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This CONTENT file lists the Software Product Revisions (SPRs) that
are included in, and excluded from, this Release Version Update
(RVU). It cites all SPRs for Product Versions
released with and since G06.15 that were available shortly before
the First Customer Shipment (FCS) of G06.29.
This file consists of two parts: Part 1, Included SPRs, and Part
2, Excluded SPRs. SPRs for obsolete products are not listed in
Part 2, but might appear in Part 1 if replacement products include
the SPR's function.
Check the Software Product Maintenance List (SPML) file to
determine whether a product is supported in the new RVU. The
latest SPML and Hardware Product Maintenance List (HPML) can be
found at the Product Lifecycle & Support website:
This CONTENT file is on the SUT in TGAL format as the file CONTENT
in the Y9230* subvolume.
More current SPR information, if it exists, can be found using
Scout for NonStop Servers.
Revision History
G06.29.00 07JUL06 Initial Release.
Part 1: Included SPRs
Listed below are the SPRs for Product Versions released with and since
G06.15 whose complete fixes and features are included in G06.29.
Initial Product Version Updates (PVUs) are indicated by blanks in the
Updt column. This list contains the following three types of SPRs:
o SPR in G06.29
SPRs with an "*" under "SPR in G06.29" are present (i.e., have
some or all of their distributed files) in G06.29.
Products that have only Successive PVUs marked in this column may
nevertheless have files from the initial PVU in the DSV.
Successive PVUs often do not include every file for a product.
o New and Changed Products in G06.29
SPRs with an "+" under "Change from G06.28" are present in G06.29
but are not present in G06.28, which is the base RVU for G06.29
They might be for new products or be changes to existing products.
Products unchanged from G06.28 do not show a "+" in the "Change
from G06.28" column.
Review the G06.29 Release Version Update Compendium for a summary
of what has changed between G06.28 and G06.29 , and the softdocs
of the SPRs with a "+" under "Change from G06.28" for details.
o SPR Included in G06.29
SPRs with an "I" under "SPR Included in G06.29" are included in
the RVU in some form, though the SPRs themselves are not present.