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manual abstract
GB Descaling your Philips Avent electric steam steriliser
Caution: Please ensure your bottles and
not harmful as such, it is unsightly, hard to clean
accessories to be sterilised are clean. Food
and can impair the operation of appliances or
residue will stick and possibly stain the heating
damage their components if allowed to build up.
plate, making it difficult to clean
Using purified water can help prevent
whilst generating a burning smell
limescale build up.
towards the end of the sterilization
as the water fully evaporates.
When should I descale my steriliser?
The sterilisation process is extremely important
When you use the steriliser, you may notice
to ensure the most hygienic standards for
small spots ranging from white to dark brown
your baby. Limescale deposits can slow down
appearing on the heating plate. This is a sign that
the sterilisation cycle and even impair its
the steriliser should be descaled.
In any case, the steriliser should be descaled at
Philips Avent has made the heating plate visible
least every 1-2 weeks to ensure that it continues
and easier to clean so you can ensure your
to work effectively.
steriliser is free from limescale at all times, for
Three simple steps to descaling your steriliser
an optimum sterilisation cycle.
Note: always unplug the appliance and wait
until it has cooled down completely before
1 Pour 80ml/2.7oz of white vinegar (5% acetic
acid) and 20ml/0.7oz of water into the water
2 Leave the solution in the water reservoir
Steriliser with covered
New steriliser design with
until the limescale has dissolved.
heating plate
visible heating plate
3 Empty the water reservoir and rinse the
What is limescale?
heating plate with clear water. Empty, then
Limescale is the hard, off-white, chalky deposit
wipe the plate with a damp cloth.
sometimes found in kettles. Depending on the
Do not rinse under a tap.
water type in your area, limescale can have
Repeat this process as often as necessary.
different appearances ranging from snow white
In severe cases, citric acid or common
looking powder to brownish stains.
de-scaling agents can be used to remove
It builds up in appliances as the residue of
minerals naturally contained in water, which fail
to evaporate when water is heated. Although it is
For more information visit www.philips.com/Avent
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