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PRINTED IN JAPAN Video In Terminal SD Memory Card*3 • SDC-128M • SDC-512MSH USB Port PC Card Slot AV Cable AVC-DC300*1 Compact Photo Printer (SELPHY CP series) Card Photo Printer Direct Print Compatible Bubble Jet Printer (PIXMA series/SELPHY DS series) PCMCIA Adapter Direct Interface Cable*2 Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk Interface Cable IFC-400PCU*1 Close-up Lens 250D (52mm) Wide Converter WC-DC52 Tele-converter TC-DC52A Waterproof Case WP-DC60 PowerShot A520/A510 Wrist Strap WS-200 Supplied with Camera AA Alkaline Batteries (x2) Battery and Charger Kit CBK4-200 AC Adapter Kit ACK800 Conversion Lens Adapter LA-DC52F USB Card Reader Audio In TV/Video Terminal This camera can also be connected to the Card Photo printers. • CP-100/CP-10: To connect the camera to these printers, use the Direct Interface Cable DIF-100*1 supplied with the printers. • Other than CP-100/CP-10: To connect the camera to these printers, use the Interface Cable IFC-400PCU supplied with the camera. *1 Also available for purchase separately. *2 See the user guide supplied with the Bubble Jet printer for more information on the printer and interface cables. *3 Not sold in some regions. • Battery Charger CB-4AH/ CB-4AHE • AA-size NiMH batteries NB-2AH (x4)*1 • NiMH Battery NB4-200 (set of 4 AA-size) also available separately • This camera requires two batteries. Waterproof Case Weight WW-DC1 MultiMediaCard MMC-16M • Compact Power Adapter CA-PS800 • Power Cord High Power Flash HF-DC1 • Windows • Macintosh CCoonnffiirrmmiinngg tthhee PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteennttss Opttionnaall Accceesssoriiess DDiirreecctt PPrriinntt CCoommppaattiibbllee PPrriinntteerrss The camera package should contain the The following camera accessories are sold separately. Some accessories are not sold in some regions. Canon offers the following separately sold following items. Contact your camera retailer if any are missing. • Digital Camera • Wrist Strap WS-200 • AA Alkaline Batteries (x2) • MultiMediaCard MMC-16M • Interface Cable IFC-400PCU • AV Cable AVC-DC300 • Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk • Quick Start Guide • Camera User Guide • Direct Print User Guide • Software Starter Guide • System Map (this sheet) • Warranty Card • “For Windows® XP and Mac OS X Users” Leaflet • “Canon Customer Support” Leaflet Lenses, Lens Adapter . Conversion Lens Adapter LA-DC52F This adapter is required for mounting the wide converter, tele-converter and close-up lens to the camera. . Wide Converter WC-DC52 Converts the focal distance of the body lens by a factor of approximately 0.7 (35mm film equivalent at maximum wide angle: approximately 24.5 mm) when attached. . Tele-converter TC-DC52A Converts the focal distance of the body lens by a factor of approximately 1.75 (35mm film equivalent at maximum telephoto: approximately 245 mm) when attached. . Close-up Lens 250D (52mm) A lens for shooting at higher magnifications when the camera’s macro mode is used. Flash . High Power Flash HF-DC1 This attachable supplementary flash can be used to capture the photographic subjects that are too distant for the built-in flash to illuminate. Power Supplies . AC Adapter Kit ACK800 This kit lets you power the camera from any standard household power outlet. Recommended to power a camera for an extended period of time or when connecting to a computer. . Battery and Charger Kit CBK4-200 This dedicated battery charger kit includes both a charger unit and four rechargeable AA-size NiMH (nickel metal hydride) batteries. Convenient when taking or playing back large numbers of images. . NiMH Battery NB4-200 A set of four rechargeable AA-size NiMH batteries. (This camera requires two batteries.) Connection Accessories These connection accessories can be used with computers equipped with the following OS. Windows: Systems running preinstalled Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), Windows Me, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows XP (including Service Pack 1 and Service Pack 2) Macintosh: Mac OS X (v10.1.5 – v10.3)* * Only systems equipped with genuine built- in USB interfaces. . Interface Cable IFC-400PCU Use this cable to connect the camera to a computer, Compact Photo Printer (SELPHY series), Card Photo Printer (other than CP100/ CP-10), or to a Bubble Jet printer (refer to your Bubble Jet printer user guide). Other Accessories . SD Memory Cards SD memory cards are used to store images recorded by the camera. Canon brand cards are available in 128 MB and 512 MB capacities. . AV Cable AVC-DC300 Use this cable to connect the camera to a TV set. . Waterproof Case WP-DC60 A waterproof case for the PowerShot A520/ A510.You can use this case to take underwater shots at depths of up to 40 meters (130 feet). And of course it’s also ideal for taking worry-free pictures in the rain, at the beach, or on the ski slopes. printers for use with the camera.You can produce prints quickly and easily by connecting t...