User manual HP, model 300
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manual abstract
Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose. In this regard, HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained in the manual. Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples contained herein. Copyright © 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws. Hewlett-Packard Company 16399 West Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127-1899 USA Printing History Edition 1 January 2009 1. POWER SUPPLY HP OfficeCalc 300 is □ dual-powered (high power solar + back-up battery) calculator operational under any lighting conditions. Auto power-off function The calculator switches the off automatically if there has been no key entry for about 8 minutes. Battery Change Remove the screw and the battery cover. Install a new battery with the '+' symbol facing upwards. Replace the battery cover and secure the screw. When done, press a pointed object on the RESET hole to reset the calculator. 2. KEY INDEX [ON/AC] : Power on / All Clear key [C/CE] : Clear/Clear entry key [+] : Shift-back key [T] : Square root key [replay] : Automatic replay key [%] : Percentage key f A1 [ V ] : Check or review keys [CORRECT] : Correction key [GT] : Grand total key [00] : Double zero key [M+] : Memory plus key [M-] : Memory minus key [MRC] : Memory recall / Memory Clear key [SET] : Set tax rate key [ ^toreT ] : Price with tax key / To store tax rate when pressing [SET] and [ ] keys [ recall ] : Price without tax key / To recall tax rate when pressing [SET] and [ ^ ] keys F 4 2 0 A Decimal point selection switch - F -: Floating decimal mode - 4 2 0 - : Fixed decimal mode - A -: ADD mode, automatically enters the monetary decimal in addition and subtraction calculations. 15/4 ] Round-up/Round-off/Round-down switch 3. DISPLAY ANNOTATIONS —MNUS ОТ BW0R «BMORY TAX+ TAX- TAX RATE !ЯЧ5Б*те REP : Replay mode CRT : Correction mode IBS : Item counter (max 105) GT : Grand Total memory loaded MEMORY : Memory Loaded ERROR : Overflow/Logic error -MINUS: Negative (or Minus) % : Percent calculation TAX+ : Price including tax TAX-: Price excluding tax + : Add operation -: Subtract operation X: Multiply operation -r: Divide operation =: Equals : Answer TAX : Amount of tax RATE : Set tax rate 4. Operations General Calculations Example TAB Operation Display A В 1 ON/ACl 0. 100 + 50-30 = 10x20 -7-0.5 = Free F 100 Ш50ЕВ0Н 10ИЕ0Ш0.5Н 120. 400. 5000 v3 = 5000 +3 = 5000 4-3 = UP 5/4 CUT 2 2 2 5ВШШЗЕ] 5ШШЗН 5НИШЗН V 666.67 1’666.67 1 '666.66 $ 12.34 34.56 -56.78 78.90 $ 69.02 Free A 1234 ES 3456 H 5678 Ш 7890 [=] 12.34 46.9 -9.88 69.02 123456789012x 66666= Free F 123456789012И 66666È] iccil EU ERROR 82.303702962739 82.303702962739 0. JT x5 Free F 9GOIX15H 15. •10% of 1500 • 5% add-on of 1500 (1500+5%=) (1500-5%=) • Percentage of 20 against 500 Free F 15Ш[х]10[%] 15ШШ5Щ 15EDH5K] 20Ш5Ш[Ж] 150. 1'575. 1’425. 4.(%) 368 + 97 + 97 = 839-47-47-47 = 5-4 = 22.53 = Free F 368Ш97Н H 839H47HHE] 5SBS00 22.5Ш] [3 [3 562. 698. 0.0016 11*390.625 5x6 = 5x8 = Free F 5x6 Г=1 8E 30. 40. 9+3 = 6+3 = Free F 9Ш 3B 60 3. 2. 25 X 5 -)84 -r 3 +)68 + 17 182 Free F lÔN/Âcl 25 l~x~1 5 [M+1 84 Ш 3 [М3 68Í+117ÍM+1 IMRCI IMRCI MEMORY 125. MEMORY 28. MEMORY 85. MEMORY 182. 182. 123478 + 5 = Free F 123456 SS 78 050 123’456. 1’234. 123,478. 123’483. 456 + 378 = Free F 456 Ш 345 ICCÎl 378 H 0. 834. Check and Correct E.g.: [SHE1EE BH2OS10S] Key in: [S0EIE EBSEaiBQ Input error Check and correct as below: OPERATION CORRECT CORRECT AUTO I REPLAY I DISPLAY 01 BEE 5. 03 “и 3. 04 BEE 04 § 04 BEE 05 “и REMARK Check forward step by step Correct input error Check the correct result Tax Calculations Example TAB Operation Display A В Set Rate (Tax) at 5% Free F 1 ON/AC 1 5|SÍT1 IÎÂX+1 0. 5. RATE 5. RATE Check rate set. Free Free IsetI [m^l 5. RATE Calculate the selling price and tax amount to include the tax rate of 5% when the cost price is $1,000. 5/4 2 ill 1—1 О о о 0. ТАХ+ 1050.00 TAX 50.00 Calculate the selling price and tax amount to exclude the tax rate of 5% when the cost price is $1,000. 5/4 2 1000 [ЖП 1Ж1 fe TAX 47.62 1=1 HP Limited Hardware Warranty and Customer Care This HP Limited Warranty gives you, the end-user customer, express limited warranty rights from HP, the manufacturer. Please refer to HP's Web site for an extensive description of your limited warranty entitlements. In addition, you may also have other legal rights under applicable local law or special written agreement with HP. Limited Hardware Warranty Period D...