Manafacture: Carrier
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File name: 58d,g-2si.pdf

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manual abstract
Use a soap-and-water solution. A failure to heed this warning could result in personal injury or death. 4. Turn gas supply manual shut-off valve on and check inlet pressure tap plug for leaks. 5. Turn furnace gas valve control knob to ON and check all threaded pipe connections for gas leaks. 6. Turn on electrical supply. 7. When pilot ignites, check pilot gas-supply tube connections for leaks. When main burners ignite, check manifold orifices for gas leaks. 8. Determine gas input: a. Turn off all other gas appliances and pilots. b. Measure time (in seconds) for gas meter test dial to complete one revolution. c. Refer to Table 2 for cubic ft of gas per hour. d. Multiply cubic ft/hour by Btu cubic ft. Obtain heating value from local gas utility. NOTE: Be sure heating value of gas used for calculations is correct for your altitude. Consult local gas utility for altitude adjustment of gas heating value. High altitude: The full input rating with No. 45 main burner natural gas orifices is approved for altitudes up to 2000 ft. The input rating for altitudes above 2000 ft must be reduced by 4% for each 1000 ft above sea level. Consult the current edition of the National Fuel Gas Code NFPA No. 54/ANSI Z223.1, Part 8.1 and Appendix F Table F-4, for input adjustment for high altitude. e. Refer to unit rating plate for gas input rate. The measured input must be within 2 percent of the rating plate input. EXAMPLE: Btuh heating input = Btu/cubic ft times cubic ft/ hour Heating value of gas = 1070 Btu/cubic ft. Time for one revolution of 2-cubic-ft dial = 72 seconds Gas rate = 100 cubic ft/hour (from Table 2) Btu heating input = 1070x 100 = 107,000 Btuh 9. To adjust input rate: a. Remove cap that conceals adjustment screw for gas valve regulator. b. Turn adjustment screw either counterclockwise (out) to decrease input or clockwise (in) to increase rate. When adjusting input rate, do not set manifold pressure above 3.8 or below 3.2-ins. wc. Make any major adjustments by changing main burner orifices. Table 2—Gas Rate (Cubic Ft/Hour) Seconds SIZE OF TEST DIAL Seconds SIZE OF TEST DIAL for One 1 2 5 for One 1 2 5 Revolution cu ft cu ft cu ft Revolution cu ft cu ft CU ft 10 360 720 1800 50 ' 72 144 360 11 327 655 1636 51 71 141 355 12 300 600 1500 52 69 138 346 13 277 555 1385 53 68 136 340 14 257 514 1286 54 67 133 333 15 240 480 1200 55 65 131 327 16 225 450 1125 56 64 129 321 17 212 424 1059 57 63 126 316 18 200 400 1000 58 62 124 310 19 189 379 947 59 61 122 305 20 180 360 900 60 60 120 300 21 171 343 857 62 58 116 290 22 164 327 818 64 56 112 281 23 157 313 783 66 54 109 273 24 150 300 750 68 53 106 265 25 144 288 720 70 51 103 257 26 138 277 692 72 50 100 250 27 133 267 667 74 48 97 243 28 129 257 643 76 47 95 237 29 124 248 621 78 46 92 231 30 120 240 600 80 45 90 225 31 116 232 581 82 44 88 220 32 113 225 563 84 43 86 214 33 109 218 545 86 42 84 209 34 106 212 529 88 41 82 205 35 103 206 514 90 40 80 200 36 100 200 500 92 39 78 196 37 97 195 486 94 38 76 192 38 95 189 474 96 38 75 188 39 92 185 462 98 37 74 184 40 90 180 450 100 36 72 180 41 88, 176 439 102 35 71 178 42 86 172 429 104 35 69 173 43 84 167 419 106 34 68 170 44 82 164 409 108 33 67 167 45 80 160 400 110 33 65 164 46 78 157 391 112 32 64 161 47 76 153 383 116 31 62 155 48 75 150 375 120 30 60 150 49 73 147 367 3 c. Measure adjusted gas input rate using method outlined in step 8. d. Replace regulator adjustment screw seal cap. 10. Inspect burner and pilot flame. The main burner flame should be clear blue, almost transparent. The pilot flame should be soft blue in color and it must provide good impingement on the pilot-sensing element. The flame should extend above the burner carryover port to provide proper burner ignition. See Figs. 2 and 3. When the pilot flame requires adjustment: a. Locate adjustment screw marked PILOT ADJ on top of gas valve. See Figs. 4 and 5. b. Remove cap and turn adjustment screw clockwise to decrease pilot gas flow. Turn screw counterclockwise to increase pilot gas flow. c. When proper adjustment is obtained, replace screw cap. 11. Turn furnace gas valve control knob to OFF. 12. Remove manometer and replace manifold pressure tap plug. 13. Turn furnace gas valve control knob to ON. 14. With main burners ignited, check pressure tap plugs for gas leaks. E. Check Lockout Timer Module (LOD) Operation 1. Turn ofl electrical supply. 2. With furnace off, remove wire from terminal No. 5 of gas valve. 3. Set room thermostat to “call for heat.” 4. Turn on electrical supply. 5. Let pilot spark until lockout timer breaks spark generator circuit (approximately 5 minutes). 6. Replace wire on terminal No. 5 of gas valve. 7. Electrically reset lockout timer by setting room thermostat below room temperature for approximately 30 seconds. 8. Sign and date conversion label P/N 310167-312 provided in kit, and attach to outside of blower compartment door. 9. ...
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