manual abstract
Pernaps you should be using a different cutter, and perhaps an adjustment in speed would solve the problem. But lean ing on the tool seldoms helps. Speed Settings " Speed for light cuts, caution burning on deep grooves. t" Depending on cutting direction relative to grain. CATALOG NUMBER I WOOD WOOD PLJ_STIC BRASS, ETO, STONE CERAMIC tI HIGH SPEED CUTTERS 100. 121.131.141 5. 5 3 t 2 4 114.124,134.144 5 3 2 t 1-2 2 189.190 5 5 2 4 5 118.191.193 5 5 2 3 5 192,194 5 5 2 3 5 118,117,125,196 5 3 2 2 2 115,178 5 5 2 1-2 1-2 197 4 2 2 1 3 198 4 2 2 2 3 199 4 2 1-2 2 2 SMALL ENGRAVING CUTTERS 105.108 5 5 4 4 3 108, 109 5 5 3 4 3 107,110 5 5 3 4 2 111 5" 5" 4" 4 3 112 5" 5" 3" 4 3 113 5" 5" 3" 4 2 RUBBER POLISHING POINT Ace Set 201 2 1 1 Acc Set 202 1 425.427 2 1 CUTTING ACCESSORIES -SEE WARNING PAGE 7 400 5" 5 406 5 5 409,420,428 5 HIGH SPEED ROUTER BITS 610 3 3 612, 813,814,832.840 3 21" 650,652 5 5t 654 5 21" 7103.7105,7117. 7120.7122,7123, DIAMOND I WHEEL I POINTS I I !7134.7144 ALUMINUM OXIDE GRINDING STONES 915, 923,924, 1 3 1/3 945.997.8153 913. 914,943.953,954, 963, 964,974.992 1 1-2 1/1 8160,8162,8163 904.922.932 941,952,984 1 1-2 1/1 8173,8174,8175 911,921,962 1 1 1/1 973,8184 903.971,8193 1 981,8200,8202 1 1/1 8215 1 I/I SILICON CARBIDE GRINDING STONES_ 83322.83642. 2 1 2 83702.86442 83142.84382 2 1 2 84922 1-2 2 1-2 85422 1 1 2 1 . 85562 2 1 2 1 85342.85602 2 1 2 1 85622 2 1 2 1 TUNGSTEN CARBIDE CUTTERS 9901.9902, 9903,9904. 4 4 1 2 3 9905.9906.9912 9907,9908, 5 5 1 2 3 9909.9910,9911 Page 6 Moto-Tool Accessories The number and variety of accessories for the Moto-Tool are almost limitless. There is a category suited to almost any job you might have to do--and a variety of sizes and shapes within each category which enables you to get the perfect accessory for ever,,, need. Refer to the DREMEL BITS OF INFORMATION ACCESSORY ORDER FORM for illustratiorts of ttte acces_orie-J available. These accessories may be found at your local hardware, hobby or home center dealers. Collets (_=====__ If you expect touse a variety of accessories, we recommend that in the beginning you purchase a corn plate set of four cotlets. Store these so that you will have the proper size of toilet for any accessory or drill bit you want to use. Currently, the 1/8" and 3/32 n collet_ accommodate all of the available Dremel accessories. Mandrels A mand rei is a shank with a threaded or screw head, and mandrels are required when you use polishing accessories, cutting wheels, sanding discs, and polishing points. The reason mandrels are used is that sanding disc.s, cutting wheels and similar accessories must be replaced frequently. The mandrel is a permanent shank, allowing you to replace only the worm head when necessary, thus saving the expense of replacing the shaft each time. Screw Mandrel No. 401 This is a screw mandrel used with the felt; polishing tip and felt polishing wheels Small Screw Mandrel No. 402 This is a mandrel with a small screw at its tilS, and is used with emery cutting wheels, sanding discs, and polishing wheels. Threaded Tip Mandrel No. 424 This is a mandrel with threaded tip which threads into the polishing point accessory No. 427. High Speed Cutters Available in 24 shapes, high speed cutters are used in carving, cutting, and slotting in wood, plastics, and soft metals such as aluminum, copper, and brass. These arethe accessories to use for freehand routing or carving in wood or plastic, and for precision cutting. Tungsten Carbiae Cutters These are tough, long-lived cutters for use on hardened steel, fired ceramics, and other very hard materials. They can be used for engraving on tools and garden equipment. Small Engraving Cutters This group has a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and are made for intricate work on ceramics (greenware), wood carvings, jewelry, and scrimshaw. They often are used in making complicated printed circuit boards. They should not be used on steel and other very hard materials but are excellent on wood, plastic, and soft metals. Needs 3/32"toilet. Structured Tooth Tungsten Carbide Cutters Fast cutting, needle-sharp teeth for greater material removal, minimum loading. Use on fiberglass, wood, plastic, epoxy and rubber. Aluminum Oxide Grinding Stones Round, pointed, flat --you name the shape and there is one available in this category. These are made of aluminum oxide and cover virtually every possible kind of grinding application. Use them for sharpening lawn mowers blades, screwdriver tips, knives, scissors, chisets and other cutting tools. Use to remove flash from metal castings, deburring any metal after cutting, smoothing welded joints, grinding off rivets and removing rust. In macnineshops, high soeed drtllsand cutters normally are ground with aluminum oxide wheels. Silcon Carbide Grinding Stones Tougher than aluminum oxide points, these are made especially for use on hard materials such as glass and ceramics. Typical uses might be the removal of stilt marks and excess glaze on ceramics ...
Other models in this manual:Power Screwdrivers and Drills - MOTO-TOOL 275 (849.17 kb)
Power Screwdrivers and Drills - MOTO-TOOL 285 (849.17 kb)