manual abstract
Framing height is a minimum of 55”. Construct framing using dimensions shown depending on your particular installation. B A 36" long 1/2” NPT SCHD 40 flexible gas line complying with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1-1988/NFPA 54, may be run from the regulator to the exterior of the Unvented Fireplace for access to your incoming 1/2" NPT black iron gas line or you may route incoming gas line directly to the regulator. A FRAMING DIMENSIONS Widths A Height B Depth Sonoran 36 44” 39” 27” Sonoran 42 Sonoran 48 50” 56” 39’ 39” 27” 27” The incoming gas line may be routed towards the Unvented Fireplace either from the left hand or right hand sides of the Unvented Fireplace's outer surround. Remove the gas line cover plate from the Unvented Fireplace's outer surround at the location to be used. Remove insulation from inside the gas line conduit sleeve. Run gas line through until regulator can be reached. A sediment trap should be included between incoming gas line and regulator connection. The sediment trap must extend a minimum of 3" down below the center of the incoming pipe. Prepare incoming black iron gas line with Teflon tape or pipe joint compound (check with local codes as to the use of Teflon tape). Compounds used on threaded joints of gas piping shall be resistant to the action of Liquefied Petroleum (LP or Propane), and should be applied lightly to ensure excess sealant does not enter the gas line. Complete your gas installation by connecting incoming gas line to regulator. Secure all joints tightly with wrench but do not over-tighten. If a flexible gas line is used, take care not to kink connector. Repack insulation in and around the conduit sleeve and flexible gas line. CAUTION: All gas piping and connections must be tested for leaks-before the installation is completed. After ensuring that the gas valve is on, apply a soap and water solution to all connections and joints. If bubbles appear, leaks can be detected and corrected. DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME FOR LEAK TESTING AND DO NOT OPERATE ANY APPLIANCE IF A LEAK IS DETECTED. 36”- 52” from corner 42”- 65” from corner 48”- 70” from corner Depth of firebox Sonoran 36 24 .” Sonoran 42 24 .” Sonoran 48 24 .” “A” see above Width of firebox Sonoran 36 45” Sonoran 42 51” Sonoran 48 57” “A” see above CLEARANCES MINIMUM CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES ARE: 36”- 73 1/2” - 42”- 91 1/2” - 48”- 99 1/2” Enclosure: 0" from side of unit to framing 2" from top of unit to combustables 0.5" from back of unit to combustables In front: 5" from fireplace opening to side wall 12" from Fireplace opening to Mantel 7" from fireplace opening to Top Trim 3" from fireplace opening to side trim Floor: No thermal protection required - Floor in front flush to fireplace opening - 0" to combustable Floor under unit Part Preparation Inspect all parts & using scraper or painter’s tool, clean part corners edges if needed. Make sure all mating surfaces are clean and free of excess dust & debris. Using 4” brush or a spray bottle, thoroughly moisten all bond surfaces. THIS MUST BE DONE TO ENSURE PROPER ADHESION OF COMPONENTS AND SEALING OF JOINTS IF ANY PARTS ARE DAMAGED DO NOT INSTALL CONTACT DEALER FOR REPLACEMENT FIREBOX A. BASE PEDESTAL PREPARATION VFT Make sure floor is level B. . CENTER SECTION INSTALLATION (2 PARTS) The center back wall consists of 2 sections assembled against each other. DO NOT BOND FRONT & REAR SECTIONS TO EACH OTHER. CR Apply a 3” wide X .” thick bed of refractory adhesive to base approximately 1” C-2 Parts in from edges of sides and back. (Where sides and back will sit.) Stand both sections of back wall on base and support while applying adhesive to cover the CL join line between front & rear sections. The coating of cement should cover the seam all around the outer edges of the back wall. This coat should be smooth B but not excessive. (1/8” thick max.) *Assemble side walls (bond beam up) to base and back wall assembly. ** Use carpenters square placed on the base {inside firebox} to ensure the walls are plumb and perpendicular to the floor of the firebox. Using 4’ level make sure the walls are level front to back & side to side. Proceed with assembly of top section. *Remember to moisten all mating (bonded) surfaces before applying adhesive. ** Take care to maintain firebox front opening dimensions (square & plumb) or any future installation of glass doors, Etc. will be difficult if not impossible. C. TOP SECTION INSTALLATION AAppppllyy rreeffrraaccttoorryy mmoorrttaarr ttoo tthhee ttoopp eeddggeess ooff tthhee cceenntteerr sseeccttiioonn.. wwiitthh aa lliibbeerraall33”” wwiiddee bbyy ..”” tthhiicckk ttrriipp ooff rreeffrraaccttoorryy mmoorrttaarr aapppplliieedd oonn tthhee eeddggeess.. AAlliiggnn wwiitthh tthhee bbaacckk,, ssiiddeess aanndd ffrroonntt ooff tthhee cceenntteerr sseeccttiioonn.. WARNING! DO NOT BLOCK REQUIRED AIR SPACES WITH INSULATION OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL. DO NOT OBSTRUCT EFFECTIVE OPENING OF FIREPLACE WITH ANY TYPE OF FACING MATERIAL. COMBUSTIBLE MA...
Other models in this manual:Fireplaces - Sonoran Unvented 36 (450.7 kb)
Fireplaces - Sonoran Unvented 48 (450.7 kb)