manual abstract
Probes : Two Voltage Probes File Name : LISSAJOU CH1CH2 6 2-12 Melting Point of p-dichloroben- Temperature probe zene Description : Determines the melting point of pdichlorobenzene. Probe : Temperature Probe File Name : MELTPNT Water Test tube Paradichlorobenzene Beaker Alcohol lamp 2-13 Simple Pendulum Description : Produces a sine wave based on the movement of a simple pendulum. Probe : Voltage Probe File Name : PENDULUM Stand Variable resistor Red (+5 to 10V) (Type A, 10k .) Blue (+) To voltage probes Black (G, –) } Piano wire Weight 2-14 Measurement of pH with Colorimetric Density Meter Description : Measures the acidity of rainwater. Probe : Light Probe File Name : PHMEASUR 500ml brown beaker Opening for test tube Light probe Upper and lower test tube openings LED Made of three film cases 7 2-15 Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration from Three Points Description : Measures velocity and acceleration of a moving object using three light probes placed along its path. Probes : Three Light Probes File Name : PNT V,A 2-16 Temperature Titration Description : Determines the neutralization point of an acid and an alkali (base). Probe : Temperature Probe File Name : TEMPTIT Temperature probe NaOHPaper cups (or Styrofoam cups) Enclose is plastic or other material Hydrochloric acid Temperature probe NaOHPaper cups (or Styrofoam cups) Enclose is plastic or other material Hydrochloric acid Light probe Probe stand 8 JAPAN 3-1 Chaos Description : Draws chaos fractals. The following programs are provided: CAOSI1, CAOSI2, CAOSI3, CAOSI4. 3-2 Greatest Common Measure Description : Determines the greatest common measure for two integers (a and b) using Euclidean general division. File Name : CMN *See Chapter 22 of your User’s Guide. 3-3 Prime Factor Analysis Description : Produces prime factors of any positive integers. File Name : FACT 3-4 Iterated Function System Description : Draws fractals. File Name : IFPLOT * This program requires input of a matrix named Mat A. 3-5 Rotating a Figure Description : Graphs rotation of any geometric figure. File Name : ROTATE *See Chapter 22 of your User’s Guide. 3-6 Julia Set and Mandelbrot Set Description : Draws Julia set and Mandelbrot set fractals. The following programs are provided: SAFESET1, SAFESET2, SAFESET3, SAFESET4. 3-7 t-test Description : Uses mean (sample mean) and sample standard deviation to obtain a t-test value. File Name : T TEST *See Chapter 22 of your User’s Guide. 9 3-8 Circle and Tangents Description : Obtains the slope and intercept from lines that are tangent to a circle. File Name : TANGENT *See Chapter 22 of your User’s Guide. 3-9 Linear Transformation Description : Performs rotation, parallel displacement, and magnification of a graphic image. File Name : TRANSFER 10 SPAIN 4-1 Mandelbrot Fractal Description : Draws built-in Mandelbrot set fractals. The following programs are provided: NM-O-I, NM-O-I-B, NMAND2Z, NMAND3R. 11 U.S.A 5-1 Amortize Description : Computes standard amortization calculations involved with annuities and loans: present value, future value, loan payments, and sinking fund payments. File Name : AMORTIZE 5-2 Bond Calculation Description : Performs bond calculations. File Name : BONDMAIN 5-3 Powers of Complex Numbers Description : Finds any power of a complex number. File Name : CMPLXPWR *Change the set up screen’s Angle setting to Rad (radians) before executing this program. 5-4 Complex Roots Description : Finds and displays the N complex solutions of ZN = c, where c is any complex (or real) number and N is a positive integer. File Name : CMPLXRT *Change the set up screen’s Angle setting to Rad (radians) before executing this program. 5-5 Double Integral Description : Numerically approximates a double integral using the following formula: . . a b ff4 5 f(x, y) dA = . f(oi, pi) Axiyi 6 6 File Name : DBLINT 5-6 Euler’s Method Description : Plots the Euler’s method solution of the following differential equation: dy/dx = f6 (x, y) File Name : EULER 12 5-7 Forecasting Description : Uses exponential smoothing and the Holt-Winters forecasting model to predict future values from a chronological series of data. File Name : FORECAST 5-8 Fundamental Theorem Description : Numerically solves the differential equation dy/dx = f6 (x), and plots the antiderivative F(x) = F(a) + .a x f6(t)dt. File Name : FUNDTHM 5-9 Conic Section Graph Description : Graphs F (x, y) as a conic section graph. File Name : IMPGRAPH 5-10 Linear Programming Description : Solves a linear programming problem by the simplex method. File Name : LINPROG 5-11 Prime or Composite Number Description : Determines whether a number is prime or composite, and returns the lowest prime divisor for a composite number. File Name : PRIME 5-12 Riemann Sum Description : Approximates an integral by a Riemann sum: .a b f6 (x) dx = . f6 (oi) Ax File Name : RIEMANN 5-13 Row Reduce Matrix A Description : Row reduces Matrix A to reduce row echelon form. File Name : ROWREDA 13 5-14 Slope Field Descrip...
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