User manual Carrier, model CARRIER 58DRC
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manual abstract
Energy Guide tag may be removed from furnace when installation is complete. G efficiency RATING certified ama INTRODUCTION Before installing the furnace, refer to Procedures for Gas-Fired Furnaces (packaged with the equipment) for information concerning combustion, venting, piping, and other standard installation practices. Further reference is made to the current edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, NFPA54-1984/ ANSI Z223.1-1984. Each furnace is shipped from the factory completely assembled with multispeed direct-drive blower and wired ready for counterflow indoor heating installation only. All sizes feature a printed-circuit board control center with easy-to-read, low-voltage terminal strip to ensure proper connections. A CAUTION Do not install furnace in a corrosive or contaminated atmosphere. Make sure all combustion and circulating air requirements listed in Procedures for Gas-Fired Furnaces are adhered to, in addition to all local codes and ordinances. A CAUTION Do not block openings in front of furnace or on furnace top along side vent pipe. These openings provide air for combustion and ventilation. Never store anything on or in contact with furnace, such as: aerosol cans, rags, brooms and mops, cleaning tools and aids, powders, bleaches, waxes, plastic items, gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluids, cleaning fluids, thinners, painting compounds or paper products. The design of the counterflow gas-fired furnace is A.G.A certified for installation on combustible flooring (with optional floor base), in alcoves, basements, closets or utility rooms. This furnace line is not A.G.A. certified for installation in a mobile home, recreation vehicle, or outdoors Installation Procedures: Page Inspection......................................* Location, Ventilation and Air for Combustion................................* Gas Piping.....................................* Venting........................................* Supply-Air Plenum Installation...................1 Electrical Connections...........................3 Sequence of Operation...........................4 Filter Arrangement..............................5 Start-Up and Adjustment.........................6 Care and Maintenance...........................6 *Refer to appropiiate sections in Pioceduies foi Gas-Fired Furnaces packed with this furnace For accessory installation details, refer to applicable installation literature. Fig. 1 — Model 58DRC Table 1 — Clearances (in.) SIZE 58DRC ALL Single-Wall Vent 1 Type-B1 Double-Wall Vent 1 Back 0 Top of Plenum 1 Single-Wall 6 ....... Type-B1 Double-Wall 1 Combustion Air 6 ’ Service 30 NOTE. Some furnaces are shipped with paper across the supply-air outlet. Remove the paper before installing furnace. INSTALLATION Supply-Air Plenum Installation INSTALLATION ON A CONCRETE SLAB l See Fig. 2 for dimensions and location of supply air opening in furnace bottom Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Bookll |4 PC101 Catalog No 535-843 PrintedinUSA Form58DRC-1SI Pg 1 7-85 Replaces:New Tab 16a 18a For replacement items use Carrier Specified Parts HEATING & COOLING 58DRC Counterflow Gas-Fired Furnaces Ü 16 ' I*-20 INLETS и 2 ±X ¿ 8 I*"OUTLET-*! 42 28 n-- J3_ 16 46 -B INLET- L c J Г OUTLET i • —A-> ,i DIA THERMO CONN ЗЗЙ 13# 14- DIA KNOCKOUT AUX GAS INLET Fig. 2 — Dimensions (in.) Table 2 — Dimensions (in.) SIZE 58DRC A В С VENT 045 17'/2 15% 16 4 065 17'/2 15% 16 5 080 21 19% 191/2 5 095 241/г 2213/ie 23 6 2. Construct hole in floor per dimensions in Fig. 3 and Table 4. 3. Place plenum and furnace as shown in Fig. 4. SHEET METAL PLENUM Fig. 4 — Furnace on a Concrete Slab Table 4 — Floor Opening Dimensions (in.) SIZE 58DRC A 045, 065 167/i6 080 19% 095 237/i6 INSTALLATION ON A COMBUSTIBLE FLOOR 1. Read Installation Instructions packaged with combustible floor base. See Fig. 5. Cut and frame hole in floor per dimensions in Fig. 3 and Table 4. If this requires cutting a floor joist, tie ends of cut joist into adjacent joists so that proper floor support is maintained. Assemble and install combustible floor base per instructions packaged with base. When completed, combustible floor base, plenum, and furnace (or coil casing when used) should be installed as shown in Fig. 6. 2. 3. 19 5" 8 HOLE IN FLOOR ' Fig. 3 — Floor Opening Table 3 — Ratings and Performance* SIZE 58DRC INPUT BTUH HEATING CAPACITY (BTUH)** TEMP RISE RANGE (F) HEATINGf COOLINGi MOTOR HP (PSC) APPROX SHIP. WT (lb) Ext Static Pressure (in. wg) CFM Ext Static Pressure (in. wg) CFM 045CB 60,000 45,000 30-60 12 1080 0 5 1206 1/з 157 065CB 80,000 65,000 30-60 12 1240 0.5 1630 Уг 170 080CB 100,000 80,000 40-70 15 1165 0 5 1620 V2 187 095DB 120,000 95,000 40-70 20 1830 0.5 2075 % 227 PSC — Permanent Split Capacitor ‘Ratings are certified for altitude...