Manafacture: Panasonic
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manual abstract
com DP-2000 ONE-T OUCH/ABBR Lot mnVdd/yy 3:19 PM Çâ S «ni Items !£J pd*c&fMnauinic. com Internet FAX Hetwn Receipt mnVdd/yy 3:20 PM ■0 Deleted Ile»» |:j Q Pmionic Inteinetfdi Docunsnl mm/dd/yy 3:21 PM Diÿtj g [•j Panasonic IMAGE from întanet FAX nwn/ddW 3:21 PM ■ ÇS Caterid» Cb Contacts JouirW & Noies O !«*.$ 7 miug«|s), 5 untsad ................ -------------------------------- ................................... 2 Worf-.oB Onfce .....s.............................. ■A • The "Subject" column in the above example shows samples of email messages received on a PC from your machine, and Internet FAX. • For your reference, the above example is from Outlook Express Inbox running under Microsoft® Windows 95®. If you are using a different email application software, please refer to your application’s User Manual. 121 Receiving Documente via LAM General Description Figure 2: Internet Fax Received on a PC IMAGE fiom Internet FAX File £dit View insert Format Jods Compose Help ШШ eg iflBllgaiiaspiiic [pdic @p anas] Sent: Month, dd, yyyy 9:44AM T o: v4@labo. mges. cop Subject: IMAGE from internet FAX lmage.tif An image data in TIFF-F format has been attached to this email. You can download the TIFF-F Image Viewer from the following URL addresses. http: //p a n a 3 o rii c. c o. i p/m a c s/i nt e r n etfa rJ ht t p : //wvw . Panasonic, corn/irilernetfax • For your reference, the above example is from Windows Messaging running under Microsoft® Windows 95®. • To run the Viewer, please refer to your application’s User Manual. The attached file is composed of TIFF-F (Tagged Image File Format with Modified Hoffman coded image). TIFF Viewers come in many flavors, a majority of TIFF Viewers will open and view this file, however, a handful of Viewers may not support this format. • You can download the TIFF-F Image Viewer into your PC from the following URL addresses: http ://pa na so n i c. co m/i n te rnetfax/ • License agreement of Panasonic’s TIFF-F Image Viewer application You must carefully read the license agreement before installing the TIFF-F Image Viewer application on your PC. If you do not agree to all the terms of this agreement, do not use the software and destroy all of the copies thereof. You must assume full responsibility for selection of the software and its operation/non-operation and results obtained therefrom. 122 Receiving Documents via LAM Receiving Email IromЩ ¡Ш^ЩЩ ■* ■ ■ ¡ЯШШШ Your machine offers a choice to receive and print Internet email messages via LAN unattended or manually when subscribing to a POP mail server. Setting the POP Parameters Set the parameters pertinent to the POP server (Fax Parameters No. 146 to 149). No. 146 (POP TIMER): Enter the interval to check and retrieve email from the POP server (0 to 60 minutes). If "0 minutes" is entered, the POP server is not checked for mail. No. 147 (AUTO POP RCV): When there is mail to be retrieved from the POP server, your machine will retrieve it and print the email unattended. If this parameter is set to "1:Invalid", the machine will not retrieve it, but displays the number of mails on the POP server. No. 148 (DEL POP RCV MAIL): Select whether the email is deleted from the POP server after it is retrieved by your machine. No. 149 (DEL POP ERR MAIL): Select whether to delete the email from the POP server when the file attachment format is not supported. To set the above POP parameters, follow the steps below. 1 © © 1 pf>>. 4 fS COPY/set Enter the desired download interval (0 to 60 minutes). Ex:©® If you make a mistake, press I CLEAR I to erase the digit and then re-enter the correct value. COPY/set ©for “INVALID" or SET MODE (1-8)1 ENTER NO. OR V Л 1 FAX PARAMETER(1-174) NO. =■ 146 POP TIMER 3 min. (0-60: 146 POP TIMER 5 min. (0-60) 147 AUTO POP RCV 2 : VALID 147 AUTO POP RCV 2 :VALID \2) for “VALID" Continued on the next page... 123 Receiving Documente via LAN Receiving Email from a POP Server COPY /set 8 ?- ©for “INVALID" or (g) for “VALID” COPY/set £ 10 © for “INVALID" 11 12 or for ‘VALID’1 COPY /set © STOP 148 DEL POP RCV MAIL 2 : VALID 148 DEL POP RCV MAIL 2:VALID 149 DEL POP ERR MAIL 1 : INVALID 149 DEL POP ERR MAIL 1:INVALID 150 IFAX RET RECEIPT 1:INVALID f NOTF ^ W/ien an unsupported file attachment is received, an error message is printed to inform you ^--that the file attachment could not be printed. 2. When Fax Parameter No. 148 (DEL POP RCV MAIL) and/or Fax Parameter No. 149 (DEL POP ERR MAIL) are set to 1 .Invalid, email with errors will not be erased. This will allow you to retrieve this email from your PC later. Furthermore, if these Fax Parameters are set to "1:Invalid", you will need to delete mails from the POP server periodically. POP servers allocate a certain amount of space per account and if mail is not deleted regular...