
Enter second [1]:
Once you have connected your VPN device to the network behind your
information and pressing Enter.
Do you wish to save configuration to flash? [y]:
firewall, configure the device using Hewlett-Packard SA3000 Series VPN
Note: When the system prompts you to enter the time zone, enter the
Manager included on the CD-ROM. Follow the instructions in the
time zone with respect to Greenwich Mean Time. For example, to set the
Installation Guide for installing the VPN Manager.
time zone for Boston, enter timezone est 5 edt.
This completes the initial hardware setup. Remove the console cable from the VPN device.