ptease caïàder tie epiefi to recycle thepDckoijing material and denate anyapçtianceyoj are nolcr^eruang. То гей rroreatojtGÉ'se^frpD^roijcficcfrfrtirrex 'Jsit ^jecaDaÿDaÂOLCOfD Clerrt Jünt lei^nd Project 1691ÉS Lcrguagi éN Сад* 10,01200$ VöSiCft 11 Püç> 1 λfl2po^S) eorCDte 4295035 100C020021S IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Mien using electrical optionees, basic safety precauttxis sfioJd alwaysbe fallowed t« prevent the risk cf fire, elect*: shock, bums, crotier injuries cr damages. ♦ Read a II i nstructions before u se. ♦ Ce» rot touch hot surfaces. Use handles cr knebs. ♦ Tt» prctect against etecirical shock do not rnrnerse ccrd. p*jgs, cr the cortrd pond assemdyin water o other liquids. ♦ Close super%is3cn is necessary v^en ary appiance is used ty cr near children. ♦ Unplug frcrn ojtiet '/.hen not in uæ and tefcre dearing. .AJIcw it to cod tefcre potting co cr taking off ports and befcre cleaning theapçiiance. ♦ Co not operate apçiiance witi a damoged ccrd cr piug, cr after ihe appliance malfunction cr has teen drcçped cr damaged in any rronner. Call our tdl-tee custorer assistance number fcr infomaticn ai examination, repair, o adjustment. ♦ The use of accessoy attachments not reconrnended ty tie apçfonce manufacturer rroy cause injuries. ♦ Co not use oitdoos o in a darrp area. ♦ Co not let cod harp; ever edge of tade cr counter, o tco:h hot sjrfcces. ♦ Co rot ptace cn cr near a hot gas cr etectric terrer; cr in a heated oven ♦ ftteme cautcn must te used when mc*ing an apçtiance ccntainng hot dl cr otter hot liqüds. Conotmosedurirçcperaticri. ♦ Todisccnnect. turn ihe terrperaure ccntrd kricbtopnsiticn ♦. then remote p*jg ton the wall cutiet ♦ 6e sure handle is prcçerty assernded to basket end locked in p apçtiance fcr ctfier than its interred use ♦ Dry ihe faod to prevent dl filing. ♦ Stoe tfe unit indxrs to prevent ele: tcnics parts failure SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS! 2 Cfent Jtint Le*^nd Prcject 16916$ Lcnjuags CN CO* 10,01200$ vefsicct 11 Pag> 2 £»f l2pop*s) eorCDte 4595035 100C020021S ADDITIONAL SAFEGUARDS This op^ance is fee HOUS EHO LD US EC N LY. DO HOT OPERATE A FPL A MCE IF THE LIME CORD SHOWS AHY DAMAGE OR IF APPLIAHCE V/ORKSIHTERMfTTEHTLYOR StOfS WORKING ENTlRELY. WARNING SERDUS HOT-OIL BURNS MAY RESULT FROM A FRVER BEING PULLEOOFFACOUNTERrOP DO NOT A LLOW TH E CORO TO HANG OVER TH E EOG E Cf TH ECOUNTER WH ERE fT MAY 6EGRABBED CHILDREN OR 6EC0M£ENlANGLED WfTH THE USER. CO NOT USE WTO AN ^T^SDNCOfia POLARIZED PLUG This ap^iance ha>a prtarizedptog (cce Wade iswiderthan tie ctfierlToredicetherisfc of dectric shock thispiug isinterded to fit into a pdarisEd cutlet arly cne wqy. If p*jg da=s not fit fuly into the ojilet. reverse the piug. If itstill dees not fit. ccotact a qudified dectriaan. O:» net atterrpt to rrcdity the p*ug in any way. 3 Ci«=nt .tint Le^nd Wd't'tort) Project 16916$ Longu3g£ CN 03* 10,012009 V«SiCft 11 Pag> 3 i»fl2po^s) eorCDte 4295035 100C020021S PARTS 1. lid handte 13. 2. Viewwindcw 14. 3. Ud 15. 4. flying basket 16. 5. Basket tondle 17. 6. Basket hock IS. 7. Heating etement 19. 8. Oil nsser\dr 20. 9. Hcosiig 21. 10 Paver ccrd with p4ug 22. 11 ready hdicatcc 12 Tferrperatjre ccmrd kncb timebjttcci set buttcn Timer dis&QJ fxv/erindicatcr Ccritd pond Side fondles htagneij: piug Ccntd pond asserrfcty fenronentfiter Alter cover Clent Joint lecnnd (Wd'Mart) Project 16916Ô LCTpgUD^ ÉN CO* 10,01200$ VefSiCft 11 Pag> 4 i»fl2po^s) (scdodeucji s <6Dd N3 сбеп&хч XI JÄlSßft 89X691 K»!bld scceioüi *co мздомризбетюг ^в§э s ÄS CD СФ ^ # Ф Œ> №, 1® Ф : ^ ij <£> SNOiivdisrmi sxsoosoooox seos 66fr ^œt-a ßOTCDte 4295035 100C020021S OPERATION Before first use ♦ fernove al packaging materials. latds and/cr stickers frcrn your deep fryer ♦ Oecn ycur Other models in this manual: Fryers - 681131691680 (455.91 kb) Fryers - 681131691680 (455.91 kb)