manual abstract
FIG. 13 1-1/8"2-3/4" 2-1/4" 3-3/8" 2" 1-7/16" Your drawbar may or may not have some or all of the holes shown. For the assembly of your new grass catcher only the five holes dimensioned will be used. If your drawbar does not have the five holes in the correct po si tions continue with this section. 1. Remove the drawbar by removing the two mounting bolts on each side. Keep hardware for remounting. NOTE: If your tractor has a wire loop mounted to the draw- bar, remove it at this time. 02349 DRAWBAR DRAWBAR MOUNTING BOLTS (both sides) FIG. 14 WIRE LOOP (Not on all models) of this manual. 4. Align top and right edge of template and drawbar. 5. Tape in position. 6. Mark and drill hole #1 only, using a 11/32" drill bit. 7. Assemble mounting bracket to drilled hole in drawbar with one hex bolt and nut from hardware group "B". NOTE: Mounting bracket must be assembled with lanced tabs to bottom as shown. HEX BOLT DRAWBAR AND NUT MOUNTING BRACKET WIRE LOOP MOUNTING HOLE (drill 9/32" if necessary) 02350 LANCED TABS PARALLEL TO BOTTOM FIG. 15 8. Align bracket so it is parallel with right edge of drawbar and tighten securely. Holes in bracket should line up with remaining holes in template. 9. Using bracket as a template, drill remaining three (3) 11/32" mounting holes. NOTE: If your tractor is equipped with a wire loop, drill new mounting hole as shown, if necessary. 10. For ease of assembly mounting bracket should be assembled at this time (refer to "REAR MOUNTING BRACKET" in ASSEMBLY section of this manual). 11. Remount drawbar to tractor using hardware previously removed. NOTE: Failure to reconnect the wire loop connection will result in not being able to start tractor. PROCEED WITH ASSEMBLY INS TRUC TIONS IN THE FRONT OF THIS MANUAL 14 DEFLECTOR TRIM TEMPLATE CUT ALONG DOCUT ALONG DOTTED LINETTED LINEBOBOTTTTOM EDGEOM EDGEINSIDE EDGE USETRIANGLE ABOVE FOR A GUIDETOTRIMMING YOUR DEFLECTOR SHIELD. CUT OUT SHADED AREA AND PLACE ON INSIDE BOTTOM EDGE OF DEFLECTOR. TRIM DEFLECTOR ALONG DOTTED LINE USING EITHER HEAVY SHEARS OR A HAND SAW. MOWER DECK BAFFLE DRILL TEMPLATE 2" 1-1/4" TOP EDGE R I G H T E D G E USE TEMPLATE ABOVE FOR A GUIDE TO DRILLING YOUR MOWER DECK BAFFLE.CUT OUT SHADED AREA AND ALIGN WITH TOP, AND RIGHT, EDGE OF BAFFLE. DRILL A 13/32" HOLE AT SPECIFIED LOCATION. 15 NOTES 16 USE THIS SLOT TO AID IN POSITIONING TEMPLATE 1.) CUT OUT TEMPLATE. 2.) ALIGN TOP AND RIGHT EDGE OF TEMPLATE AND DRAWBAR. 3.) TAPE IN POSITION. 4.) MARK AND DRILL HOLE #1 5.) ASSEMBLE MOUNTING BRACKET TO DRAWBAR, USE BRACKET AS TEMPLATE FOR REMAINING HOLES. HOLE #1 WIRE LOOP HOLE OLD WIRE LOOP HOLE NEW USE 11/32" DRILL BIT USE 9/32" DRILL BIT USE THIS SLOT TO AID IN POSITIONING TEMPLATE 1.) CUT OUT TEMPLATE. 2.) ALIGN TOP AND RIGHT EDGE OF TEMPLATE AND DRAWBAR. 3.) TAPE IN POSITION. 4.) MARK AND DRILL HOLE #1 5.) ASSEMBLE MOUNTING BRACKET TO DRAWBAR, USE BRACKET AS TEMPLATE FOR REMAINING HOLES. HOLE #1 WIRE LOOP HOLE OLD WIRE LOOP HOLE NEW USE 11/32" DRILL BIT USE 9/32" DRILL BIT 17 NOTES 18 NOTES 19 20 REPAIR PARTS/PIECES DE RECHANGE GRASS CATCHER - MODEL NUMBER C38D / RAMASSE-HERBE - - NUMERO DE MODELE C38D PRODUCT NUMBER 954 14 00-50 / NUMERO DE PRODUIT 954 14 00-50 WARNINGARNING Do not operDo operate moate mower unless container is properer properlyis nstalled.Container is lyis subject to wsubject wear and detierear detieriorioration.ation. Chec Check bag frequentlyk frequently. Replace when crcracacked or damaged. ed Use only a recommended replacement container container. WARNINGARNING Do operDo not operate moate mower properer unless container is properlyisnstalled.lyisnstalled.Container is subject wsubject to wear detierear and detieriorioration.ation. Chec Check frequentlyk bag frequently. Replace when crcracacked ed or damaged. container Use only a recommended replacement container. 20 35 38 2 2 34 33 21 22 23 25 20 9 12 13 14 15 17 18 5 8 9 10 11 19 24 32 31 31 40 40 31 26 36 16 6 7 41 41 20 20 20 2 2 39 20 2 3 4 2 20 30 26 25 28 27 27 25 REP AIR P A R T S/PIECES DE RECHANGE GRASS CATCHER - MODEL NUMBER C38D / RAMASSE-HERBE - - NUMERO DE MODELE C38D PRODUCT NUMBER 954 14 00-50 / NUMERO DE PRODUIT 954 14 00-50 KEY PART DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION KEY PART DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION NO. NO. NO. NO. 2 532069180 Nut, Crown lock #10-24 Ecrou auto-serrant #10-24 22 532133235 Spacer, Cover Entretoise de couvercle 3 532127533 Screen, Cover Grillage de couvercle 23 532132983 Spring, Cover R.H. (gray) Ressort de couvercle C. D. 4 532171061 Cover Asm.(Incl. 3,38,39) Couvercle Ens. 24 532126813 Post, Support Poteau de soutien (Y combris 3,38,39) 25 873800500 Locknut 5/16 x 18 Ecrou frein 5/16 x 18 5 532139569 Chute, Upper Glissiere superieure 26 532124670 Spring, Retainer Ressort de retenue 6 818021008 Screw, Special Vis speciale 27 874760512 Bolt, Hex 5/16-18 x 3/4 Boulon H 5/16 -18 x 3/4 7 532140572 Dump Bag Indicator Indicateur de sac de 28 532170053 Bracket, Mounting Support de montage dechargement 30 532131137 Pin, Support Post Goupille ...
Other models in this manual:Lawn Mowers - 140603 (657.96 kb)
Lawn Mowers - C38D (657.96 kb)