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O When an image type is selected in the [Specify a save image type] list box, clicking the [Advanced Settings] button allows you to specify the [Image Size], [ Frame per Second] * and [Quality] (sound quality) settings. The [Quality] (sound quality) sampling frequency for edited MOV movies is fixed at 48 kHz. * Frame rate : number of frames recorded per second . The edited movie is saved. 6 6 Select the [MovieEdit Task] menu .. [Quit MovieEdit Task]. .. When [MOV (H.264)] is selected in the [Specify a save image type] list box in the window in step 5, the movie durations that can be saved are as shown below. If you attempt to save a movie that is longer than the times shown above, a message appears. When this happens, shorten the movie or reduce the image size. * The frame rates 23.976 fps, 29.97 fps and 59.94 fps are respectively displayed as 24 fps, 30 fps and 60 fps in the camera menu. .. Saving movies may take some time. Saving movies takes a particularly long time when [MOV (H.264)] is selected in the [Specify a save image type] list box. E. g.) Saving a 1- minute movie with an image size of 1920 . 1080 takes about 7 minutes depending on the system requirements ( p.76) . Time taken to save varies largely with factors including computer performance and image size, and may take an even longer time. Image size Movie durations that can be saved 23.976 fps / 25 fps / 29.97 fps* 50 fps / 59.94 fps* 1920 . 1080 Under 10 min. – 1280 . 720 Under 20 min. Under 10 min. 640 . 480 Under 30 min. Under 20 min. 320 . 240 Under 60 min. – Set the format of the saved movie Automatically set the optimal size and frame rate for saved movies 1Basic Operation Reference Introduction 2Advanced Operation 45Using theInternet 3High-Level Functions Index Contents Lookup Preferences Table of Contents Cutting Movies Cutting Movies You can cut any favorite scene from a movie you have shot. 1 1 Double-click the movie you want to play. Double-click . The viewer window appears. 2 2 Click the [Cut Movie] button. 3 3 Click the [ ] button. Cut Movie window . The movie begins to play. 4 4 Drag [ ] at the position you want to set as the start point, and drag [ ] at the position you want to set as the end point. . The movie is cut. 1Basic Operation Reference Introduction 2Advanced Operation 45Using theInternet 3High-Level Functions Index Contents Lookup Preferences Table of Contents . The [ Cut Movie] window appears. 5 5 Click the [Save] button. . The save dialog box appears. 6 6 Specify the file name and save destination and then click the [Save] button. . The cut movie is saved as a separate movie from the original movie. Using the Video Snapshot Album Window You can both play and edit Video Snapshot Albums that were shot on an EOS DIGITAL camera and downloaded to your computer. Edition functions include changing the order or deleting Video Snapshots and adding background music to Video Snapshot Albums. This function cannot be used to edit movies other than Video Snapshot Albums. Playing Video Snapshot Albums 1 1 Select an image (Video Snapshot Album) in the main window. O Images with [ ] on the thumbnail are EOS Video Snapshot Albums. 2 2 Select the [Edit] menu .. [Edit EOS Video snapshot]. 1Basic Operation Reference Introduction 2Advanced Operation 45Using theInternet 3High-Level Functions Index Contents Lookup Preferences Table of Contents . The Video Snapshot Album window 3 3 Click the [ ] button. Opens another Video Snapshot Displays detailed instructions Displays Video Snapshot selected in Thumbnail area Displays Video Snapshot information Adjusts playback volume Thumbnail area . A Video Snapshot Album plays. Editing Video Snapshot Albums 1 1 Changing the Order of Video Snapshots Select a Video Snapshot in the Thumbnail area. 2 2 Click the [ ] or [ ] button. O Clicking the [ ] button switches order with the left Video Snapshot, clicking the [ ] button switches with the right Video Snapshot. O You can delete a Video Snapshot by selecting a Video Snapshot and clicking the [ ] button. O You can undo an edit by clicking the [ ] button on the top left of the window, and redo it by clicking the [ ] button. 1Basic Operation Reference Introduction 2Advanced Operation 45Using theInternet 3High-Level Functions Index Contents Lookup Preferences Table of Contents 1 1 Adding Background Music to Video Snapshot Albums Select [Choose music file] in the [ ] list box in the Thumbnail area. O You can also display a dialog box for opening a music file by clicking the [ ] button on the top left of the Video Snapshot Album window. . A dialog box appears for opening a music file. (When you display the dialog box for opening a music file, the [EOS Sample Music] files open.) 2 2 Select a music file and click the [Open] button. . Music is added and the music file information is displayed. Music file information .. When [Original movie sound] is selected in the [ ] list box in step 1, music file information is not displayed. Video Snapshot Albums that have been...