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All Rig hts Reserved. No part o f this doc umentation, including but n ot limited t o the productsand software desc ribed in it, may be r eproduced, tr ans mit ted, transcribed, stor ed in a retr ieval system, o r translated into any language, in any form or by any mea ns without the express written pe rmission of Gig abyt e Technology. Trademarks Pro ducts and corp orate nam es appearing in this manu al m ay be registered tr ademarks orcopyrights o f th eir respective companies and are used only for ident ification or explanat ion purposes witho ut inte nt to infringe. Other product names us ed in t his m anual may be tr adem arks or re gister ed tradem arks oftheir r espective owne rs. The aut hor assum es no responsibility for any err ors or omissions t hat may app ear in thisdocumen t nor does the aut hor make a comm itm ent to updat e the informat io n c ont ain ed herein. Third-par ty brands and names are the property of their respective owners. Discla ime r The in for mation cont ained in this documentat ion is subject to chan ge without n otice. Gigabyte Technology makes no r epresentations or warr anties of any kind, either exp ress or implied, with respect to the cont ent s hereof, including but not limite d t o im pliedwarrant ie s of mercha ntability or fitness for a part icu lar purpose. In no event shall Gig abyt e Techn olo gy. Be liable fo r any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, interr uption of business, or indirect, special, incident al, or consequential dama ges of any kind arising fromthe use of this pro duct o r documentat io n. Gig abyt e Technology reser ves t he right to revise or change this pro duct or document at io n at any time wit hout obligation of Gigabyte Techn olo gy. To not ify any person of such revision or c hanges. May/ 2002 P. E1 G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s M anual ..• Pr e fa ce This system un it is designed to be st able, safe, and easy to use. The sys tem can be upgraded and exp anded in function easily if c orrect proce dure is fo llowed. For your own safety and t o avoid accident al d amage to your system, please ensure you follow the following pr ecautions: ..• Follow all the warnings and instru ctions m arked on the pr oducts. ..• To rem ove or c lea n t he product, r emember to unplug the power co rd. ..• Place your syst em unit in a cool, clean space, to be far away from water, he at and dust. ..• Before connect ing an y p eripheral eq uipme nt, please unplug the po wer cord from t he system unit to pr even t unexpected d am age. ..• The AC inpu t supplies power to the system unit. Check your dealer if you can notrecognize th e t ype of the power s upply. CAUTI ON Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly rep lac ed. Replace o nly with t he sam e or equivalent type recommen ded by the m anufact ure. Dispose of used batter ies accor ding t o the m anufact urer’s instructions. ..• Intr od uction G-MAXTM series prod uct , to adopt m ain board of de sig n & developme nt by GIGABYTE that is Flex ATX me chanical design in adva nce, let you work smoot hly in W indows envir onment . Flex ATX ad opt dexter ous m echanic al des ign , so it is eas e b y a ssem bly & safeguard . Specification Over view Flex ATX ch assis Flex ATX m ain board of GIGABYTE Power su pply DVD-ROM / CD-ROM 1.44 “ FDD Power co rd Keybo ard (o ption) Multi I/O car d ( option) P4 CPU coo ler (opt io n) Assem bly Box Content Main boa rd user’s manu al Foot s tand User ’s m anual Scr ew ba g Driver CD Mouse (option) HDD I DE cable SPDIF cable (F or those mo dels with SPDIF o nly) Cable tie DVD M edia Pla yer (Fo r those mod els with DVD-ROM only) P. E2 G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s M anual ..• Ite ms inclu ded in the pa cka ge Sof tw are and Ma nua ls Ca bl es Pow er Cor d PC Fo ot St an d Mo use (O pt ion) Keyb oard (Opti on) P4 C PU c oo ler (Op tion) P. E3 G-MAXTM G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s M anual I. Cha ssis ..Dim ension 410( D)m m x 89(W )mm x 305(H)mm This chassis is made with m aterial complied wit h UL specificat ion and designed for s pace saving and easy open wit h thum bscr ew. Ther e a re one 5.25” and two 3. 5” d rive bays. This chassis com plies with corr esp onding EMC and safet y regulations. II. Mo therboard See M otherb oard Manua l for det ails. III. Power Supply The ATX swit ching power supp ly included wit h this pro duct s upports soft off function. Hence, th e syst em can be shut down autom atically. Default in put voltage setting is 2 30V. .. Note : Please check the voltage re quirements in the count ry y ou reside befor e turning on the PC. IV. Syste m Co mpo nent I nstallation ¦HDD As sembly 1. Unscrew each side of the chassis and p ush th e p anel t ogether with t he uppercase toward th e front. 2. Take both t he scr ews on the front end off and pull the HDD supp orting frame out. HDD fram e P. E4 G-MAXTM G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s M anual 3. CPU In this section you will find t he gis t of CPU installation. 3-1. In sert CPU into the CPU s...