manual abstract
MODEL 700 DD - Supply bypass routes indoor air to defrost core. WEIGHT 64.4 kg (142 lbs.) SHIPPING WEIGHT 75.8 kg (167 lbs.) P IIF3 F © U Sffl /h i © AIRFLOWS (Each Air Stream) ^ 900(423) ä 800(378) E 700(329) £ 600(282) j 500(235) O 400(190) £ 300(143) < 200(94) 100(42) g 70%. Ul z UJ p 60% Ü UJ IL IL 111 50% LIFEi IREATt 700 HIGH St •EED MED SF EED LOWSf EED . - 5.5 5.0 •4.7 0.1(25) 0.2(50) 0.3(75) 0.4(100) 0.5(125) 0.6(150) 0.7(175) EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE * inches W.C. (pascals) TEMPERATURE EFFECTIVENESS LIFEBRE 177/700 h ! I0TE: Exhai 1 ust Relative 1 Humidity (1 3H) at 40% 300 400 500 600 700 (143) (190) (235) (282) (329) AIRFLOW in cfm (Us) DD MODEL ONLY DIMENSIONS 700 inches (mm) SUPPLY AIR FROM OUTSIDE NOTE: Service clearance is 30 in. (760 mm) EXHAUST AIR FROM BUILDING i EXHAUST AIR TO OUTSIDE CONTROLS 24 5/8 " (753 mm) SUPPLY AIR : TO BUILDING 14" (356 mm) IS* 16$ ipm 8 1/4* 210 mi 8* (200 mm) MOUNTING POINTS \ 6 16 i Aim 14" (356 mm) 6 1/4-159 mm 8' (200 mm) DRAIN connection 29 5/8" (753 mm) FRONT VIEW - 28 3/4" - 730 mm DISCHARGE SIDE - 28 3/4" - 730 mm INLET SIDE All units conform to CSA and UL standards. WARRANTY Units carry a 15 year warranty on the heat recovery cores and a 2 year replacement parts warranty. DATE:_ PROJECT: _ MUIECH ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 511 McCormick Bl London, ON A/5W Phone: (519) 457-Fax: (519) 457-16, E mail: nutech@ 12. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: Model ïZOOdd/fd ±S HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATORS (HRVs) @[pgeOFD©^TO@[M@ CORES Modular (3 section) patented aluminum heat recovery cores arranged for efficient cross-flow ventilation. MOTORS Two PSC, 3 speed double shafted, 120 VAC, 4 Amps each (8.1 total on high speed). HP -1/4,1625 RPM. Watts - total on high speed - 972. FILTERS Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams. BLOWERS Centrifugal type rated at 1200 cfm (566 L7s) free air delivery. Each air stream has one double shafted motor driving a centrifugal blower. CONNECTION DUCT SIZES Four - 20“ x 8" H (508 mm x 200 mm H). MOUNTING Unit to be set on support brackets hung by threaded rod type apparatus, (brackets and rod not provided). CASE 20 gauge prepainted galvanized steel (G60) for superior corrosion resistance. Insulated with foil faced insulation where required to prevent exterior condensation. Drain connections; two -1/2" (12 mm) O.D. CONTROLS Illuminated power switch, 3 speed blower control, low voltage (24 VAC) terminals for connection of remote controls and defrost light indicating automatic operation. DEFROST CONTROLS MODEL 1200 FD - Interrupts supply air while exhaust air defrosts core. MODEL 1200 DD - Supply bypass routes indoor air to defrost core. WEIGHT 191 lbs. (87 kg) SHIPPING WEIGHT 215 lbs. (98 kg) PERFORMANCE AIRFLOWS (Each Air Stream) Q 1300(613) LIFE! RE AU 1200 ? 8 5 1200(566) HGH (§) «0 7.8 MED | £ £ 7.1 LOW 2 O £ Ul DC DC D O mi 2 g 1100(518) ' O 1000(472) HIGh SPEED - 900(423), E 800(378) ^MED >PEED Q vvwr,w/1 ¡¡J 700(329) — 600(282) ^LOW SPEED 500(235). 0.1 (; E TÏ 25) 0.2( XTERMAI :MPE 50) 0.3 L STATIC RATI (75) 0.4 : PRESSI JREI (100) 0.5 LIRE • inc EFFEi »(125) 0. h** W.C CTIVI 6(150) 0. .(pascals ENES 7(175) > ;s p W 70%. un ¿BREAl H 1200 (0 Ul z Ul ^ 60%. Ü Ul IL IL Ul 50%* NOTE: E 1 jchaust Ri 1 i «tive Ht imidity (R H)at40% 2 (ï 35 2 >00) (& 62 329 378 4 00) (700) (BOO) (S AIRFLOW In cfr 123 472 518 566 100) (1000) (1100) (1200) n (Us) DIMENSIONS 1200 inches (mm) MODEL DD ONLY SUPPLY AIR FROM OUTSIDE NOTE: Service clearance is 30* (760 mm) from front access doors EXHAUST AIR TO OUTSIDE EXHAUST AIR FROM POOL CONTROLS »_L drain connection 29 7/8* (759 mm) SUPPLY AIR TO BUILDING FRONT VIEW 20' (508 mm) 6 3/4* (172 mm) I r (200 mm) 1 MOUNTING POINTS (2 il nm) _ 41 1/2" _ (1055 mm) DISCHARGE SIDE (26 i r >m) 20* (508 mm) 24 5/8’ (625 mm) 5 7/8* (159 mm) 8* (200 mm) I _ 41 1/2’ (1055 mm) INLET SIDE D J OPTIONS 99-101 Sixty Minute Remote Timer 99-130 Remote Wall Mount Dehumidistat Control 24 VAC only, W (white) or B (beige) All units conform to CSA and UL standards. WARRANTY Units carry a 15 year warranty on the heat recovery cores and a 2 year replacement parts warranty. DATE: UNIT SELECTED:. PROJECT: HUIECH ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: 511 McCormick Boulevard. London, ON N5W4C8 Phone: (519) 457-1904 Fax: (519) 457-1676 E mail:nutech@L2.lonetca TI-120 9701...
Other models in this manual:Video Game Consoles - 1200DD (1.4 mb)
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