manual abstract
Heater read instructiOns careFullY: Read and follow all instructions. Place instructions in a safe place for future reference. Do not allow anyone who has not read these instructions to assemble, light, adjust or operate the heater. Heatstar BY enercO MoDel1000ID, 2000ID 3000ID MoDel 1000ID, 2000ID 3000ID, 4000ID indirect Fired pOrtaBle Heater if the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. warning: — Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. — Service must be performed by a qualified service agency. This is a vented portable heater. It uses air (oxygen) from the area in which it is used. Adequate combustion air and ventilation must be provided. Refer to page 5. ENERCO GROUP, INC., 4560 W. 160TH ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 • 800-251-0001 08/08 #50120 warning: YoUR SAFeTY IS IMPoRTANT To YoU AND To oTHeRS, So PleASe ReAD THeSe INSTRUCTIoNS BeFoRe YoU oPeRATe THIS HeATeR. YoUR SAFeTY IS IMPoRTANT To YoU AND To oTHeRS, So PleASe ReAD THeSe INSTRUCTIoNS BeFoRe YoU oPeRATe THIS HeATeR. warning: NoT FoR HoMe oR ReCReATIoNAl VeHICle USe warning: FIRe, BURN, INHAlATIoN, AND eXPloSIoN HAZARD. KeeP SolID CoMBUSTIBleS, SUCH AS BUIlDING MA- TeRIAlS, PAPeR oR CARDBoARD, A SAFe DISTANCe AWAY FRoM THe HeATeR AS ReCoMMeNDeD BY THe INSTRUCTIoNS NeVeR USe THe HeATeR IN SPACeS WHICH Do oR MAY CoNTAIN VolATIle oR AIRBoRNe CoMBUSTIBleS, oR PRoDUCTS SUCH AS GASolINe, SolVeNTS, PAINT THINNeR, DUST PARTICleS oR UN- KNoWN CHeMICAlS. general HaZard warning: FAIlURe To CoMPlY WITH THe PReCAUTIoNS AND INSTRUCTIoNS PRoVIDeD WITH THIS HeATeR, CAN ReSUlT IN DeATH, SeRIoUS BoDIlY INJURY AND PRoPeRTY loSS oR DAMAGe FRoM HAZARDS oF FIRe, eXPloSIoN, BURN, ASPHYXIATIoN, CARBoN MoNoX- IDe PoISoNING, AND/oR eleCTRICAl SHoCK. oNlY PeRSoNS WHo CAN UNDeRSTAND AND FolloW THe INSTRUCTIoNS SHoUlD USe oR SeRVICe THIS HeATeR. IF YoU NeeD ASSISTANCe oR HeATeR INFoRMATIoN SUCH AS AN INSTRUCTIoNS MANUAl, lABelS, eTC. CoNTACT THe MANUFACTUReR. warning: COMBUSTION BY-PRODUCTS PRODUCED WHEN USING THIS PRoDUCT CoNTAIN CARBoN MoNoXIDe, A CHeMICAl KNoWN To THe STATe oF CAlIFoRNIA To CAUSe CANCeR AND BIRTH DeFeCTS (oR oTHeR RePRoDUCTIVe HARM). the state of california requires the following warning: warning: read tHe instructiOns giVen in tHis Manual BeFOre using tHe appliance. •DO NOT USE GASOLINE, NAPHTHA OR VOLATILE FUelS. •THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TO WHICH THE APPLIANCE IS CoNNeCTeD MUST CoMPlY WITH All SAFeTY ReGUlATIoNS IN FoRCe. A ReSIDUAl CURReNT CIRCUIT BReAKeR MUST Be PRoVIDeD oN THe MAIN DISTRIBUTIoN BoARD. •UNPLUG THE HEATER BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY SeRVICe oR MAINTeNANCe. •ALWAYS CHECK THE POWER SUPPLY CABLE BEFORE USe. IT MUST NoT Be BeNT, CRUSHeD, oR ANYWAY DAMAGeD. •THE POWER SUPPLY CABLE MUST BE REPLACED ONLY BY QUAlIFIeD PeRSoNNel. •ONLY USE AN ORIGINAL H07RN-F POWER CABLE WITH WATeRPRooF PlUG. •DO NOT TOUCH THE EXHAUST GAS OUTLET. DANGER oF BURNS! cOntents WARNINGS.................................................................................. 2 SPeCIFICATIoNS........................................................................... 3 oPeRATIoN ................................................................................. 4 SAFeTY DeVICeS.......................................................................... 4 MAINTeNANCe............................................................................ 5 VeNTIlATIoN............................................................................... 5 TRoUBleSHooTING .................................................................... 6 WIRING DIAGRAMS..................................................................... 7 PARTS lIST..................................................................................11 eNeRCo GRoUP, INC. |Indirect Fired Portable Heater 2 operating Instructions and owner’s Manual iMpOrtant Before using the heater, read and understand all instructions and follow them carefully. The manufacturer is not responsible for damages to goods or persons due to improper use of units. general recOMMendatiOns This indirect-fired heater runs on diesel fuel. Those with direct combustion send hot air and the combustion products into the room, while those with indirect combustion are fitted with a flue to take the fumes away through the chimney. Always follow local ordinances and codes when using this heater: • Read and follow this owner’s manual before using the heater. • Use only in places free of flammable vapors or high dust content. • Never use heater in immediate proximity of flammable materials (the minimum distance must be 6 ft.). • Make sure fire fighting equipment is readily available. • Make sure sufficient fresh outside air is provided according to the heater requirements. Direct combustion heaters should only be used in well vented areas in order to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. • The heater is installed ne...
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