User manual John Deere Products & Services, model OMGX20927
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manual abstract
You can also use this manual to answer any specific operating or servicing questions. A convenient index located at the end of this book will help you to find needed information quickly. The machine shown in this manual may differ slightly from your machine, but will be similar enough to help you understand our instructions. RIGHT-HAND and LEFT-HAND sides are determined by facing in the direction the machine will travel when going forward. When you see a broken line arrow (------>), the item referred to is hidden from view. Before delivering this machine, your dealer performed a predelivery inspection to ensure best performance. Special Messages Your manual contains special messages to bring attention to potential safety concerns, machine damage as well as helpful operating and servicing information. Please read all the information carefully to avoid injury and machine damage. IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! This text is used to tell the operator of actions or conditions that might result in damage to the machine. NOTE: General information is given throughout the manual that may help the operator in the operation or service of the machine. Introduction PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Record Purchase Information If you need to contact an Authorized Service Center for information on servicing, always provide the product model and serial number. You will need to locate the model and serial number for the bagger and record the information in the spaces provided below. DATE OF PURCHASE: DEALER NAME: DEALER PHONE: Product Identification TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety .....................................................................................................................................................................................1 Installing ................................................................................................................................................................................4 Removing ..............................................................................................................................................................................8 Operating .............................................................................................................................................................................10 Replacement Parts...............................................................................................................................................................12 Service ................................................................................................................................................................................13 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................................15 Storage .................................................................................................................................................................................16 Assembly ..............................................................................................................................................................................17 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................................................19 Index.....................................................................................................................................................................................20 All information, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice. COPYRIGHT© 2001 Deere & Co. John Deere Worldwide Commercial and Consumer Equipment Division All rights reserved Previous Editions COPYRIGHT© OMGX20927 K1 - English Table of Contents SAFETY Understanding The Machine Safety Labels WARNING: Thrown Objects Safety-Alert Symbol The machine safety labels shown in this section are placed in important areas on your machine to draw attention to potential safety hazards. On your machine safety labels, the words DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION are used with the safety-alert symbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards. The operator’s manual also explains any potential safety hazards whenever necessary in special safety messages that are identified with the word, CAUTION, and the safety- alert symbol. WARNING: Objects May Be Thrown from Mower MX10309 M118464 • Do not open catcher while blades are turning. • Shut off engine before removing or installing bag. • Operate mower with complete bagging attachment in place. MX10382 M118223 • Do not operate mower without chutes and hoses securely in place. CAUTION MX10309 GC00215 • Bag is subject to wear and deterioration. • Check bag frequently, replace when necessary. • Use a John Deere bag or equi...