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manual abstract
Handling the recorder
Battery handling precautions
f Caution:
• The bundled/included rechargeable
f Warning:
f Danger:
battery is exclusively for use with
• Keep the recorder out of the reach
• The recorder uses a special lithium
Olympus digital voice recorder DS-
of children and infants to prevent
ion battery from Olympus. Charge
the following dangerous situation
the battery with the specified AC
− There is a risk of explosion if
that could cause serious injury:
adapter or charger. Do not use any
the battery is replaced with the
1 Accidentally swallowing the
other AC adapters or chargers.
incorrect battery type.
battery, cards or other small
• The battery should never be
− Dispose of the used battery
exposed to flame, heated, short-
following the instructions.
2 Accidentally being injured
circuited or disassembled.
− Please recycle batteries to help
by the moving parts of the
• Never heat or incinerate battery.
save our planet’s resources.
• Take precautions when carrying or
When you throw away dead
• Do not disassemble, repair or
storing batteries to prevent them
batteries, be sure to cover their
modify the unit yourself.
from coming into contact with any
terminals and always observe
• Use SD/SDHC, microSD/microSDHC
metal objects such as jewelry, pins,
local laws and regulations.
memory cards only. Never use other
fasteners, etc.
• Always charge a rechargeable
types of cards.
• To prevent causing battery leaks or
battery when using it for the first
If you accidentally insert another
damaging their terminals, carefully
time, or if it has not been used for a
type of card into the recorder,
follow all instructions regarding the
long period.
contact an authorized distributor
use of batteries. Never attempt to
• Rechargeable batteries have limited
or service center. Do not try to
disassemble a battery or modify it
lifetime. When the operating
remove the card by force.
in any way, solder, etc.
time becomes shorter even if
the rechargeable battery is fully
• Do not operate the unit while
• If battery fluid gets into your eyes,
operating a vehicle.
flush your eyes immediately with
charged, replace it with a new one.
clear, cold running water and seek
f Caution:
medical attention immediately.
Docking station
• Stop using the recorder immediately
if you notice any unusual odors,
f Warning:
f Danger:
noise, or smoke around it.
• Keep batteries dry at all times.
Never remove the battery with
• If rechargeable batteries have not
• Never disconnect the AC adapter
bare hands, which may cause a
been recharged within the specified
or power cord with a wet hand. This
fire or burn your hands.
time, stop charging them and do
may cause electric shock or injury.
• Only use the dedicated AC adapter
• Do not leave the recorder in
not use them.
places where it may be subject to
• Do not use a battery if it is cracked
with the docking station. Using
extremely high temperatures.
or broken.
it in combination with other AC
Doing so may cause parts
• Never subject batteries to strong
adapters may cause overheating,
to deteriorate and, in some
shocks or continuous vibration.
fire, or malfunction.
circumstances, cause the
• If a battery leaks, becomes
f Warning:
recorder to catch fire. Do not
discolored or deformed, or becomes
• Never disassemble, modify, or repair
use the charger or AC adapter
abnormal in any other way during
the docking station yourself. This may
if it is covered. This could cause
operation, stop using the recorder.
cause fire, electric shock, or injury.
overheating, resulting in fire.
• If a battery leaks fluid onto your
• Never use the docking station in
• Handle the recorder with care to
clothing or skin, remove the
locations where it might come into
avoid getting a low-temperature
clothing and flush the affected
contact with liquids. Getting the
area with clean, running cold water
docking station wet may cause fire
− When the recorder contains
immediately. If the fluid burns
or electric shock.
metal parts, overheating can
your skin, seek medical attention
• Do not drop the docking station or
result in a low-temperature burn.
allow it to suffer extreme shocks.
Pay attention to the following:
• Keep batteries out of the reach of
This may cause damage, or fire or
− When used for a long period, the
electric shock.
recorder will get hot. If you hold on
• If you notice anything unusual
• Do not touch the connector or
to the recorder in this state, a low-
when using this product such as
insert the metal wires or similar
temperature burn may be caused.
abnormal noise, heat, smoke, or a
object into any of the plugs. This
− In places subject to extremely cold
burning odor:
may cause fire, or electric shock.
temperatures, the temperature
1 remove the battery immediately
of the recorder’s body may be
while being careful not to burn
lower than the environmental
yourself, and;
temperature. If possible, wear
2 call your dealer or local Olympus
gloves when handling the
representative for service.
recorder in cold temperatures.