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Option Description Off BSS off; camera functions normally. On Camera takes photos as long as the shutter release button is held down, to a maximum of ten. These images are then compared and the sharpest photo (the photo with the highest level of detail) saved to the memory card. The flash is turned off, and focus, exposure, and white balance are determined by the first picture in the series. Restrictions on BSS BSS can not be used in combination with bracketing, noise reduction, or CONTINUOUS settings other than Single. The flash can not be used when BSS is in effect. F2.8F2.8F2.81/2501/2501/250 227222722272 161616 When BSS is on, a BSS icon appears in the monitor. Adjusting This option is used contrast according to the shooting how the picture will be used. IMAGE ADJUSTMENT Auto Normal More Contrast Less Contrast Lighten Image Darken Image Black&Whine OFF SELECT SET Option Description Auto Camera automatically adjusts brightness and according to shooting conditions. Normal Same brightness and contrast adjustment on all images, useful for images to be edited on computer. More Contrast Image contrast enhanced. Use when shooting landscapes, low-contrast subjects, or under overcast skies. Less Contrast Image contrast reduced. Use when bright light creates strong shadows on subject. Lighten Image Lightens mid-tones in image, without affecting detail in highlights and shadows. Use for printers or monitors that tend to produce dark images. Darken Image Darkens me-tones in image, without affecting detail in highlights and shadows. Use for printers or monitors that tend to produce light images. Black & White Pictures recorded in black-and-white. Black-and-white images require the same amount of memory as color images, but show a higher level of detail. Monitor shows view through lens in black-and-white. F2.8F2.8F2.81/2501/2501/250 227222722272 161616 Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu An image-adjustment icon appears in the monitor at settings other than Normal and Auto. Making Distinct: Setting for This option controls whether pictures are processed for increased sharpness, degree. Because this processing takes place as the pictures are being saved to the memory card, the effects of sharpening can not previewed in the monitor before shooting. IMAGE SHARPENING Auto High Normal Low Off OFF SELECT SET Option Description Auto Camera sharpens edges for optimal results; adjustment performed differs from image to image. High Photos processed to increase sharpness, making edges more distinct. Normal Camera performs same standard level of sharpening on all photos. Low Amount of sharpening reduced below normal level. Off No sharpening performed. When taking pictures that will later be retouched, choose settings of Normal or Low. 1/2501/2501/250 F2.8F2.8F2.8 161616 227222722272 At settings other than Auto, the current image-sharpening setting is shown by an icon in the monitor. Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu The lens menu settings suited to converter lenses (available separately). use and handling, see the provided with your converter Option Normal Wide Adapter Telephoto 1 Telephoto 2 Fisheye 1 Slide Copy Adptr Description No modifications are made to settings. Use this option when no lens converter is attached. • Camera zooms out to widest angle (p. 26) • Flash disabled (p. 48) • Zooms in to maximum optical-zoom position, adjustable after setting (p. 26) • Camera zooms in to maximum optical-zoom position (p. 26) • Optical zoom (p. 26) adjustable between maximum to middle position. • Flash disabled (p. 48) • Zoom fixed at maximum optical zoom position (p. 26) • Flash disabled (p. 48) • Zoom fixed at widest angle (p. 26) • Focus fixed at infinity (p. 41) • Metering method fixed at center-weighted (p. 99) • Flash disabled (p. 48) • Self-timer can be set (p. 42) • Zoom set to 1.2X digital zoom and adjustable between 1.2-4X (p. 46) • Focus mode fixed at macro close-up (p. 41) • Flash disabled (p. 48) • Image adjustment set to –Less Contrast (p. 103) • Exposure compensation set to +0.7 EV, adjustable (p. 110) • Self-timer can be set (p. 42) • Take picture while the monitor is on Normal Wide Adapter Telephoto 1 Telephoto 2 Fisheye Slide Copy Adptr LENS OFF SELECT SET Use with — WC-E24* 1 WC-E63* 1 WC-E68* 2 TC-E2* 1 TC-E3ED* 1 FC-E8* 1 ES-E28* 1 *1 UR-E4 step down ring lens adapter (available separately) required. *2 UR-E4 and UR-E7 step down ring lens adapters (both available separately) required. 105 Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu 227222722272 F2.8F2.8F2.81/2501/2501/250 161616 Lens converter settings other than Normal. Modifying Sensitivity from a Menu: Sensitivity The sensitivity menu mirrors the sensitivity (ISO equivalency) value set with the 1 button in combination with the zoom button (p. 53). As with the 1 button, sensitivity can be set to AUTO, 100, 200 or 400. Choosing a new sensitivity value from the “Sensitivity” sub-menu changes the value selected with the 1 and zoom button, while changing the sensitivity value with ...