manual abstract
P Printer is activated as long as calculator is turned on. IC Activates item count to print. 8. [+/-] Sign Change Key Reverse the sign on the display 9. [%] Percent Key Completes percent calculation when Multiple or Division key is used. 10. [D DD %] Delta Percentage Automatically compares any two amounts and then calculates and prints the difference and percent of change. 6 11. [C/CE] Clear / Clear Entry Key Clears a live entry by pressing this key once. Press twice to clear the accumulator or pending calculation. Does not clear the Memory. 12. MU/GPM Mark Up/Gross Profit Margin Calculates selling price based on desired gross profit margin. 13. [TAX 1] Tax 1 Key Calculate an amount of tax with tax rate preset by RATEkey. Use + key for calculating an amount including VAT, and – key for calculating an amount excluding VAT. 14. [‚ .. ] Division Key The Division key performs division, automatic constant division and intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the next amount as a constant divisor. The . key also causes the calculator to divide when you depress the =, %, M+, M-, X or. key. Each divisor entry is retained as a constant (except M+ and M-entries) until you depress the x, ., Clear. 15. [TAX 2] Tax 2 Key Calculate an amount of tax with tax rate preset by RATEkey. Use + key for calculating an amount including VAT, and – key for calculating an amount excluding VAT. 16. [=] Equal Key To get the result in multiplication or division. 17. [X] Multiplication Key The multiplication key performs multiplication, automatic constant multiplication and intermediate sequential operations. It establishes the amount entered or the previous printed or printed/displayed amount as a constant multiplicand. The x key also causes the calculator to multiply when you depress the =, %, M=,M-, x or . key. Each multiplicand entry is retained as a constant (except M+ and M-entries) until you depress the x, ., or Clear. 18. 0-9,00 . Numeric Keys The calculator uses the conventional 10-key indexing keyboard, and includes the double zero key and decimal point key. Whole numbers are entered exactly as they are written. 19. -Minus Key Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same amount more than one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and depress the Minus key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%] key, it works as percent minus key. 7 20. D/# Date/Number Key It will print live entry as an identifier or as an invoice number with “#” mark 21. + Plus Key Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more than onetime (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the Plus key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after [%] key, it works as percent plus key. 22. . Subtotal Key It prints but does not clear the accumulator. 23. Total Key * Prints and clears the accumulator. 24. M* Memory Total Prints and clears the memory. 25. M Memory Sub-Total Prints but does not clear the memory. 26. M -/= Memory Minus, Equal Subtracts an amount from memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory Minus key will complete the calculation and subtract the amount from Memory. 27. M +/= Memory Plus, Equal Adds an amount to memory. If there is a live calculation pending, the Memory plus key will complete the calculation and accumulate the result to Memory. 8 French Preface Felicitations pour avoir choisi une calculatrice electronique Victor. Une etude approfondie, des materiaux de qualite, une fabrication soignee, ainsi que des installations modernes de recherche et de production, vous ont donne une calculatrice qui, avec des soins corrects, vous procurera des annees de service sans problemes. Pour assurer une qualite de fonctionnement optimale, veuillez demander a votre representant Victor de vous renseigner au sujet de la protection peu couteuse offerte par le Programme de Garantie Prolongee de Victor. Chaque calculatrice presente aussi les quatre operations arithmetiques de base, le pourcentage et le pourcentage de changement, le changement de signe, sigma, le compteur d’articles avec moyenne, la touche de taux de taxe programmable, le rappel arriere, la fonction racine carree TABLE DES MATIERES Entretien general 10 Remplacement du ruban 10 Alimentation du papier 10 Graphiques du clavier 11 Commandes & touches de fonctionnement 12 Exemples d’application 23 Garantie 42 Depannage 43 9 ENTRETIEN GENERAL I. Ne placez pas la machine dans des emplacements chauds, poussiereux ou humides. 2. Pour nettoyer le boitier, utilisez un chiffon traite au silicone. N’utilisez pas d’eau ni de detergents. 3. Ne placez pas quoi que ce soit sur le boitier, particulierement sur la tete du mecanisme d’imprimante. 4. Mettez l’interrupteur d’alimentation en position d’arret avant de retirer la fiche de la prise murale CA . 5. Mettez I'interrupteur d’alimentation en position d’arret en I’absence d’emploi. REMPLACEMENT DU RUBAN Votre calculatrice est...
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