........................... .......................... .................................... ..................................... ................................ ............................ ............................ ....................... ............................ ..... 16mm F2.8 Fisheye.................... ............................. .. ..................A........... ....... . E................................ .......................E......... ............. . ................................ ............ . ................................ .... ............ ............................. ............................. ....................... ........ .............................. .....................1~ 2....... ....... . ...... 1…....... 2….......... 3…....... 4…...... 5…....... 6….... 7….... 8…........ 9…...... . ........../....... ......(.....–...) 1 ......................... ..... 2 ..............(......).... .......................... ......................... . .............................. ......... . ................... .......(.....–...) ........................... ............ .................. (.....–...) .............................. .... ... (..) 35mm. ......*1 (mm) ... ... ..1*2 ..2*2 .. ....*3 (m) .. .... (.) ......... .... (......) (mm) ..(g) 16mm F2.8 Fisheye (SAL16F28) 24 8-11 0.15 F22 4.... (NORMAL, O56, A12, B12) .75.66.5 .400 *1 ....35mm..........APS-C..................................... *2 ..1.35mm.......2.APS-C..................................... *3 ..................... ............................................................... ...:...(1)............(1)..........(1)...... ....................................... .............. Specifications Name (Model name) Equivalent 35mm-format focal length*1 (mm) Lens groupselements Angle of view 1*2 Angle of view 2*2 Minimum focus*3 (m (feet)) Maximum magnification (.) Minimum f-stop Filter Dimensions (maximum diameter . height) (mm (in.)) Mass (g (oz.)) 16mm F2.8 Fisheye (SAL16F28) 24 8-11 180° 110° 0.2 (0.7) 0.15 f/22 Four kinds, integral (NORMAL, O56, A12, B12) Approx. 75.66.5 (2 15/16.2 5/8) Approx. 400 (14 1/8) *1 The value for equivalent 35mm-format focal length is based on Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameras equipped with an APS-C sized image sensor. *2 The value of angle of view 1 is based on 35mm-format cameras, and that of angle of view 2 is based on Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameras equipped with an APS-C sized image sensor. *3 Minimum focus is the distance from the image sensor to the subject. Depending on the lens mechanism, the focal length may change with any change of the shooting distance. The focal length assumes the lens is focused at infinity. Included items: Lens (1), Lens front cap (1), Lens rear cap (1), Set of printed documentation Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. is a trademark of Sony Corporation. . ........ ............................. ............................. ..........(...........)....... .......................... ... ............................. .............. ....... ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. ............................. .... . ...............35mm........APS-C... ................................ ......... . ......... .......4...................... ............................. ............................. .............. NORMAL:........................ ................... O56: ........................ ..................... A12*: ......(...).............. ........................ ..................... B12*: ........................ ........................ ................ * ................................ ................................ .. .......... ............................. ...................... ... .............................. .............................. ................. . ........ NORMAL......................(.. .....)..................AUTO.. ............................. ............................. .........+................... ..................... English You will find information on using each lens in this manual. Precautions common to lenses, such as notes on use will be found in “Precautions before using” on a separate sheet. Be sure to read both documents before using the lens. 16mm F2.8 Fisheye is a fisheye lens with a wide angle-of-view. You can enjoy unique image-expression, owing to its unique deformation-effects. This lens is designed for A-mount, which can be used on Sony . cameras. Notes on use . When using this lens with an E-mount camera, attach a separately sold Mount Adaptor. Do not attach the lens directly to the E-mount camera or you may damage both. . When you carry the camera with the lens attached, make sure to hold both the camera and the lens steadily. . Do not hold the camera by the lens part extended for focusing. Precautions for flash use Due to the lens’ wide angle of view, edges of pictures will te...