User manual Medion, model MEDION AKOYA P6815 (MD 98061) UK - MSN: 30014011
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An email will only be delivered to the respective recipient if it does not contain any dangerous elements. . Web Filter / Child Protection The Web Filter will block visits to dangerous web pages and will create a safe working environment during Internet surfing in this way. Child protection allows access to Internet resources and programs to be restricted flexibly for different users of the computer depending on age. PLEASE NOTE! Kaspersky Internet Security will be activated automatically if the Internet connection is active. Manual activation will not be necessary. Kaspersky Internet Security will be deactivated automatically after a test period. We recommend the acquisition of a licence in good time, to ensure the optimum protection of your computer, for this reason. The Kaspersky Internet Security Package will be updated with the most up-to-date virus information for a test period after the free registration. Read the activation information about this on the internet at: PLEASE NOTE! The operating system and anti-virus software are automatically updated when the first online connection is made. These processes usually take a few minutes, during which time the operating speed of the computer may be affected although this is only noticeable on initial start-up. Data and System Security The programs described below are part of your Windows operating system. You can find additional information on these programs in the Windows Help file. Please also read the notes on page 10. Data Security Back up data regularly on external media such as a CD-R or CD-RW. Windows offers Backup Status and Configuration. This program is found in Accessories . System Tools within the Start menu. You should make a backup disc with all your passwords and the operating system’s original configuration. Maintenance Programs You can avoid some hardware and software errors with the help programs such as Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup. The help program System Information can also be helpful as it gives you detailed information about your system configuration. You can also find these programs in Accessories . System Tools too. System Restore Windows® 7 provides a useful function (System Restore) enabling the storage of so-called Recovery points. The system remembers the current configuration as a snapshot and returns to this, if necessary. The advantage is that an unsuccessful installation can be rolled back. Recovery points are created automatically by the system, but they can also be set manually. You can determine and configure yourself the maximum memory taken up by this. You find this program in the program file under Accessories . System Tools. We recommend setting a recovery point before installing new software or drivers. At this point if the system does not run properly this recovery point should enable you to return to a workable configuration without deleting newly created documents. In the next paragraph you will find your options for the repair of an incorrect installation. Windows® Update Windows Update is the online updating of Windows. Use Windows Update to download elements such as security updates, important updates, the newest help files, drivers and Internet products from the Internet. The website is regularly updated with new content, so that you can download the newest updates and error corrections at any time, to protect the notebook and guarantee its functioning. Windows Update will search through the notebook and provide a list of individual updates especially for the configuration of your notebook. Each update that Microsoft regards as important for the operation of the operating system, programs or hardware components will be classified as an “important update” and automatically selected for installation for you. Important updates will be provided to remove known problems and to protect the notebook against known security risks. Carry out four simple steps, to download the updates needed and to keep your notebook on the current status of technology: > Click on Start . > Click on . All Programs. > Open Windows Update. > Click on Check for update. > Click on Add to select the desired update and to add it to the updates to be installed, while you are searching through the available updates in each category. You can also read a complete description of each individual element by clicking on the Read further Link. > Click on Check and install updates, when you have selected all the desired updates, and then click on Install now. Windows Update Information for Data Security Windows Update needs certain information about the respective notebook, so that a suitable list with updates can be provided for you. This information will include the following: . Version number of the operating system . Version number of Internet Explorer . Version numbers of additional software programs . Plug & Play identification key of the hardware devices Windows Update will stand up for the protection of your pri...