manual abstract
Let the appliance complete one brewing cycle without a filter and ground coffee (see chapter ‘Using the appliance’). Clean the detachable parts (see chapter ‘Cleaning’). You can store excess cord by pushing it into the opening in the back of the appliance (Fig. 2). Using the appliance , Brewing coffee 1 2 ,, Fill the water tank with fresh, cold water (Fig. ). The graduations on the left are for large cups (120ml) (Fig. ). The graduations on the right are for small cups (80ml). Open the filter holder (Fig. 5). EnglisH 7 Take a paper filter (type 1x4 or no. 4) and fold the sealed edges to prevent tearing and folding (Fig. 6). Put the filter in the filter holder (Fig. 7). Note: Some versions come with a permanent filter. In this case you do not need to use paper filters. 5 Put ground coffee (filter-fine grind) in the filter (Fig. 8). -For large cups: use one heaped measuring spoon of ground coffee for each cup. -For small cups: use one level measuring spoon of ground coffee for each cup. Close the filter holder. (Fig. 9) Place the jug on the hotplate (Fig. 10). Press the on/off switch to switch on the appliance (Fig. 11). When all the water has passed through the filter, you can remove the jug from the appliance (Fig. 12). 6 7 8 9 10 After you have poured coffee, put the jug with the remaining coffee back onto the hotplate to keep it hot and to preserve its flavour. Brewing another jug of fresh coffee right away If you want to brew another jug of fresh coffee right away, switch off the appliance and let it cool down for three minutes. Fill the water tank again and put a new amount of ground coffee in a new paper filter (or in the permanent filter after emptying and cleaning it). Now you can make fresh coffee again. Heating up coffee in the microwave If you want to heat up coffee, you can place the jug in the microwave, even with the buffer ring (HD7502 only) attached. Features Drip stop , The drip stop system prevents coffee from dripping through the filter onto the hotplate when you remove the jug from the appliance during or after brewing. Protective buffer ring (HD7502 only) (Fig. 1 ) , The jug has a detachable buffer ring that helps prevent the jug from breaking. cleaning Never immerse the appliance in water. Unplug the appliance. Clean the outside of the appliance with a moist cloth. 1 2 Detach the filter holder. (Fig. 14) You do not have to remove the spring. 5 6 Detach the front of the filter holder. (Fig. 15) Detach the buffer ring (HD7502 only) (Fig. 16). Clean the filter holder, the jug and the buffer ring (HD7502 only) in hot water with some washing-up liquid or in the dishwasher. EnglisH Descaling Regular descaling prolongs the life of the appliance and guarantees optimal brewing results for a long time. In case of normal use (two full jugs of coffee ever y day), descale the appliance: -2 or 3 times a year if you use soft water (up to 18dH); -4 or 5 times a year if you use hard water (over 18dH). Contact your local water board for information about the water hardness in your area. 1 2 Fill the water tank with white vinegar (4% acetic acid). Do not put a filter and ground coffee in the filter holder. Let the appliance complete two brewing cycles (see chapter ‘Using the appliance’). Let the appliance complete two more brewing cycles with fresh, cold water to remove any vinegar and scale residues. Clean the jug and the filter holder (see chapter ‘Cleaning’). Accessories You can order a glass jug from your local Philips dealer or a Philips ser vice centre. -Jug type HD7954/88 for coffeemaker type HD7502/88 or HD7500/88 (white/cornhusk yellow). -Jug type HD7957 for coffeemaker type HD7502/31 (lilac). Environment -Do not throw away the appliance with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preser ve the environment (Fig. 17). Guarantee & service If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips website at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your countr y (you find its phone number in the worldwide guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your countr y, go to your local Philips dealer or contact the Ser vice Depar tment of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV. 9 vigtigt Dansk 9 vigtigt Dansk L.s denne brugsvejledning omhyggeligt igennem, inden apparatet tages i brug, og gem den til eventuelt senere brug. Kontroller, om den angivne netsp.nding pa apparatet svarer til den lokale netsp.nding, for , ,, , , , , ,, du slutter strom til apparatet. Brug ikke apparatet, hvis netledning, stik eller selve apparatet er beskadiget. Hvis netledningen beskadiges, ma den kun udskiftes af Philips, et autoriseret Philipsservicev.rksted eller en tilsvarende kvalificeret fagmand for at undga enhver risiko. Hold apparatet og dets ledning uden for borns r.kkevidde. Lad aldrig netledningen h.nge ud over kanten af det bord eller den plads, hvor appar...
Other models in this manual:Coffee Makers - HD7500/22 (2.4 mb)